Prof. Dr. Falk Uebernickel

Publications of the DTIR Team

Research Areas

The team of the DTIR is publishing work in the areas of information systems, management and design.

Information Systems:

One major area in which we intent to publish is the field of information systems (IS). This includes major IS conferences such as AMCIS, PACIS, ECIS, ICIS but also journals such as MIS Quarterly, Information and Management and Electronic Markets. 


A second area in which we intent to publish is the field of management. This includes major conferences in the area of Innovation Management (ISPIM) but also journals (Journal of Product and Innovation Management).


A third area in which we intent to publish is the field of design. This includes conferences and journals.





Publication List

["Design Thinking: a Global Study on Implementation Practices in Organizations","A Managerial Mental Model to Drive Innovation in the Context of Digital Transformation","InnoPulse: a Tool to Support Collaborative Reflection in Creativity-Driven Engineering Projects","The Nexus of Design Thinking and Intrapreneurship: Insights from a large-scale empirical assessment","Collaborate to Innovate: Utilizing Design Patterns Cards for Accelerating the Digital Transformation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises","Beyond the Fast Lane Narrative - A Temporal Perspective on the Unfolding of Digital Innovation in Digital Innovation Units","Manage or Being Managed? Towards a Dual Perspective on Boundary Management in Digital Innovation Teams","How Digital Innovation Units contribute to building Dynamic Capabilities in Manufacturing Companies","A Theoretical Review on AI Affordances for Sustainability","Loss Aversion Nudges to Improve Heating Behavior and Reduce Carbon Emissions","How to Turn Around: Escalation of Commitment in the Context of ISD Project Distress","Evolution of Digital Innovation Units for Digital Transformation \u2013 The Convergence of Motors of Change","Green Nudges: How to Induce Pro-Environmental Behavior Using Technology","Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities of HybridEducation with Location Asynchrony","Addressing Inertia in Pro-Environmental Bahavior through Nudges: A Review of Existing Literature and a Framework for Future Research","Leading Digital Innovation Units: A Repertory Grid Study about Key Leadership Skills","A Cognitive Perspective on Digital Transformation: Literature Review and Research Framework","Understanding Inertia in Digital Transformation: A Literature Review and Multilevel Research Framework","Preparing Managers for Turbulent Contexts: Teaching the Principles of Design Thinking","Exploring Boundary Objects in Creative Projects: An Investigation of a Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration","Balancing Customer Requirements and IT Service Standardization - A Procedural Reference Model for Individualized IT Service Agreement Configurations","Mechanisms to Implement a Global Multisourcing Strategy","Towards an Understanding of the Role of Design Thinking for Requirements Elicitation - Findings from a Multiple-Case Study.","Variant configuration for IT-services and its impact on the service request fulfillment process","Untangling Generativity: Two Perspectives on Unanticipated Change Produced by Diverse Actors","IT-Industrialisierung: Was ist das?","Exploring characteristics and transformational capabilities of InsurTech innovations to understand insurance value creation in a digital world","What is it that Design Thinking and Marketing Management can learn from each other?","Customizing IT Service Agreements as a Self Service by means of Productized Service Propositions","The Influence of IT Governance on Service Processes in Multi-Business Manufacturing Enterprises: Performance Impacts from Structures, Processes, and Relational Mechanisms","Towards an understanding of how and why Design Science Research scholars evaluate","IT-Produkt-Engineering","Towards a Functional Reference Model for Service Planning and Execution in the Heavy Equipment Manufacturing Industry","Design Thinking and Corporate Entrepreneurship: an exploratory study","Looking Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg: The Two-Sided Nature of Chatbots and Their Roles for Digital Feedback Exchange","Digital Feedback for Digital Work? Affordances and Constraints of a Feedback App at InsurCorp","A Reference-Metamodel for Embedded Design Thinking in the Information Technology context","Strategies for Application Management Services","A Design Thinking Role Model Enables Creativity in IT: Case of the Financial Industry","The role of users and customers in digital innovation: Insights from B2B manufacturing firms","Design Thinking for Innovation : Research and Practice","Towards Understanding Closed-Loop PLM: The Role of Product Usage Data for Product Development Enabled by Intelligent Properties","IS Service-Engineering: A process model for the development of IS services","IT-Controlling tr{\u00e4}gt zur Transparenz wenig bei","IT-Produktkostenrechnung - Methoden und Konzepte f{\u00fc}r die Umsetzung und Einf{\u00fc}hrung einer produktorientierten IT-Kostenrechnung","Design Rules for User-Oriented IT Service Descriptions","Design Thinking and Design Science Research","A Service Model for the Development of Management Systems for IT-enabled Services","Towards computer aided IT service engineering","Managing Global IT Delivery Networks: A Literature Review from the Supplier's Perspective","Produkt-und serviceorientiertes IT-Controlling am Fallbeispiel T-Systems ActiveBilling","On Integrating Design Thinking for a Human-centered Requirements Engineering","Br{\u00fc}cken schlagen","Effectuation: Control the Future with the Entrepreneurial Method","The Generative Capacity of Digital Artifacts: A Mapping of the Field","Gesch{\u00e4}ftsfeldinnovationen in touristischen Netzwerken","The Challenges of Modern IT","Information Systems in the Industrial Service Business: Analyzing Unaddressed Requirements in a Multiple Case Study","Leistungsmodellierung als Voraussetzung f{\u00fc}r Produktionsplanung und -steuerung (PPS) f{\u00fc}r die Bereitstellung von IT-Services","Understanding the Business Value of Intelligent Products for Product Development in Manufacturing Industries","Understanding the Business Value: Towards a Taxonomy of Industrial Use Scenarios enabled by Cyber-Physical Systems in the Equipment Manufacturing Industry","Succeeding in Application Services Outsourcing Strategies - A Contingency Perspective","Nutzenpotentiale cyber-physischer Systeme f{\u00fc}r industrielle Dienstleistungen 4.0","Kontinuierliche Business-Innovation: Systematische Weiterentwicklung komplexer Gesch{\u00e4}ftsl{\u00f6}sungen durch Reifegradmodell-basiertes Management","Performance Measurement in Digital Innovation Units - An Exploratory Study on Barriers and Potential Enablers","Digital Product Innovation in Manufacturing Industries - Towards a Taxonomy for Feedback-driven Product Development Scenarios","Rezension: K{\u00fc}tz, M: IT-Steuerung mit Kennzahlensystemen","Lean IT: Die Industrialisierung des Informationsmanagements","Agile Delivery in Finance IT: Navigating in the Digital Age","Managing Costs and Performance of Information Technology in a Group Context - Current Challenges for Multinational Enterprises","Neue Formen der Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden in der Industrie: Wann lohnt sich eine intensive Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden?","The value of Design Thinking in solving complex problems for industrial manufacturing","User, Use \\& Utility Research: The Digital User as New Design Perspective in Business and Information Systems Engineering","A Multisourcing Maturity Model as an IT Governance Mechanism for Business Group","Definition and Classification of IT-Shared-Service-Center","Mobile Business","Design Thinking Methods for Service Innovation - A Delphi Study","IT Multisourcing in International Insurance Companies","How Deutsche Bank?s IT Division Used Design Thinking to Achieve Customer Proximity","Managing the Current Customization of Process Related IT-Services","Product Lifecycle Management im Konzernumfeld - Herausforderungen, L{\u00f6}sungsans{\u00e4}tze und Handlungsempfehlungen","Comparing IT Supplier Selection Criteria in Single- Versus Multi-Sourcing Constellations: An Empirical Study","Application Services Outsourcing in the Banking Industry - Current Strategies and Challenges","Steuerungsdimensionen f{\u00fc}r IT Shared Service Organisationen","The Impact of Cyber-physical Systems on Industrial Services in Manufacturing","Bridging the Gap - An Analysis of Requirements for Performance Measurement Systems in Digital Innovation Units","Challenges in Product Lifecycle Management - Evidence from the Automotive Supply Industry","Datenschutzfreundliche Gestaltung von kostenpflichtigen, ortsabh{\u00e4}ngigen, mobilen Diensten","A Governance Mechanisms Framework for Multisourcing in Business Groups","Production Planning for IT-Service Providers: an ERP-based concept","A Method for the Management of Service Innovation Projects in Mature Organizations","Zwischen Kundenindividualit{\u00e4}t und Standardisierung - Konzeptvorschlag und Datenstruktur eines IT-Produktmodells","Aligning IT-service propositions to changing business requirements in ongoing service-systems","Produktionsplanung und -steuerung der IT-Service-Provisionierung","Developing a Maturity Model for Service Systems in Heavy Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises","Was die IT von der Industrie lernen kann","Entwicklung eines Reifegradmodells zur Steuerung einer Multisourcing-Initiative auf Konzern-Ebene","Explicating Performance Impacts of IT Governance and Data Governance in Multi-Business Organisations","Designing Human-Centric Information Systems: Towards an Understanding of Challenges in Specifying Requirements within Design Thinking Projects","Potenziale der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung bei IT-Dienstleistern","Not all information systems are created equal: exploring IT resources for agile systems delivery","Design Thinking : Das Handbuch","Exploring Affordances of Slack Integrations and Their Actualization Within Enterprises ? Towards an Understanding of How Chatbots Create Value","Jumpstarting Scrum with Design Thinking","How affordances of chatbots cross the chasm between social and traditional enterprise systems","The power of words: Towards a methodology for progress monitoring in design thinking projects","EXPLORING BOUNDARY OBJECTS AND THEIR AFFORDANCES IN THE CONTEXT OF DESIGN THINKING PROJECTS FROM A MULTI-STAKEHOLDER PERSPECTIVE","Service Operation Models of Manufacturers - Minimum Baseline for Process and Information Systems Capabilities","Challenges in IT supply chain management","Business Innovation: Design-Thinking als Instrument zur nachhaltigen F{\u00f6}rderung von Innovation","IT Evaluation in Business Groups: A Maturity Model","Fostering Efficiency in Information Systems Support for Product-Service Systems in the Manufacturing Industry","Initialz{\u00fc}ndung durch Embedded Design Thinking {--} Ein Fallbeispiel aus der Finanzindustrie und wie dadurch ein Wandel in der Innnovationskultur einer IT-Abteilung eingeleitet wurde","How to provide the desirable business outcome in international IT-projects - a cross-case analysis","Empowering Technical Customer Service by Cyber-Physical Industrial Equipment: Exploring Rationales, Opportunities, and Impediments","Learning to Leverage Design Thinking in the Context of Service Engineering and Information Systems - A Case Study","Agility Areas of Action in Finance IT - A Memorandum","Die Herausforderungen der IT heute","Produktorientiertes IT-Controlling bei der HUK-Coburg","Exploring The Shadows: IT Governance Approaches To User-Driven Innovation","Reconstructing Open Source Software Ecosystems: Finding Structure in Digital Traces","Das St. Galler Business-Innovation-Modell","DT4RE: Design Thinking for Requirements Engineering. A Tutorial on Human-Centered and Structured Requirements Elicitation","Zwischen Kundenindividualit{\u00e4}t und Standardisierung ? Konzept und Referenz-Datenstruktur eines konfigurierbaren IT-Produktmodells","Untersuchung der Verursachungsgerechtigkeit von normierten CPU-Verbrauchswerten zur Leistungsverrechnung in Rechenzentren","Management of IT Costs and Performance in Business Groups: Analysis of Unaddressed Requirements","Managing and Monitoring IT Application Development and Maintenance Suppliers in a Multisourcing Context","Eine Vorgehensmethodik zum IT-Produktengineering","Design Principles for mHealth Application Development in Rural Parts of Developing Countries: The Case of Non-Communicable Diseases in Kenya","Managing costs and performance of IT in business groups: Towards a performance measurement model for global insurance business groups","Bewusster Einsatz von Schatten-IT: Sicherheit \\& Innovationsf{\u00f6}rderung","Digitalization in the Insurance Industry. Themes and Decisions That Matter: Insights from a Multiple-Case Study in Germany and Switzerland","IT Governance in Multi-Business Organizations: Performance Impacts and Levers from Processes, Structures, and Relational Mechanisms","The Use of Design Thinking for Requirements Engineering: An Ongoing Case Study in the Field of Innovative Software-Intensive Systems","Towards a Multisourcing Maturity Model as an Instrument of IT Governance at a Multinational Enterprise","Design Thinking: The Handbook","Excellence-Modell der Industrialisierung des Informationsmanagements","Beherrschung von Vielfalt bei IT-Dienstleistungen: Adaption und Einsatz der Variantenkonfiguration","Fit for Continuous Integration: How Organizations Assimilate an Agile Practice","The Use of Design Thinking for Requirements Engineering - An Ongoing Case Study in the Field of Innovative Software-Intensive Systems","Chapter 1: Digital Empowers New Thinking","Towards an Application Life-Cycle Approach for Selective Outsourcing","Reuse-Mechanisms for Mass Customizing IT-Service Engagements","Mass Customizing IT Service Agreements: Towards Individualized On-Demand Services","Shared Service Organisationen als M{\u00f6}glichkeit wertorientierter Steuerung des IT-Bereichs","Defining Archetypes of e-Collaboration for Product Development in the Automotive Industry","A Taxonomy of Industrial Service Systems Enabled by Digital Product Innovation","Design Thinking as Mindset, Process, and Toolbox","Die Kontextualisierung des Design Thinking mit multiplen Intelligenzen - Das globale SUGAR-Programm als Fallbeispiel","The power of habits: Evaluation of a mobile health solution for the management of narcolepsy.","Application Services Outsourcing in the Banking Industry - Current Strategies and Challenges","A Classification of Shared Service Centers: Insights from the IT Service Industry","Design Science Research in Business Innovation","Enterprise 2.0 - Digitale Transformation durch soziale Technologien","The Varying Role of IS Capabilities for Different Approaches to Application Services Outsourcing","Finding the Right Balanced Scorecard for Business-Driven IT Management - A Literature Review","From Palaces to Yurts - Why Requirements Engineering Needs Design Thinking","Developing a Maturity Model for Product-Service Systems in Manufacturing Enterprises","Dynamic capabilities \\& digital transformation: A quantitative study on how to gain a competitive advantage in the digital age.","An E-mail Embedded Software Prototype for Knowledge Management","Entwicklung von IT-Dienstleistungsprodukten - Pr{\u00e4}zise modellierte IT-Services","Toward a model of effective monitoring of IT application development and maintenance suppliers in multisourced environments","Designing Innovation: Prototypes and Team Performance in Design Thinking","Design Thinking","A methodical procedure for designing consumer oriented on-demand IT service propositions","Human Centered Design for Open Community Fields in Kenya - Learnings from a Design Thinking project in informal settlements in Nairobi with the Mathare Youth Center","Global IT Multisourcing: Objectives, Challenges and Requirements in Multinational Insurance Companies","Customer-Driving Marketing: Neue Kundenbed{\u00fc}rfnisse wecken","Understanding and guiding our internal customer - T-Mobile case study: Dolphin","The Next Wave of Service Innovation : How cyber-physical systems can be leveraged for effective industrial equipment operations and empower industrial service","Towards a Better Understanding of IT Cost Drivers of Asset Management Companies","Design Thinking","Verfahren und Methoden f{\u00fc}r das Engineering von IT-Produkten","Towards a Method Compendium for the Development of Digitized Products - Findings from a Case Study","Industrielle Dienstleistungen 4.0","Kundenorientierung in der IT-Service-Produktisierung - ein Datenmodell zur Leistungsbeschreibung","Assessing Prototypes and Team Performance in Design Thinking Innovation Projects","Eine Kultur der Innovation : Die Bedeutung von Innovationsnetzwerken","Success Factors in IT-Projects to Provide Customer Value Propositions","The Role of Application Portfolio Management in Application Services Outsourcing: Explicating Variations in Application Portfolio Management among Outsourcing Gestalts","Open Grid - Open Mind","The Influence of Information Technology on Industrial Services in the Manufacturing Industry - A Literature Review and Future Research Directions","Teaching Innovation in Interdisciplinary Environments: Toward a Design Thinking Syllabus","KMU und Innovationen : Der Einfluss des Unternehmers","Produkt- und Dienstleistungscontrolling einf{\u00fc}hren","Towards a Critical Realist Understanding of Digital Transformation: Results of a Structured Literature Review","The Evolution of IS Projects in Manufacturing Industries: The Case of Product Lifecycle Management","Multivendor Installed Base Service Management in the Heavy Equipment Industry - A Value Proposition","User, Use \\& Utility Research : Die Gestaltungsperspektive der Wirtschaftsinformatik auf den digitalen Nutzer","Design Thinking Diffusion Model: Empirical insights into the status quo","Management of Service Innovation Projects: A Case Study from a German Financial Service Provider","Digital Twin Concepts in Manufacturing Industries - A Literature Review and Avenues for Further Research","Design Thinking and Corporate Entrepreneurship: An Integration and Avenues for Future Research","IT Governance Mechanisms in Multisourcing - a Business Group Perspective","State of the art: Managing costs and performance of Information Technology","Facilitating the Performance of IT Evaluation in Business Groups: Towards a Maturity Model","Finding Balanced Scorecards for Business Driven IT Service Portfolio Management: A Literature Review","Die neuen Wertsch{\u00f6}pfungsketten","What if? Strategy Design for Enacting Enterprise Performance","Erfolgsmessgr{\u00f6}ssen bei IT Shared Service Organisationen","Deriving a Research Agenda for the Management of Multisourcing Relationships Based on a Literature Review","Exploring how Digitized Products enable Industrial Service Innovation - An Affordance Perspective","Die Innovationsmethode Design Thinking","Implementing Design Thinking for Non-Designers: Learning Profiles from a Q-Methodology Study","Chapter 8: Launching and Governing Digitalisation","Stepwise Evolution of Capabilities for Harnessing Digital Data Streams in Data-Driven Industrial Services","Contextualizing Design Thinking with Multiple Intelligences - The Global SUGAR Program as a Case","Capturing Functional Affordances of Enterprise Social Software","Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell","Projekt{\u00fc}bergreifendes Management - Der strategische Applikationslebenszyklus am Beispiel des BMW Q-Cockpit","Management of Service Innovation Projects: A Case Study from a German Financial Services Provider","Steigerung der Lern- und Innovationsf{\u00e4}higkeit von Unternehmen und Organisationen","Design thinking and effectuation in internal corporate venturing: an exploratory study","Explicating technological and organizational interfaces of modular IT service components to support the process of IT service composition","Produkt- und Dienstleistungscontrolling einf{\u00fc}hren","Wie Konsumenten Innovationen wahrnehmen - Neuartigkeit und Sinnhaftigkeit als zentrale Determinanten","Mobile Work Support for Field Service: A Literature Review and Directions for Future Research","Cost Controlling in IT Services","Operations Management in IS: Using the SCOR-Model to Source, Make and Deliver IS Services","Fallbeispiel ? Predictive Analytics im industriellen Servicegesch{\u00e4}ft von Linde MH","Measuring what Counts: An Exploratory Study about the Key Challenges of Measuring Design Thinking Activities in Digital Innovation Units","Agility Areas of Action in Finance IT - A Memorandum","Design Thinking","Looking Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg: The Two-Sided Nature of Chatbots and Their Roles for Digital Feedback Exchange","How affordances of chatbots cross the chasm between social and traditional enterprise systems"]
[ 2022 ] [ 2021 ] [ 2020 ] [ 2019 ] [ 2018 ] [ 2017 ] [ 2016 ] [ 2015 ] [ 2014 ] [ 2013 ] [ 2012 ] [ 2011 ] [ 2010 ] [ 2009 ] [ 2008 ] [ 2007 ] [ 2006 ] [ 2005 ] [ 2004 ]

2022 [ nach oben ]

  • Design Thinking: a Global Study on Implementation Practices in Organizations Gerken, Stefanie; Uebernickel, Falk; de Paula, Danielly (2022).
  • Loss Aversion Nudges to Improve Heating Behavior and Reduce Carbon Emissions. Beermann, Vincent; Rieder, Annamina; Ebbers, Mirko; Bicker, Karl; Poerschke, Vanessa; Uebernickel, Falk (2022).
  • The Nexus of Design Thinking and Intrapreneurship: Insights from a large-scale empirical assessment. Marx, Carolin; Haskamp, Thomas; de Paula, Danielly; Uebernickel, Falk (2022).
  • Collaborate to Innovate: Utilizing Design Patterns Cards for Accelerating the Digital Transformation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Gerling, Christoph; Bickel, Fabrice; Haskamp, Thomas; Uebernickel, Falk (2022).
  • Beyond the Fast Lane Narrative - A Temporal Perspective on the Unfolding of Digital Innovation in Digital Innovation Units. Lorson, Annalena; Dremel, Christian; de Paula, Danielly; Uebernickel, Falk (2022).
  • Manage or Being Managed? Towards a Dual Perspective on Boundary Management in Digital Innovation Teams. Mayer, Selina; Schwemmle, Martin (2022).
  • How Digital Innovation Units contribute to building Dynamic Capabilities in Manufacturing Companies. Lorson, Annalena (2022).
  • A Theoretical Review on AI Affordances for Sustainability. Natarajan, Harish Karthi; de Paula, Danielly; Dremel, Christian; Uebernickel, Falk (2022).
  • Evolution of Digital Innovation Units for Digital Transformation – The Convergence of Motors of Change. Lorson, Annalena; Dremel, Christian; Uebernickel, Falk (2022).
  • How to Turn Around: Escalation of Commitment in the Context of ISD Project Distress. Marx, Carolin; Uebernickel, Falk (2022).
  • Green Nudges: How to Induce Pro-Environmental Behavior Using Technology. Beermann, Vincent; Rieder, Annamina; Uebernickel, Falk (2022).
  • Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities of HybridEducation with Location Asynchrony. Mayer, Selina (2022).
  • Addressing Inertia in Pro-Environmental Bahavior through Nudges: A Review of Existing Literature and a Framework for Future Research. Beermann, Vincent; Haskamp, Thomas; Marx, Carolin; Uebernickel, Falk (2022).
  • Leading Digital Innovation Units: A Repertory Grid Study about Key Leadership Skills. Hille, Zoe; Marx, Carolin; Perscheid, Michael; Uebernickel, Falk (2022).
  • A Cognitive Perspective on Digital Transformation: Literature Review and Research Framework. Marx, Carolin; de Paula, Danielly; Haskamp, Thomas; Uebernickel, Falk (2022).
  • A Managerial Mental Model to Drive Innovation in the Context of Digital Transformation. de Paula, Danielly; Wolf, Ella; Dremel, Christian; Cormican, Kathryn; Uebernickel, Falk in Industry and Innovation (2022).
  • InnoPulse: a Tool to Support Collaborative Reflection in Creativity-Driven Engineering Projects. de Paula, Danielly; Hahn, David; Christoph, Matthies; Uebernickel, Falk (2022).

2021 [ nach oben ]

  • Towards a Critical Realist Understanding of Digital Transformation: Results of a Structured Literature Review. Haskamp, Thomas; Dremel, Christian; Uebernickel, Falk (2021).
  • Bridging the Gap - An Analysis of Requirements for Performance Measurement Systems in Digital Innovation Units. Haskamp, Thomas; Lorson, Annalena; de Paula, Danielly; Uebernickel, Falk (2021).
  • Design Principles for mHealth Application Development in Rural Parts of Developing Countries: The Case of Non-Communicable Diseases in Kenya. Klinker, Kai; Przybilla, Leonard; Viljoen, Altus; Uebernickel, Falk; Krcmar, Helmut in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2021).
  • Die Kontextualisierung des Design Thinking mit multiplen Intelligenzen - Das globale SUGAR-Programm als Fallbeispiel. Uebernickel, Falk; Thong, Christine (2021).
  • The power of habits: Evaluation of a mobile health solution for the management of narcolepsy. Staszak, Wiktoria; de Paula, Danielly; Uebernickel, Falk (2021).
  • Dynamic capabilities \& digital transformation: A quantitative study on how to gain a competitive advantage in the digital age. Marx, Carolin; de Paula, Danielly; Uebernickel, Falk (2021).
  • Performance Measurement in Digital Innovation Units - An Exploratory Study on Barriers and Potential Enablers. Haskamp, Thomas; Mayer, Selina; Lorson, Annalena; Uebernickel, Falk (2021).
  • Design Thinking Diffusion Model: Empirical insights into the status quo. Marx, Carolin; de Paula, Danielly; Haskamp, Thomas; Uebernickel, Falk (2021).
  • Contextualizing Design Thinking with Multiple Intelligences - The Global SUGAR Program as a Case. Uebernickel, Falk; Thong, Christine (C. Meinel; T. Krohn, reds.) (2021).
  • Measuring what Counts: An Exploratory Study about the Key Challenges of Measuring Design Thinking Activities in Digital Innovation Units. Mayer, Selina; Haskamp, Thomas; De Paula, Danielly (2021). 4951–4960.
  • Understanding Inertia in Digital Transformation: A Literature Review and Multilevel Research Framework. Haskamp, Thomas; Marx, Carolin; Dremel, Christian; Uebernickel, Falk (2021).

2020 [ nach oben ]

  • Implementing Design Thinking for Non-Designers: Learning Profiles from a Q-Methodology Study. Haskamp, Thomas; Paul, Alexander; St{ö}ckli, Emanuel; de Paula, Danielly; Uebernickel, Falk (2020).
  • Design Thinking: The Handbook Uebernickel, Falk; Jiang, Li; Brenner, Walter; Pukall, Britta; Naef, Therese; Schindlholzer, Bernhard (2020). WS Professional.
  • On Integrating Design Thinking for a Human-centered Requirements Engineering. Hehn, Jennifer; Mendez, Daniel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter; Broy, Manfred in IEEE Software (2020).
  • The value of Design Thinking in solving complex problems for industrial manufacturing. Haskamp, Thomas; Uebernickel, Falk; Spori, Pia (2020, Desember).
  • Exploring Boundary Objects in Creative Projects: An Investigation of a Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration. Gerling, Christoph; Florian, Misteli; Danielly, de Paula; Falk, Uebernickel (2020).

2019 [ nach oben ]

  • Design Thinking. Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk; Hehn, Jennifer in Enzyklop{ä}die der Wirtschaftsinformatik ? Online-Lexikon (2019).
  • The Use of Design Thinking for Requirements Engineering: An Ongoing Case Study in the Field of Innovative Software-Intensive Systems. Hehn, Jennifer; Uebernickel, Falk (2019).
  • Looking Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg: The Two-Sided Nature of Chatbots and Their Roles for Digital Feedback Exchange. Lechler, Ruth; Stöckli, Emanuel; Rietsche, Roman; Uebernickel, Falk (2019).
  • How affordances of chatbots cross the chasm between social and traditional enterprise systems. St{ö}ckli, Emanuel; Dremel, Christian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in Electronic markets : EM (2019).
  • How affordances of chatbots cross the chasm between social and traditional enterprise systems. Stöckli, Emanuel; Dremel, Christian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in Electronic markets : EM (2019).
  • Digital Feedback for Digital Work? Affordances and Constraints of a Feedback App at InsurCorp. St{ö}ckli, Emanuel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter; Weierich, Andrea; Hess, Sarah (2019).
  • Looking Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg: The Two-Sided Nature of Chatbots and Their Roles for Digital Feedback Exchange. Lechler, Ruth; St{ö}ckli, Emanuel; Rietsche, Roman; Uebernickel, Falk (2019).

2018 [ nach oben ]

  • Towards an Understanding of the Role of Design Thinking for Requirements Elicitation - Findings from a Multiple-Case Study. Hehn, Jennifer; Uebernickel, Falk (2018).
  • Exploring Affordances of Slack Integrations and Their Actualization Within Enterprises ? Towards an Understanding of How Chatbots Create Value. St{ö}ckli, Emanuel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2018).
  • Designing Human-Centric Information Systems: Towards an Understanding of Challenges in Specifying Requirements within Design Thinking Projects. Hehn, Jennifer; Uebernickel, Falk; St{ö}ckli, Emanuel; Brenner, Walter (2018). (Vol. im Tagungsband enthalten)
  • Exploring characteristics and transformational capabilities of InsurTech innovations to understand insurance value creation in a digital world. St{ö}ckli, Emanuel; Dremel, Christian; Uebernickel, Falk in Electronic markets : EM (2018). 28(3) 287–305.
  • Towards a Method Compendium for the Development of Digitized Products - Findings from a Case Study. Holler, Manuel; Herterich, Matthias; Dremel, Christian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in International journal of product lifecycle management : IJPLM (2018).
  • Product Lifecycle Management im Konzernumfeld - Herausforderungen, L{ö}sungsans{ä}tze und Handlungsempfehlungen. Holler, Manuel; Dremel, Christian; Herterich, Matthias; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2018). 55(1) 133–150.
  • DT4RE: Design Thinking for Requirements Engineering. A Tutorial on Human-Centered and Structured Requirements Elicitation. Hehn, Jennifer; Uebernickel, Falk; M{é}ndez, Daniel (2018). 504–505.
    http://www.re18.org/tutorials.html {\ensuremath{<}}br{\ensuremath{>}} https://www.dt4re.org/
  • The Evolution of IS Projects in Manufacturing Industries: The Case of Product Lifecycle Management. Holler, Manuel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2018).
  • The Use of Design Thinking for Requirements Engineering - An Ongoing Case Study in the Field of Innovative Software-Intensive Systems. Hehn, Jennifer; Uebernickel, Falk (2018).
  • Open Grid - Open Mind Bieger, Thomas; Achleitner, Paul; Landolf, Urs; Serratore, Luca; Breitenstein, Yannik; Dilger, Bernadette; Ang{é}lil, Marc; Fujimoto, Sou; B{ö}hm, Andreas; Meckel, Miriam; Borth, Damian; Gasser, Urs; Lohmann, Melinda Florina; Bruch, Heike; Berenbold, Sandra; Gassmann, Oliver; Josef, Barbara; Back, Andrea; Uebernickel, Falk; Kohler, Marc; Hehn, Jennifer; Leimeister, Jan Marco; S{ö}llner, Matthias; Brenner, Walter; Gutzwiller, Thomas; Frank, Markus; Sch{ü}rer, Wolfgang; Kissinger, Henry (A. B{ö}hm, red.) (2018). (Vol. 1. Auflage) St. Gallen.
  • Preparing Managers for Turbulent Contexts: Teaching the Principles of Design Thinking. Schumacher, Thomas; Mayer, Selina in Journal of Management Education (2018). 42(4) 496523.
  • Design Thinking Methods for Service Innovation - A Delphi Study. Hehn, Jennifer; Uebernickel, Falk; Herterich, Matthias (2018).
  • Teaching Innovation in Interdisciplinary Environments: Toward a Design Thinking Syllabus. Wiesche, Manuel; Leifer, Larry; Uebernickel, Falk; Lang, Michael; Byler, Eric; Feldmann, Niels; Garcia-Cifuentes, Juan Pablo; H{ö}lt{ä}{ä}-Otto, Katja; Kelly, Kevin; Satzger, Gerhard; Suzuki, Sushi; Thong, Christine; Vignoli, Matteo; Krcmar, Helmut (2018).

2017 [ nach oben ]

  • Human Centered Design for Open Community Fields in Kenya - Learnings from a Design Thinking project in informal settlements in Nairobi with the Mathare Youth Center Fassbender, Karina; Uebernickel, Falk (2017).
  • Digital Product Innovation in Manufacturing Industries - Towards a Taxonomy for Feedback-driven Product Development Scenarios. Holler, Manuel; Neiditsch, Gerard; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2017).
  • The power of words: Towards a methodology for progress monitoring in design thinking projects. Dolata, Mateusz; Uebernickel, Falk; Schwabe, Gerhard J. M. Leimeister, W. Brenner (reds.) (2017). 1190–1204.
  • Towards an understanding of how and why Design Science Research scholars evaluate. St{ö}ckli, Emanuel; Neiditsch, Gerard; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2017).
  • Fallbeispiel ? Predictive Analytics im industriellen Servicegesch{ä}ft von Linde MH. Uebernickel, Falk; Holler, Manuel; Herterich, Matthias in Einf{ü}hrung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik, C. Lemke (red.) (2017). (Vol. Band 2)
  • Chapter 8: Launching and Governing Digitalisation. Hanner, Nicolai; Uebernickel, Falk in Digital cookbook : essential recipes for the digital journey of enterprises, D. Krafzig, M. Deb, M. Frick (reds.) (2017). (Vol. First edition) 188–215.
  • Chapter 1: Digital Empowers New Thinking. Kempkens, Oliver; Uebernickel, Falk in Digital cookbook : essential recipes for the digital journey of enterprises, D. Krafzig, M. Deb, M. Frick (reds.) (2017). (Vol. First edition) 36–67.
  • Capturing Functional Affordances of Enterprise Social Software. St{ö}ckli, Emanuel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2017).
  • Defining Archetypes of e-Collaboration for Product Development in the Automotive Industry. Holler, Manuel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2017).

2016 [ nach oben ]

  • Enterprise 2.0 - Digitale Transformation durch soziale Technologien. Back, Andrea in Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell, C. P. Hoffmann, S. Lennerts, C. Schmitz, W. St{ö}lzle, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). (Vol. 1. Aufl.) 123–138.
  • Design Thinking and Corporate Entrepreneurship: An Integration and Avenues for Future Research. Abrell, Thomas in Design Thinking for Innovation: Research and Practice, W. Brenner, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). 25–39.
  • Mobile Business. Back, Andrea; Ruf, Christian in Business Innovation: Das St.Galler Modell, C. P. Hoffmann, S. Lennerts, C. Schmitz, W. St{ö}lzle, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). (Vol. 1. Aufl.) 357–381.
  • Neue Formen der Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden in der Industrie: Wann lohnt sich eine intensive Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden?. Belz, Christian in Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell, C. P. Hoffmann, S. Lennerts, C. Schmitz, W. St{ö}lzle, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). (Vol. 1. Aufl.) 105–121.
  • Digital Twin Concepts in Manufacturing Industries - A Literature Review and Avenues for Further Research. Holler, Manuel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2016).
  • Understanding the Business Value of Intelligent Products for Product Development in Manufacturing Industries. Holler, Manuel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2016).
  • What if? Strategy Design for Enacting Enterprise Performance. Grand, Simon in Design Thinking for Innovation, W. Brenner, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). 103–113.
  • Kontinuierliche Business-Innovation: Systematische Weiterentwicklung komplexer Gesch{ä}ftsl{ö}sungen durch Reifegradmodell-basiertes Management. Winter, Robert; Mettler, Tobias in Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell, C. P. Hoffmann, S. Lennerts, C. Schmitz, W. St{ö}lzle, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). 163–183.
  • KMU und Innovationen : Der Einfluss des Unternehmers. Fust, Alexander; Fueglistaller, Urs in Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell., C. P. Hoffmann, S. Lennerts, C. Schmitz, W. St{ö}lzle, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). 55–78.
  • Exploring how Digitized Products enable Industrial Service Innovation - An Affordance Perspective. Herterich, Matthias; Eck, Alexander; Uebernickel, Falk (2016).
  • Effectuation: Control the Future with the Entrepreneurial Method. Grichnik, Dietmar; Baierl, Ronny; Faschingbauer, Michael in Design Thinking for Innovation: Research and Practice, W. Brenner, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). 115–129.
  • Stepwise Evolution of Capabilities for Harnessing Digital Data Streams in Data-Driven Industrial Services. Herterich, Matthias; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in MIS Quarterly Executive (2016). 15(4) 297–318.
  • Steigerung der Lern- und Innovationsf{ä}higkeit von Unternehmen und Organisationen. Seufert, Sabine; Schuchmann, Daniela; Meier, Christoph; Fandel-Meyer, Tanja in Business Innovation : das St. Galler Modell, C. P. Hoffmann, S. Lennerts, C. Schmitz, W. St{ö}lzle, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). 283–311.
  • Wie Konsumenten Innovationen wahrnehmen - Neuartigkeit und Sinnhaftigkeit als zentrale Determinanten. Tomczak, Torsten; Vogt, Dennis; Frischeisen, Josef in Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell, C. P. Hoffmann, S. Lennerts, C. Schmitz, W. St{ö}lzle, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). 188–202.
  • Towards Understanding Closed-Loop PLM: The Role of Product Usage Data for Product Development Enabled by Intelligent Properties. Holler, Manuel; Stoeckli, Emanuel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2016).
  • How Deutsche Bank?s IT Division Used Design Thinking to Achieve Customer Proximity. Vetterli, Christophe; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter; Petrie, Charles; Stermann, Dirk in MIS Quarterly Executive (MISQE) (2016). 15(1) 37–53.
  • Eine Kultur der Innovation : Die Bedeutung von Innovationsnetzwerken. Fieseler, Christian; Hoffmann, Christian Pieter; Meckel, Miriam in Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell, C. P. Hoffmann, S. Lennerts, C. Schmitz, W. St{ö}lzle, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). 313–337.
  • Digitalization in the Insurance Industry. Themes and Decisions That Matter: Insights from a Multiple-Case Study in Germany and Switzerland St{ö}ckli, Emanuel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2016).
  • The role of users and customers in digital innovation: Insights from B2B manufacturing firms. Abrell, Thomas; Pihlajamaa, Matti; Kanto, Laura; vom Brocke, Jan; Uebernickel, Falk in Information \& Management (2016). 53(3) 324–335.
  • What is it that Design Thinking and Marketing Management can learn from each other?. Reinecke, Sven in Design Thinking for Innovation: Research and Practice, W. Brenner, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). 151–161.
  • Design Thinking as Mindset, Process, and Toolbox. Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk; Abrell, Thomas in Design Thinking for Innovation: Research and Practice, W. Brenner, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). 3–21.
  • A Taxonomy of Industrial Service Systems Enabled by Digital Product Innovation. Herterich, Matthias; Buehnen, Thilo; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2016). 1236–1245.
  • An E-mail Embedded Software Prototype for Knowledge Management. Holler, Manuel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2016).
  • Design Thinking. Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in Business Innovation : Das St. Galler Modell, C. P. Hoffmann, S. Lennerts, C. Schmitz, W. St{ö}lzle, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). (Vol. 1. Aufl.) 243–265.
  • Design Science Research in Business Innovation. Winter, Robert; Aier, Stephan in Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell, C. P. Hoffmann, S. Lennerts, C. Schmitz, W. St{ö}lzle, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). 475–498.
  • Reconstructing Open Source Software Ecosystems: Finding Structure in Digital Traces. Eck, Alexander; Uebernickel, Falk (2016).
  • Industrielle Dienstleistungen 4.0 Herterich, Matthias; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in essentials (2016). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden.
  • Customer-Driving Marketing: Neue Kundenbed{ü}rfnisse wecken. Herhausen, Dennis; Sch{ö}gel, Marcus in Business Innovation : Das St. Galler Modell, C. P. Hoffmann, S. Lennerts, C. Schmitz, W. St{ö}lzle, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). 211–228.
  • Challenges in Product Lifecycle Management - Evidence from the Automotive Supply Industry. Holler, Manuel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2016).
  • Das St. Galler Business-Innovation-Modell. Uebernickel, Falk; St{ö}lzle, Wolfgang; Lennerts, Silke; Lampe, Kerstin; Hoffmann, Christian Pieter in Business Innovation : Das St. Galler Modell, C. P. Hoffmann, S. Lennerts, C. Schmitz, W. St{ö}lzle, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2016). 3–17.
  • Design Thinking for Innovation : Research and Practice Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk (2016). (Vol. 1st ed. 2016) Springer International Publishing, Cham.
  • Untangling Generativity: Two Perspectives on Unanticipated Change Produced by Diverse Actors. Eck, Alexander; Uebernickel, Falk (2016).

2015 [ nach oben ]

  • Mobile Work Support for Field Service: A Literature Review and Directions for Future Research. Herterich, Matthias; Peters, Christoph; Neff, Alexander Andreas; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2015). 134–148.
  • Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell Hoffmann, Christian Pieter; Lennerts, Silke; Schmitz, Christian; St{ö}lzle, Wolfgang; Uebernickel, Falk in Business Innovation Universit{ä}t St. Gallen, Profilbereich Business Innovation (2015). (Vol. 1. Aufl.) Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden.
  • Agility Areas of Action in Finance IT - A Memorandum Eck, Alexander; Uebernickel, Falk in Series on Research in Information Systems Management and Business Innovation (2015). 36. Institute of Information Management, St. Gallen.
  • Empowering Technical Customer Service by Cyber-Physical Industrial Equipment: Exploring Rationales, Opportunities, and Impediments. Herterich, Matthias; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2015).
  • The Generative Capacity of Digital Artifacts: A Mapping of the Field. Eck, Alexander; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2015).
  • The Next Wave of Service Innovation : How cyber-physical systems can be leveraged for effective industrial equipment operations and empower industrial service Herterich, Matthias; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2015).
  • Gesch{ä}ftsfeldinnovationen in touristischen Netzwerken. Beritelli, Pietro; Laesser, Christian; Reinhold, Stephan in Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell, C. P. Hoffmann, S. Lennerts, C. Schmitz, W. St{ö}lzle, F. Uebernickel (reds.) (2015). 455–472.
  • Understanding the Business Value: Towards a Taxonomy of Industrial Use Scenarios enabled by Cyber-Physical Systems in the Equipment Manufacturing Industry. Herterich, Matthias; Holler, Manuel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2015).
  • Nutzenpotentiale cyber-physischer Systeme f{ü}r industrielle Dienstleistungen 4.0. Herterich, Matthias; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2015). 52(5) 665–680.
  • Design Thinking : Das Handbuch Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter; Pukall, Britta; Naef, Therese; Schindlholzer, Bernhard (2015). Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch, Frankfurt am Main.
  • The Impact of Cyber-physical Systems on Industrial Services in Manufacturing. Herterich, Matthias; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in Procedia CIRP (2015). 30 323–328.

2014 [ nach oben ]

  • Design Thinking and Corporate Entrepreneurship: an exploratory study. Abrell, Thomas; Uebernickel, Falk E. Bohemia, A. Rieple, J. Liedtka, R. Cooper (reds.) (2014). 1886–1903.
  • Service Operation Models of Manufacturers - Minimum Baseline for Process and Information Systems Capabilities Neff, Alexander Andreas; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2014).
  • Agile Delivery in Finance IT: Navigating in the Digital Age Eck, Alexander; Uebernickel, Falk in Series on Research in Information Systems Management and Business Innovation (2014). 48. University of St.Gallen, St. Gallen.
  • Fit for Continuous Integration: How Organizations Assimilate an Agile Practice. Eck, Alexander; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2014).
  • Developing a Maturity Model for Service Systems in Heavy Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises. Neff, Alexander Andreas; Hamel, Florian; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter; vom Brocke, Jan in Information \& management (2014). 51(7) 895–911.
  • Application Services Outsourcing in the Banking Industry - Current Strategies and Challenges. Zelt, Saskia; Wulf, Jochen; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter D. Kundisch, L. Suhl, L. Beckmann (reds.) (2014). 1436–1448.
  • Design thinking and effectuation in internal corporate venturing: an exploratory study. Abrell, Thomas; Durstewitz, Markus; Uebernickel, Falk M. Toivonen (red.) (2014). 7–15.
  • Projekt{ü}bergreifendes Management - Der strategische Applikationslebenszyklus am Beispiel des BMW Q-Cockpit. Gy{ö}ry, Andreas Antonius B{é}la; Seeser, Guenter; Cleven, Anne; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2014). 51(5) 643–656.
  • Towards an Application Life-Cycle Approach for Selective Outsourcing. Zelt, Saskia; Neff, Alexander Andreas; Wulf, Jochen; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2014). 4446–4455.
  • User, Use \& Utility Research : Die Gestaltungsperspektive der Wirtschaftsinformatik auf den digitalen Nutzer. Brenner, Walter; Karagiannis, Dimitris; Kr{ü}ger, Jens; Kolbe, Lutz; Leifer, Larry; Lamberti, Herman-Josef; Leimeister, Jan Marco; {Ö}sterle, Hubert; Petrie, Charles; Plattner, Hasso; Schwabe, Gerhard; Uebernickel, Falk; Winter, Robert; Zarnekow, Ruediger in Wirtschaftinformatik (2014). 56(1) 65–72.
  • Learning to Leverage Design Thinking in the Context of Service Engineering and Information Systems - A Case Study. Herterich, Matthias; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2014, Julie).
  • Succeeding in Application Services Outsourcing Strategies - A Contingency Perspective. Zelt, Saskia; Wulf, Jochen; Neff, Alexander Andreas; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter M. Avital, J. M. Leimeister, U. Schultze (reds.) (2014).
  • User, Use \& Utility Research: The Digital User as New Design Perspective in Business and Information Systems Engineering. Brenner, Walter; Karagiannis, Dimitris; Kolbe, Lutz; Krueger, Jens; Leifer, Larry; Lamberti, Herman-Josef; Leimeister, Jan Marco; {Ö}sterle, Hubert; Petrie, Charles; Plattner, Hasso; Schwabe, Gerhard; Uebernickel, Falk; Winter, Robert; Zarnekow, Ruediger in Business \& Information Systems Engineering (BISE) (2014). 6(1) 55–61.
  • Towards a Functional Reference Model for Service Planning and Execution in the Heavy Equipment Manufacturing Industry. Neff, Alexander Andreas; Uebernickel, Falk; Lingemann, Stephanie; Brenner, Walter; Herterich, Matthias N. M. Hindi, A. Ghoneim, M. Themistocleous, G. Viscusi (reds.) (2014).
  • Not all information systems are created equal: exploring IT resources for agile systems delivery. Eck, Alexander; Keidel, Stefan; Uebernickel, Falk; Schneider, Thomas; Brenner, Walter in BIT Banking and Information Technology (2014). 15(3) 21–34.
  • The Challenges of Modern IT. Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in The Road to a Modern IT Factory : Industrialization ? Automation ? Optimization, F. Abolhassan (red.) (2014). 11–32.

2013 [ nach oben ]

  • From Palaces to Yurts - Why Requirements Engineering Needs Design Thinking. Vetterli, Christophe; Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk; Petrie, Charles in IEEE Internet Computing (2013). 17(2) 91–94.
  • A Design Thinking Role Model Enables Creativity in IT: Case of the Financial Industry. Vetterli, Christophe; Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk (2013). 12.
  • Information Systems in the Industrial Service Business: Analyzing Unaddressed Requirements in a Multiple Case Study. Neff, Alexander Andreas; Hamel, Florian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2013).
  • Managing Global IT Delivery Networks: A Literature Review from the Supplier’s Perspective. Zelt, Saskia; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2013). 294–303.
  • Explicating Performance Impacts of IT Governance and Data Governance in Multi-Business Organisations. Neff, Alexander Andreas; Schosser, Maximilian; Zelt, Saskia; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2013).
  • Jumpstarting Scrum with Design Thinking Vetterli, Christophe; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter; Haeger, Franziska; Kowark, Thomas; Krueger, Jens; Mueller, Juergen; Plattner, Hasso; Stortz, Barbara; Sikkha, Vishal (2013).
  • Design Thinking and Design Science Research Dolak, Franziska; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2013).
  • Die Herausforderungen der IT heute. Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in Der Weg zur modernen IT-Fabrik : Industrialisierung - Automatisierung - Optimierung, F. Abolhassan (red.) (2013). 11–33.
  • Fostering Efficiency in Information Systems Support for Product-Service Systems in the Manufacturing Industry. Neff, Alexander Andreas; Hamel, Florian; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2013).
  • Multivendor Installed Base Service Management in the Heavy Equipment Industry - A Value Proposition Neff, Alexander Andreas; Uebernickel, Falk; Zencke, Peter; Brenner, Walter (2013).
  • Toward a model of effective monitoring of IT application development and maintenance suppliers in multisourced environments. Herz, Thomas Philipp; Hamel, Florian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (IJAIS) (2013). 14(3) 235–253.
  • IT Governance in Multi-Business Organizations: Performance Impacts and Levers from Processes, Structures, and Relational Mechanisms. Neff, Alexander Andreas; Hamel, Florian; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2013). 4464–4473.
  • The Varying Role of IS Capabilities for Different Approaches to Application Services Outsourcing. Zelt, Saskia; Wulf, Jochen; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2013).
  • The Influence of IT Governance on Service Processes in Multi-Business Manufacturing Enterprises: Performance Impacts from Structures, Processes, and Relational Mechanisms. Neff, Alexander Andreas; Dreier, Stefanie; Hamel, Florian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2013).
  • Developing a Maturity Model for Product-Service Systems in Manufacturing Enterprises. Neff, Alexander Andreas; Hamel, Florian; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2013).
  • The Role of Application Portfolio Management in Application Services Outsourcing: Explicating Variations in Application Portfolio Management among Outsourcing Gestalts. Zelt, Saskia; Neff, Alexander Andreas; Wulf, Jochen; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2013).
  • IT Evaluation in Business Groups: A Maturity Model. Hamel, Florian; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2013). 1410–1417.

2012 [ nach oben ]

  • A Reference-Metamodel for Embedded Design Thinking in the Information Technology context. Vetterli, Christophe; Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk (2012). 7.
  • IT Governance Mechanisms in Multisourcing - a Business Group Perspective. Hamel, Florian; Uebernickel, Falk; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Brenner, Walter (2012). 5033–5042.
  • Finding Balanced Scorecards for Business Driven IT Service Portfolio Management: A Literature Review. Gy{ö}ry, Andreas Antonius B{é}la; Cleven, Anne; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance (IJITBAG) (2012). 3(1) 63–78.
  • Strategies for Application Management Services Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk; Wulf, Jochen; Zelt, Saskia; Gy{ö}ry, Andreas Antonius B{é}la; Heym, Michael; Warnke, Achim (2012). University of St.Gallen, St. Gallen.
  • Br{ü}cken schlagen. Brocke, Henrik Finn; Vetterli, Christophe; Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk in io Management (2012). 5(September / Oktober 2012) 36–39.
  • Towards a Better Understanding of IT Cost Drivers of Asset Management Companies. Hamel, Florian; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter R. Brandtweiner, L. Janczewski (reds.) (2012). 587–598.
  • Exploring The Shadows: IT Governance Approaches To User-Driven Innovation. Gy{ö}ry, Andreas Antonius B{é}la; Cleven, Anne; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2012).
  • Beherrschung von Vielfalt bei IT-Dienstleistungen: Adaption und Einsatz der Variantenkonfiguration. Dudek, Sebastian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter T. B{ö}hmann, R. Knackstedt, J. M. Leimeister, M. N{ü}ttgens, O. Thomas (reds.) (2012). 27–40.
  • Die Innovationsmethode Design Thinking. Vetterli, Christophe; Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk; Berger, Katharina in Dynamisches IT-Management : So steigern Sie die Agilit{ä}t, Flexibilit{ä}t und Innovationskraft Ihrer IT, M. Lang, M. Amberg (reds.) (2012). 289–310.
  • Initialz{ü}ndung durch Embedded Design Thinking {--} Ein Fallbeispiel aus der Finanzindustrie und wie dadurch ein Wandel in der Innnovationskultur einer IT-Abteilung eingeleitet wurde. Vetterli, Christophe; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in OrganisationsEntwicklung. Zeitschrift f{ü}r Unternehmensentwicklung und Change Management (2012). (2) 22–31.
  • Finding the Right Balanced Scorecard for Business-Driven IT Management - A Literature Review. Brenner, Walter; Gy{ö}ry, Andreas Antonius B{é}la; Uebernickel, Falk (2012). 5023–5032.
  • Business Innovation: Design-Thinking als Instrument zur nachhaltigen F{ö}rderung von Innovation. Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk; Torrente, Marco in Kommunikationsmanager : das Forum der Entscheider (2012). 4(3) 58–60.
  • Global IT Multisourcing: Objectives, Challenges and Requirements in Multinational Insurance Companies. Herz, Thomas Philipp; Hamel, Florian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2012).
  • Assessing Prototypes and Team Performance in Design Thinking Innovation Projects. Vetterli, Christophe; Hoffmann, Friederike; Brenner, Walter; Eppler, Martin J.; Uebernickel, Falk (2012). (Vol. Paper 18881) 33.
  • Comparing IT Supplier Selection Criteria in Single- Versus Multi-Sourcing Constellations: An Empirical Study. Herz, Thomas Philipp; Hamel, Florian; Schoeni, Manuel Joerg; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2012).
  • The Influence of Information Technology on Industrial Services in the Manufacturing Industry - A Literature Review and Future Research Directions. Neff, Alexander Andreas; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2012).
  • Designing Innovation: Prototypes and Team Performance in Design Thinking. Vetterli, Christophe; Hoffmann, Friederike; Brenner, Walter; Eppler, Martin J.; Uebernickel, Falk (2012). 1–11.
  • IT Multisourcing in International Insurance Companies. Herz, Thomas Philipp; Hamel, Florian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2012).
  • Managing costs and performance of IT in business groups: Towards a performance measurement model for global insurance business groups. Hamel, Florian; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2012).
  • Facilitating the Performance of IT Evaluation in Business Groups: Towards a Maturity Model. Hamel, Florian; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2012).

2011 [ nach oben ]

  • Managing Costs and Performance of Information Technology in a Group Context - Current Challenges for Multinational Enterprises. Hamel, Florian; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter E. Ferrari (red.) (2011). 174–181.
  • A Multisourcing Maturity Model as an IT Governance Mechanism for Business Group. Herz, Thomas Philipp; Hamel, Florian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance (IJITBAG) (2011). 2(2) 1–14.
  • Variant configuration for IT-services and its impact on the service request fulfillment process. Dudek, Sebastian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2011).
  • Mechanisms to Implement a Global Multisourcing Strategy. Herz, Thomas Philipp; Hamel, Florian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in New Studies in Global IT and Business Service Outsourcing : 5th Global Scourcing Workshop 2011, Courchevel, France, March 14-17, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, J. Kotlarsky, L. P. Willcocks, I. Oshri (reds.) (2011). 1–20.
  • Towards computer aided IT service engineering. Dudek, Sebastian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2011).
  • Explicating technological and organizational interfaces of modular IT service components to support the process of IT service composition. Dudek, Sebastian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter L. Berntzen (red.) (2011). 7–12.
  • Balancing Customer Requirements and IT Service Standardization - A Procedural Reference Model for Individualized IT Service Agreement Configurations. Brocke, Henrik Finn; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (2011). 6(2) 4–20.
  • A Governance Mechanisms Framework for Multisourcing in Business Groups. Herz, Thomas Philipp; Hamel, Florian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance (IJITBAG) (2011). 2(2) 33–47.
  • Bewusster Einsatz von Schatten-IT: Sicherheit \& Innovationsf{ö}rderung Brenner, Walter; Gy{ö}ry, Andreas Antonius B{é}la; Pirouz, Mani; Uebernickel, Falk (2011).
  • A Method for the Management of Service Innovation Projects in Mature Organizations. Schindlholzer, Bernhard; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (2011). 2(4) 25–41.
  • Entwicklung eines Reifegradmodells zur Steuerung einer Multisourcing-Initiative auf Konzern-Ebene. Herz, Thomas Philipp; Hamel, Florian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter A. Bernstein, G. Schwabe (reds.) (2011). (Vol. 1) 434–445.
  • Towards a Multisourcing Maturity Model as an Instrument of IT Governance at a Multinational Enterprise. Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Hamel, Florian (2011). 1–10.
  • Customizing IT Service Agreements as a Self Service by means of Productized Service Propositions. Brocke, Henrik Finn; Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk (2011). 1–10.
  • Managing and Monitoring IT Application Development and Maintenance Suppliers in a Multisourcing Context. Herz, Thomas Philipp; Hamel, Florian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2011).
  • Management of IT Costs and Performance in Business Groups: Analysis of Unaddressed Requirements. Hamel, Florian; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2011).
  • A methodical procedure for designing consumer oriented on-demand IT service propositions. Brocke, Henrik Finn; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in Information Systems and e-Business Management (2011). 9(2) 283–302.

2010 [ nach oben ]

  • Managing the Current Customization of Process Related IT-Services. Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk; Brocke, Henrik Finn (2010). 1–10.
  • State of the art: Managing costs and performance of Information Technology. Hamel, Florian; Herz, Thomas Philipp; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2010).
  • Deriving a Research Agenda for the Management of Multisourcing Relationships Based on a Literature Review. Herz, Thomas Philipp; Hamel, Florian; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2010).
  • Leistungsmodellierung als Voraussetzung f{ü}r Produktionsplanung und -steuerung (PPS) f{ü}r die Bereitstellung von IT-Services. Vogedes, Alexander; Brocke, Henrik Finn; Uebernickel, Falk; Ebert, Nico; Brenner, Walter in Dienstleistungsmodellierung 2010, O. Thomas, M. Nuettgens (reds.) (2010). 254–267.
  • Mass Customizing IT Service Agreements: Towards Individualized On-Demand Services. Brocke, Henrik Finn; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2010).
  • Zwischen Kundenindividualit{ä}t und Standardisierung ? Konzept und Referenz-Datenstruktur eines konfigurierbaren IT-Produktmodells. Brocke, Henrik Finn; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in Dienstleistungsmodellierung 2010, O. Thomas, M. Nuettgens (reds.) (2010). 231–253.
  • Reuse-Mechanisms for Mass Customizing IT-Service Engagements. Brocke, Henrik Finn; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2010).
  • Management of Service Innovation Projects: A Case Study from a German Financial Service Provider. Schindlholzer, Bernhard; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2010).
  • Management of Service Innovation Projects: A Case Study from a German Financial Services Provider. Schindlholzer, Bernhard; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2010).
  • Aligning IT-service propositions to changing business requirements in ongoing service-systems. Brocke, Henrik Finn; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2010).
  • Zwischen Kundenindividualit{ä}t und Standardisierung - Konzeptvorschlag und Datenstruktur eines IT-Produktmodells. Brocke, Henrik Finn; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter O. Thomas, M. N{ü}ttgens (reds.) (2010).
  • IT-Controlling tr{ä}gt zur Transparenz wenig bei. Brenner, Walter; Witte, Christoph; Uebernickel, Falk; Hamel, Florian; Herz, Thomas Philipp in Computerwoche (2010). (Nr. 51) online.

2009 [ nach oben ]

  • Design Rules for User-Oriented IT Service Descriptions. Brocke, Henrik Finn; Hau, Thorsten; Vogedes, Alexander; Schindlholzer, Bernhard; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter R. H. Sprague (red.) (2009). 1–10.
  • A Classification of Shared Service Centers: Insights from the IT Service Industry. Schulz, Veit; Hochstein, Axel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2009).
  • How to provide the desirable business outcome in international IT-projects - a cross-case analysis. Brocke, Henrik Finn; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2009). 65.
  • Success Factors in IT-Projects to Provide Customer Value Propositions. Brocke, Henrik Finn; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2009).
  • Challenges in IT supply chain management. Dudek, Sebastian; Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk (2009). 60.
  • Definition and Classification of IT-Shared-Service-Center. Schulz, Veit; Hochstein, Axel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2009).
  • Kundenorientierung in der IT-Service-Produktisierung - ein Datenmodell zur Leistungsbeschreibung. Brocke, Henrik Finn; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter W. Abramowicz (red.) (2009). (Vol. 154) 3790–3804.
  • Produktionsplanung und -steuerung der IT-Service-Provisionierung. Ebert, Nico; Vogedes, Alexander; Uebernickel, Falk H. R. Hansen, D. Karagiannis, H.-G. Fill (reds.) (2009). (Vol. 1) 505–514.

2008 [ nach oben ]

  • Steuerungsdimensionen f{ü}r IT Shared Service Organisationen. Schulz, Veit; Resch, Andreas; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in Controlling : Zeitschrift f{ü}r erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung (2008). 20(10) 527–534.
  • Potenziale der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung bei IT-Dienstleistern. Ebert, Nico; Vogedes, Alexander; Hau, Thorsten; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter W. Dangelmaier (red.) (2008).
  • IT-Produktkostenrechnung - Methoden und Konzepte f{ü}r die Umsetzung und Einf{ü}hrung einer produktorientierten IT-Kostenrechnung Uebernickel, Falk (2008, Julie).
  • Production Planning for IT-Service Providers: an ERP-based concept. Ebert, Nico; Vogedes, Alexander; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2008).
  • Erfolgsmessgr{ö}ssen bei IT Shared Service Organisationen. Schulz, Veit; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter M. Bichler (red.) (2008). 223–224.
  • Shared Service Organisationen als M{ö}glichkeit wertorientierter Steuerung des IT-Bereichs. Schulz, Veit; Resch, Andreas; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2008). 45(6) 63–72.

2007 [ nach oben ]

  • Cost Controlling in IT Services. Uebernickel, Falk; Zarnekow, Ruediger; Scheeg, Jochen in Software Measurement : establish - extract - evaluate - execute, C. Ebert, R. Dumke (reds.) (2007). 446–450.
  • Produkt- und Dienstleistungscontrolling einf{ü}hren. Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter; Scheeg, Jochen; Zarnekow, Ruediger in Management von IT-Services : Methoden, Umsetzung, Praxisbeispiele, M. G. Bernhard, R. Blomer, H. Mann (reds.) (2007). CD-Rom.
  • A Service Model for the Development of Management Systems for IT-enabled Services. Ebert, Nico; Uebernickel, Falk; Hochstein, Axel; Brenner, Walter (2007).
  • IT-Produkt-Engineering. Zarnekow, Ruediger; Uebernickel, Falk; Bravo-S{á}nchez, Carlos; Brenner, Walter in Das Wirtschaftsstudium (WISU) (2007). 236(7) 949–955.
  • Excellence-Modell der Industrialisierung des Informationsmanagements. Uebernickel, Falk; Hochstein, Axel; Schulz, Veit; Brenner, Walter in HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2007). 44(4) 17–26.
  • Produkt-und serviceorientiertes IT-Controlling am Fallbeispiel T-Systems ActiveBilling. Uebernickel, Falk; Scheeg, Jochen; Brenner, Walter in HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2007). 44(2) 39–48.
  • Die neuen Wertsch{ö}pfungsketten. Hochstein, Axel; Ebert, Nico; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in Computerwoche (2007). (16) 32.
  • IT-Industrialisierung: Was ist das?. Hochstein, Axel; Ebert, Nico; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter in Computerwoche (2007). (15) 5.

2006 [ nach oben ]

  • Rezension: K{ü}tz, M: IT-Steuerung mit Kennzahlensystemen. Uebernickel, Falk in Wirtschaftsinformatik (2006). 49(1) 71.
  • Eine Vorgehensmethodik zum IT-Produktengineering. Uebernickel, Falk; Bravo-S{à}nchez, Carlos; Zarnekow, Ruediger; Brenner, Walter F. Lehner, H. Noesekabel, P. Kleinschmidt (reds.) (2006). (Vol. 2) 199–210.
  • IS Service-Engineering: A process model for the development of IS services. Uebernickel, Falk; Bravo-S{à}nchez, Carlos; Zarnekow, Ruediger; Brenner, Walter Z. Irani, O. D. Sarikas, J. Llopis, R. Gonzalez, J. Gasco (reds.) (2006).
  • Produkt- und Dienstleistungscontrolling einf{ü}hren. Uebernickel, Falk; Scheeg, Jochen; Zarnekow, Ruediger; Brenner, Walter in Praktisches IT-Management : Controlling, Kennzahlensysteme, Konzepte, R. Blomer, H. Mann, M. Bernhard (reds.) (2006). (Vol. 1. Aufl.) 369–391.
  • Produktorientiertes IT-Controlling bei der HUK-Coburg. Uebernickel, Falk; Ebert, Nico (2006, Augustus).
  • Verfahren und Methoden f{ü}r das Engineering von IT-Produkten. Uebernickel, Falk; Bravo-S{à}nchez, Carlos; Zarnekow, Ruediger; Brenner, Walter in IM : Information Management \& Consulting (2006). (3) 6–12.
  • Understanding and guiding our internal customer - T-Mobile case study: Dolphin. Uebernickel, Falk (2006, Maart).
  • Entwicklung von IT-Dienstleistungsprodukten - Pr{ä}zise modellierte IT-Services. Bravo-S{à}nchez, Carlos; Uebernickel, Falk; Zarnekow, Ruediger in IT-Fokus (2006). (5/6) 10–15.
  • Operations Management in IS: Using the SCOR-Model to Source, Make and Deliver IS Services. Hochstein, Axel; Uebernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter (2006).

2005 [ nach oben ]

  • Lean IT: Die Industrialisierung des Informationsmanagements. Bravo-S{à}nchez, Carlos; Uebernickel, Falk; Zarnekow, Ruediger in Is.Report - Magazin F{ü}r Betriebliche Informationssysteme (2005). 9(10) 12–17.
  • Untersuchung der Verursachungsgerechtigkeit von normierten CPU-Verbrauchswerten zur Leistungsverrechnung in Rechenzentren Uebernickel, Falk (2005).
  • Was die IT von der Industrie lernen kann. Bravo-S{à}nchez, Carlos; Uebernickel, Falk; Zarnekow, Ruediger in Computerworld (2005). 12–13.

2004 [ nach oben ]

  • Datenschutzfreundliche Gestaltung von kostenpflichtigen, ortsabh{ä}ngigen, mobilen Diensten Uebernickel, Falk (2004, Mei).