Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich


This page lists all Bachelor and Master students of the Chair for Algorithm Engineering at the Hasso Plattner Institute. Separate pages provide listings of the current group members, postdocs, Ph.D. students (including finished Ph.D. students), scientific guests, and former members.

Current Students

Sebastian Angrick

Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2020/21
Bachelor Project 2020/21
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2021
Bachelor Thesis 2021
Analyzing Schelling Games with High Diversity
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2021/22
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2022
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2023/24
Master Thesis 2024
A Dichotomy Criterion for Matrix Partitions

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Sebastian.Angrick(at)student.hpi.de

Julian Arnold

Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2023/24

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Julian.Arnold(at)student.hpi.de

Till Bergmann

Tutor Mathematik II SS 2022
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2022/23
Bachelor Project 2022/23
Bachelor Thesis 2023
Testing Geometric Distributions via Learning and Tolerant Identity Testing
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2023
Tutor (Advanced) Probability Theory​​​​​​​ WS 2023/24
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Till.Bergmann(at)student.hpi.de

Max Blaschke

Tutor Mathematik II SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Max.Blaschke(at)student.hpi.de

Jessica Dierking

Scientific Programmer
Tutor Algorithmic Problem Solving WS 2020/21
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2021
Bachelor Project (TomTom) 2021/22
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2022
Bachelor Thesis 2022
Modelling Traffic Flow for Electric Vehicles
Master Project WS 2023/24
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jessica.Dierking(at)student.hpi.de

Anton Eichstaedt

Tutor Mathematik I WS 2023/24

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Anton.Eichstaedt(at)student.hpi.de

Jan Fehse

Bachelor Project 2022/23
Bachelor Thesis 2023
Determining Web Platforms with High Shares in Search Results
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2023
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2023/24
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jan.Fehse(at)student.hpi.de

Tim Fraedrich

Bachelor Project 2023/24

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Tim.Fraedrich(at)student.hpi.de

Tyron Franzke

Tutor Mathematik I WS 2023/24

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Tyron.Franzke(at)student.hpi.de

Johanna Gasse

Tutor Mathematik II SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Johanna.Gasse(at)student.hpi.de

Callista Gratz

Tutor Mathematik I WS 2023/24

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Callista.Gratz(at)student.hpi.de

Moritz Grimm

Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Moritz.Grimm(at)student.hpi.de

Mehdi Gouasmi

Bachelor Project 2023/24

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Mehdi.Gouasmi@student.hpi.de

Niko Hastrich

Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2019/20
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2020
Tutor (Adv.) Competitive Programming SS 2020
Tutor (Adv.) Competitive Programming Contest Design WS 2020/21
Bachelor Project 2020/21
Tutor (Adv.) Competitive Programming SS 2021
Bachelor Thesis 2021
Approximate k-Nearest-Neighbor Queries on Geographic Data in the Context of Real Estate Valuation
Tutor (Adv.) Competitive Programming 2 WS 2021/22
Tutor Graph Algorithms WS 2023/24
Master Thesis 2024
Structural Parameterization of Steiner Tree Packing

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Niko.Hastrich(at)student.hpi.de

Antonia Heinen

Tutor Mathematik I WS 2023/24
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Antonia.Heinen(at)student.hpi.de

Romy Karbstein

Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Romy.Karbstein(at)student.hpi.de

Linus Köster

Tutor Mathematik II SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Linus.Koester(at)student.hpi.de

Jannes Malanowski

Bachelor Project 2023/24

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jannes.Malanowski@student.hpi.de

Magnus Menger

Tutor (Adv.) Competitive Programming SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Magnus.Menger(at)student.hpi.de

Claire Patzig

Tutor Mathematik II SS 2023
Tutor Mathematik I WS 2023/24

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Claire.Patzig(at)student.hpi.de

Konrad Pawlak

Tutor Mathematik I WS 2023/24
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Konrad.Pawlak(at)student.hpi.de

Gerome Quantmeyer

Scientific Programmer
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2023/24
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Gerome.Quantmeyer@student.hpi.de

Clemens Schielicke

Master Project WS 2023/24

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Clemens.Schielicke(at)student.hpi.de

Lara Schmidt

Tutor Mathematik I WS 2023/24

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Lara.Schmidt(at)student.hpi.de

Karl Schütz

Tutor (Adv.) Competitive Programming SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Karl.Schuetz(at)student.hpi.de

Paul Sievers

Tutor Mathematik I WS 2023/24
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Paul.Sievers(at)student.hpi.de

Tobias Sträubig

Master Project WS 2023/24

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Tobias.Straeubig(at)student.hpi.de

Jakob Timm

Tutor Mathematik II SS 2022
Bachelor Project 2022/23
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2023
Bachelor Thesis 2023
Tolerant Closeness Testing on Partially Known Discrete Distributions
Tutor (Advanced) Probability Theory​​​​​​​ WS 2023/24
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2024

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jakob.Timm(at)student.hpi.de

Lukas Weyand

Bachelor Project 2020/21
Bachelor Thesis 2021
Preparation of Real Estate Data for Deep Learning
Master Project WS 2023/24

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Lukas.Weyand(at)student.hpi.de

Henri Zeiler

Bachelor Project 2023/24

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Henri.Zeiler@student.hpi.de

Students 2022/23

Julian Berger

Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2019/20
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2022
Master Thesis 2022

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Julian.Berger(at)student.hpi.de

Kilian Glase

Bachelor Project 2022/23
Bachelor Thesis 2023
Measuring the Distribution of Conspiracy-Promoting Content in Google Search Results

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Kilian.Glase(at)student.hpi.de

Lukas Hagen

Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2022/23

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Lukas.Hagen(at)student.hpi.de

Nils Kiele

Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2023

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Nils.Kiele(at)student.hpi.de

Erik Kohlros

Scientific Programmer
Bachelor Project 2022/23
Bachelor Thesis 2023
Analyzing the sentiment distribution in Google search results

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Erik.Kohlros(at)student.hpi.de

Nicola Kössler

Bachelor Project 2022/23
Bachelor Thesis 2023
An empirical study about the network properties of the VGIRGs

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Nicola.Koessler(at)student.hpi.de

Paula Marten

Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2021/22
Bachelor Project (Valyria) 2021/22
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2022
Bachelor Thesis 2022
Isomorphisms and Embeddings between Limit Learning Settings
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2023

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Paula.Marten(at)student.hpi.de

Niklas Mohrin

Tutor Mathematik II SS 2021
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2021/22
Bachelor Project (Valyria) 2021/22
Bachelor Thesis 2022
Behaviorally Correct Learning from Informants
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2023

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Niklas.Mohrin(at)student.hpi.de

Tobias Rothe

Tutor Algorithmic Problem Solving WS 2022/23

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Tobias.Rothe(at)student.hpi.de

Jacob Schäfer

Bachelor Project 2022/23
Bachelor Thesis 2023
Mitigating Bias in Skin Lesion Classification Models Using Variational Autoencoders

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jacob.Schaefer(at)student.hpi.de

Leon Schiller

Bachelor Project 2019/20
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2020
Bachelor Thesis 2020
An Empirical Analysis of an Evolutionary Algorithm for the Single Alternative Path Problem
Master Project WS 2021/22
Master Thesis 2022
Cliques in High-Dimensional Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs
Tutor (Advanced) Probability Theory WS 2022

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Leon.Schiller(at)student.hpi.de

Karl Schuetz

Tutor Mathematik II SS 2023

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Karl.Schuetz(at)student.hpi.de

Jenny Sommerfeld

Bachelor Project 2022/23
Bachelor Thesis 2023
Simulating Detection for Brownian Motion via Reflective Walk on Spheres

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jenny.Sommerfeld(at)student.hpi.de

Simon Wietheger

Bachelor Project 2019/20
Bachelor Thesis 2020
Solving the Single Alternative Path Problem by Efficiently Finding Multi-Criteria SSSPs
Co-Lecturer Computational Learning Theory & Beyond WS 2020/21
Master Project WS 2021/22
Master Thesis 2023
Fair Correlation Clustering in Forests

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Simon.Wietheger(at)student.hpi.de

Students 2021/22

Leonardo Auri

Tutor Mathematik II unplugged SS 2022

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Leonardo.Auri(at)student.hpi.de

Simon Cyrani

Scientific Programmer
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2021
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2022

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Simon.Cyrani(at)student.hpi.de

Rebekka Dunker

Bachelor Project (TomTom) 2021/22
Bachelor Thesis 2022
Introducing the Graph Parameter Cell Skeleton Dimension for Analysing Routing Algorithms

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Rebekka.Dunker(at)student.hpi.de

Julian Egbert

Bachelor Project (TomTom) 2021/22
Bachelor Thesis 2022
Electric Vehicle Charging Network Graphs Visualization

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Julian.Egbert(at)student.hpi.de

Wilhelm Friedemann

Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2019
Master Project SS 2020
Master Thesis 2021
Parameterized Complexity of the Maximum-Weight Connected Subgraph Problem

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Wilhelm.Friedemann(at)student.hpi.de

Jonathan Gadea Harder

Tutor Graphenalgorithmen WS 2021/22
Master Thesis 2022
Facility Location Games with heterogenous customers

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jonathan.GadeaHarder(at)student.hpi.de

Hans Gawendowicz

Bachelor Project 2017/18
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2017/18
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2018
Bachelor Thesis 2018
Analyse einfacher evolutionärer Algorithmen auf dem Maximum-Cardinality-Matching-Problem
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2018/19
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2019
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2019/20
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2020
Master Project SS 2020
Tutor Algorithmic Game Theory WS 2020/21
Master Thesis 2021
On a Social Distancing Network Creation Game

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Hans.Gawendowicz(at)student.hpi.de

Merlin de la Haye

Tutor Mathematik II SS 2021
Master Thesis 2021
Creation Games for Undirected Wireless Networks

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Merlin.Haye(at)student.hpi.de

Christian Helms

Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2020/21
Bachelor Project (TomTom) 2021/22
Bachelor Thesis 2022
On the k-Shortest Path Cover Problem

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Christian.Helms(at)student.hpi.de

Ivan Khomutovskiy

Bachelor Project (TomTom) 2021/22
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2022
Bachelor Thesis 2022
The SKARF Routing Algorithm: A Generalisation of Arc-Flags Using Skeletons

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Ivan.Khomutovskiy(at)student.hpi.de

Otto Kißig

Bachelor Project 2019/20
Tutor (Adv.) Competitive Programming SS 2020
Bachelor Thesis 2020
Efficiently Enumerating Maximal Route Segments Shared by Groups of Drivers
Tutor (Adv.) Competitive Programming Contest Design WS 2020/21
Tutor (Adv.) Competitive Programming SS 2021
Tutor (Adv.) Competitive Programming 2 WS 2021/22

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Otto.Kissig(at)student.hpi.de

Nicolas Klodt

Bachelor Project 2018/19
Bachelor Thesis 2019
Run Time Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms for Time Series Compression
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2020
Master Project WS 2020/21
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2021
Master Thesis 2021
Epidemic Thresholds for the Sis Contact Process on Stars and Clique Stars

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Nicolas.Klodt(at)student.hpi.de

Bashini Mahaarachchi

Master Thesis 2021
Applying deep learning methods to create parking space maps using satellite images

University of Potsdam

E-Mail: bashini.mahaarachchi(at)uni-potsdam.de

Lukas Rost

IT Support
Bachelor Project (Valyria) 2021/22
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2022
Bachelor Thesis 2022
Analyzing Schelling Games with Multi-Dimensional Types

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Lukas.Rost(at)student.hpi.de

Leon Schiller

Bachelor Project 2019/20
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2020
Bachelor Thesis 2020
An Empirical Analysis of an Evolutionary Algorithm for the Single Alternative Path Problem
Master Project WS 2021/22
Master Thesis 2022
Cliques in High-Dimensional Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Leon.Schiller(at)student.hpi.de

Finn Schöllkopf

Bachelor Project (TomTom) 2021/22
Bachelor Thesis 2022
Heuristics for Placing new Electric Vehicle Charging Parks

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Finn.Schoellkopf(at)student.hpi.de

Lars Seifert

Bachelor Project 2018/19
Bachelor Thesis 2019
Minimizing Communication Cost for On-Line Time Series Compression
Master Project WS 2020/21
Master Thesis 2022
Single-Peaked Jump Schelling Games

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Lars.Seifert(at)student.hpi.de

Kathrin Thenhausen

Bachelor Project (Valyria) 2021/22
Bachelor Thesis 2022
The utility of clustering for real estate valuation

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Kathrin.Thenhausen(at)student.hpi.de

Michael Vaichenker

Master Project SS 2020
Master Thesis 2021
Hardness and Approximation Results for Fair Ratio-Cut

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Michael.Vaichencker(at)student.hpi.de

Janis Wehen

Tutor Mathematik II SS 2022

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Janis.Wehen(at)student.hpi.de

Richard Wohlbold

Scientific Programmer

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Richard.Wohlbold(at)student.hpi.de

Arthur Zahn

Bachelor Project 2018/19
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2018/19
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2019
Bachelor Thesis 2019
Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Time Series Compression by Piecewise Linear Approximation
Master Project WS 2020/21
Master Thesis 2022
Price of Anarchy in Bilateral Network Creation Games

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Arthur.Zahn(at)student.hpi.de

Students 2020/21

Lukas Behrendt

Master Project SS 2019
Master Thesis 2021
A Best Response Algorithm for the Minimum Flow Network Creation Game

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Lukas.Behrendt(at)student.hpi.de

Pascal Führlich

Master Thesis 2021
Improving Pairings at Swiss-System Tournaments and Analysis of Swiss Gambits

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Pascal.Fuehrlich(at)student.hpi.de

Abdullatif Ghajar

Scientific Programmer
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2021

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Abdullatif.Ghajar(at)student.hpi.de

Maximilian Kleissl

Bachelor Project 2020/21
Bachelor Thesis 2021
Finding Deep Neural Network Architectures for Tabular Real Estate Data Using Genetic Algorithms

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Maximilian.Kleissl(at)student.hpi.de

Jannik Peters

Bachelor Project 2017/18
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2017/18
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2018
Bachelor Thesis 2018
Comparison of MIP Solvers and Evolutionary Algorithms for Hard Real World Audit Assignment Problems (with Daniel Stephan)
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2018/19
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2019

Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2019/20
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2020
Master Project SS 2020
Tutor Algorithmix WS 2020/21
Master Thesis 2021
Complexity of Popular Matchings with One- and Three-Sided Preference Lists

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jannik.Peters(at)student.hpi.de

Johannes Pötzsch

Tutor Algorithmic Problem Solving WS 2020/21

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Johannes.Poetzsch(at)student.hpi.de

Romeo Sommerfeld

Tutor Mathematik II SS 2021

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Romeo.Sommerfeld(at)student.hpi.de

Daniel Stephan

Bachelor Project 2017/18
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2018
Bachelor Thesis 2018
Comparison of MIP Solvers and Evolutionary Algorithms for Hard Real World Audit Assignment Problems (with Jannik Peters)
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2018/19
Master Project SS 2020
Master Thesis 2021
Routing with Low Stretch and Small Coordinates in Hyperbolic Random Graphs

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Daniel.Stephan(at)student.hpi.de

Students 2019/20

Maximilian Böther

Bachelor Project 2019/20
Bachelor Thesis 2020
Heuristic Optimization of Strategic Alternative Routes in Traffic Networks Using Evolutionary Algorithms

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Maximilian.Boether(at)student.hpi.de

Hagen Echzell

Master Project WS 2018/19
Master Thesis 2019
Flow-Based Network Creation Games

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Hagen.Echzell(at)student.hpi.de

Benjamin Feldmann

Master Project SS 2018
Master Thesis 2020 (co-advised)
Distributed Unique Column Combinations Discovery

Information Systems Group
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Benjamin.Feldmann(at)student.hpi.de

Martin Graf

Scientific Programmer

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Martin.Graf(at)student.hpi.de

Alina Gries

Bachelor Project 2019/20
Bachelor Thesis 2020
Reducing CO2 Emissions Through Strategic Routing

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Alina.Gries(at)student.hpi.de

Linus Heinzl

Bachelor Project 2018/19
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2018/19
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2019

Bachelor Thesis 2019
Analysis of the Parameter Configuration of the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker Algorithm for Time Series Compression
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2020

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Linus.Heinzl(at)student.hpi.de


Simon Krogmann

Bachelor Project 2015/16
Bachelor Thesis 2016
Algorithms for Creating Parking Spot Search Routes With and Without Access to Parking Probabilities
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2017
Master Project WS 2017/18
Tutor (Adv.) Competitive Programming SS 2018
Tutor (Adv.) Competitive Programming SS 2019
Master Thesis 2020
Facility Location Games on Networks

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Simon.Krogmann(at)student.hpi.de

Martin Michaelis

IT Support

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Martin.Michaelis(at)student.hpi.de

Marcus Pappik

Tutor Probability Theory WS 2018/19
Master Project WS 2018/19
Tutor Probability and Computing SS 2019
Master Thesis 2019

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Marcus.Pappik(at)student.hpi.de

Selina Reinhard

Tutor Algorithmic Problem Solving WS 2019/20

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Selina.Reinhard(at)student.hpi.de

Felix Rindt

Tutor Algorithmic Problem Solving WS 2018/19
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2019/20

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Felix.Rindt(at)student.hpi.de

Ronja Wagner

Tutor Algorithmic Problem Solving WS 2019/20
Tutor Mathematik II SS 2020

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Ronja.Wagner(at)student.hpi.de

Robin Wersich

Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2020

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Robin.Wersich(at)student.hpi.de

Marcus Wilhelm

Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2018
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2019

Master Project SS 2019
Tutor Parametrisierte Algorithmen WS 2019/20
Master Thesis 2020
Beating the Worst-Case: Analysis of a Practical Algorithm for Treewidth

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Marcus.Wilhelm(at)student.hpi.de

Students 2018/19

Freya Behrens

Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2019

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Freya.Behrens(at)student.hpi.de

Johann Birnick

Scientific Programmer

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Johann.Birnick(at)student.hpi.de

Jorin Heide

Bachelor Project 2018/19
Bachelor Thesis 2019
Causal Discovery on Industrial Time Series Data and its Interaction with Lossy Compression

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jorin.Heide(at)student.hpi.de


Sven Ladusch

Tutor Probability Theory WS 2018/19

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Sven.Ladusch(at)student.hpi.de

Alexander Löser

Master Project SS 2019

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Alexander.Loeser(at)student.hpi.de

Stefanie Lowski

Tutor Algorithmix WS 2015/16
Tutor Randomisierte Algorithmen SS 2016
Diploma Thesis 2019 (co-advised)
Selfish Network Creation with Distance-Dependent Edge Price

Department of Computer Science
Humboldt University of Berlin

E-Mail: lowski(at)math.hu-berlin.de

Dominik Meier

Tutor Algorithmic Problem Solving WS 2018/19

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Dominik.Meier(at)student.hpi.de

Felix Mujkanovic

Bachelor Project 2018/19
Bachelor Thesis 2019
Explaining the Predictions of Any Time Series Classifier

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Felix.Mujkanovic(at)student.hpi.de

Philipp Otto

Tutor Probability Theory WS 2018/19

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Philipp.Otto2(at)student.hpi.de

Valentin Pinkau

Master Thesis 2019 (co-advised)
Hierarchical Graph Embeddings in Hyperbolic Space

Chair for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Valentin.Pinkau(at)student.hpi.de

Friedrich Schöne

Master Project WS 2018/19

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Friedrich.Schoene(at)student.hpi.de

Fabian Sommer

Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2015/16
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2016
Bachelor Project 2016/17
Bachelor Thesis 2017
Shortest Paths in a Tiled-Divided Map – Changing Node Priorities Based on the Accessibility of Tiles
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2016/17
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2017
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2017/18
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2018
Master Project WS 2018/19
Tutor Algorithmix WS 2018/19
Tutor Graphenalgorithmen SS 2019
Master Thesis 2019
Controlling Assortativitiy in Heterogeneous Geometric Random Graphs

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Fabian.Sommer(at)student.hpi.de

Sören Tietböhl

IT Support
Master Project WS 2017/18
Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2018
Master Thesis 2019

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Soeren.Tietboehl(at)student.hpi.de

Students 2017/18

Isabel Amon

Bachelor Project 2017/18
Bachelor Thesis 2018
Optimierung von skillbasierten Dispositionen mit Hilfe evolutionärer Algorithmen

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Sarah-Isabel.Amon(at)student.hpi.de

Philipp Fischbeck

Master Project WS 2016/17
Tutor Randomisierte Algorithmen WS 2017
Master Thesis 2018
On the Effectiveness of Data Reduction for Covering Problems in Real-World Transit Networks

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Philipp.Fischbeck(at)student.hpi.de

Cedric Freiberger

Master Project SS 2017
Master Thesis 2018
On the Runtime of the Louvain Modularity Optimization

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Cedric.Freiberger(at)student.hpi.de

Sven Ihde

Master Project SS 2016
Master Thesis 2018
Wireless and Metric Network Creation Games

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Sven.Ihde(at)student.hpi.de

Tobias Knöschke

Tutor Theoretische Informatik II SS 2017
Master Project WS 2017/18

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Tobias.Knoeschke(at)student.hpi.de

Mirko Krause

IT Support

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Mirko.Krause(at)student.hpi.de

Julius Lischeid

Bachelor Project 2017/18
Bachelor Thesis 2018
Lexicographic Enumeration of Hitting Sets in Hypergraphs

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Julius.Lischeid(at)student.hpi.de

Ahmed Rekik

Master Project SS 2018

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Ahmed.Rekik(at)student.hpi.de

Lennart Salabarria

Bachelor Project 2017/18
Bachelor Thesis 2018
Untersuchung lokaler agentenbasierter Verbesserungsstrategien

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Lennart.Salabarria(at)student.hpi.de

Dimitri Schmidt

Master Project WS 2017/18

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Dimitri.Schmidt(at)student.hpi.de

David Schumann

Tutor  Theoretische Informatik II SS 2016
Master Project SS 2016
Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2016/17
Master Thesis 2018
Exploring Game Theoretic Models for Generating Real World Networks

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: David.Schumann(at)student.hpi.de

Marianne Thieffry

Master Project SS 2017
Master Thesis 2018
Efficient Generation of Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: marianne.thieffry(at)student.hpi.de

Jonas Umland

Bachelor Project 2017/18
Bachelor Thesis 2018
Skillbasierte Mitarbeiterdisposition mittels ganzzahliger linearer Optimierung

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jonas.Umland(at)student.hpi.de

Juliane Waack

Master Project WS 2017/18

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Juliane.Waack(at)student.hpi.de

Felix Werner

Bachelor Project 2017/18
Bachelor Thesis 2018
Interaktive Visualisierung skillbasierter Dispositionen

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Felix.Werner(at)student.hpi.de

Christopher Weyand

Master Project WS 2017/18
Tutor (Adv.) Competitive Programming SS 2018
Master Thesis 2018
Locality in Game Theoretic Models for Real-World Networks

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Christopher.Weyand(at)student.hpi.de

Students 2016/17

Jan Eube

Bachelor Project WS 2016/17
Bachelor Thesis 2017
Bidirektionale Suche auf einer in Kacheln eingeteilten Karte

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jan.Eube(at)student.hpi.de

Thomas Feldtkeller

Bachelor Project WS 2016/17
Bachelor Thesis 2017
Analysis of Routing Algorithms on Tiled Map Data

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Thomas.Feldtkeller(at)student.hpi.de

Maximilian Katzmann

IT Support 2016/17
Master Thesis 2017
Hyperbolic Embeddings for Near-Optimal Greedy Routing

Chair for Theoretical Computer Science I
Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Viatcheslav Korenwein

Tutor Parametrisierte Algorithmen WS 2016/17

Algorithmics and Computational Complexity
Technical University of Berlin

Julius Severin

Bachelor Project WS 2016/17
Bachelor Thesis 2017
Visualizing Shortest Path Algorithms on Tiled Map Data

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Julius.Severin(at)student.hpi.de

Jonathan Striebel

Project Seminar WS 2016/17

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jonathan.Striebel(at)student.hpi.de

Justin Trautmann

Bachelor Project WS 2016/17
Bachelor Thesis 2017
Cache Replacement Strategies for Routing Algorithms on Tiled Maps

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Justin.Trautmann(at)student.hpi.de

Students 2015/16

Tobias Arndt

Bachelor Project WS 2015/16
Bachelor Thesis 2016
Field Study for Evaluating On-Street Parking Search Algorithms on Probabilistic Data

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Tobias.Arndt(at)student.hpi.de

Martin Aschenbach

Master Thesis 2016
Comparison of Restricted Language Identification from Informants

Chair for Theoretical Computer Science II
Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Meike Baumgärtner

Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2015/16

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Meike.Baumgaertner(at)student.hpi.de

Maximilian Brehm

Tutor Heuristic Optimization SS 2015

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Maximilian.Brehm(at)student.hpi.de

Andreas Goral

Bachelor Thesis 2015
Graph Isomorphism on Deterministic Scale-Free Networks

Chair for Theoretical Computer Science II
Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Danijar Hafner

Bachelor Project WS 2015/16
Bachelor Thesis 2016
Deep Reinforcement Learning from Raw Pixels in Doom

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Danijar.Hafner(at)student.hpi.de

Thomas Kellermeier

Bachelor Project 2015/16
Bachelor Thesis 2016
Routing Drivers for On-Street Parking Search in a Multi-Agent System

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Thomas.Kellermeier(at)student.hpi.de

Nicco Kunzmann

Master Thesis 2016

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Nicco.Kunzmann(at)student.hpi.de

Arne Ludwig

Bachelor Thesis 2014
Comparison of Two Methods for the Generation of Geometric Variates
Master Thesis 2016

Chair for Theoretical Computer Science II
Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Felix Merz

Tutor Theoretische Informatik I WS 2015/16

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Felix.Merz(at)student.hpi.de

Dominik Müller

Master Thesis 2016
Analysing Neuroevolution Algorithms

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Dominik.Mueller(at)student.hpi.de

Armin Razmdjou

Bachelor Project 2015/16
Bachelor Thesis 2016
Automatic Matching Between Large Road Networks on the Example of TomTom and OpenStreetMap

Chair for Algorithm Engineering
Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Armin.Razmdjou(at)student.hpi.de