Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Hasso Plattner

Franziska Dobrigkeit

Research Assistant, PhD Candidate

Franziska Häger
Phone:+49 (0)331 5509 - 132
Fax:+49 (0)331 5509 - 579
Room:Hasso-Plattner-Villa, V-1.19


Exploring the integration of Design Thinking, Agile practices and Lean Startup for Software Development

The ability to develop innovative products is a necessity for successful companies in today's competitive markets. Accordingly, different approaches to build innovative products have evolved in different fields over the past decades: Design Thinking, from the field of Design, agile approaches from software engineering, and Lean Startup from the realm of Entrepreneurship. Design Thinking as a user-centered approach to innovation that focuses on discovering relevant problems and finding innovative solutions to those problems. It thus supports creating a desirable product vision. Agile approaches such as Scrum have become an industry standard in the field of software engineering, as they address changing requirements while iteratively building the software product. Thus, Agile practices support the implementation of a feasible product. Lean Start Up has risen to be the method to follow when building and scaling a new business and product. It focuses on viable business concepts and incorporates agile product development. However, a successful innovative product achieves a balance between feasibility, viability and desirability. Thus, integrating the three approaches, opens up an opportunity to incorporate all important aspects of innovation throughout the software development life cycle.

Within this research we develop and evaluate InnoDev, a software development approach that intertwines Design Thinking, Agile practices and Lean Startup. Two important concepts of InnoDev are explored in depth to develop accompanying guides: the applicability of agile project management for the conceptualization phase, and the suitability of Design Thinking to support later development stages.

Our findings indicate that InnoDev is a promising approach to integrate Design Thinking, Agile practices, and Lean Startup. The combined processes and tool kits indeed enable software development teams to consider all three innovation aspects at different stages of the development life cycle. The use of agile project management throughout the process enables an easy transition from conceptualization to development. Furthermore, the developed guides for developers and Scrum teams helped teams to integrate design thinking activities into their daily work thus strengthening user empathy and team collaboration.

Keywords: Design Research, Human-Centered Design and Engineering, Design Thinking, Agile, Lean Startup



  • Experience vs Data: A Case for More Data-Informed Retrospective Activities. Matthies, Christoph; Dobrigkeit, Franziska in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (2021). 130–144.
  • Cherry Picking - Agile Software Development Teams Applying Design Thinking Tools. Dobrigkeit, Franziska; Matthies, Christoph; Pajak, Philipp; Teusner, Ralf in Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming textendash Workshops (2021). 201–206.


  • Towards Empirically Validated Remedies for Scrum Retrospective Headaches. Matthies, Christoph; Dobrigkeit, Franziska (2020).
  • InnoDev Workshop: A One Day Introduction to Combining Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Agile Software Development. Dobrigkeit, Franziska; de Paula, Danielly; Carroll, Noel (2020). 1–10.
  • Mining for Process Improvements: Analyzing Software Repositories in Agile Retrospectives. Matthies, Christoph; Dobrigkeit, Franziska; Hesse, Guenter in ICSEW’20 (2020). 189–190.
  • DT@ IT Toolbox: Design Thinking Tools to Support Everyday Software Development. Dobrigkeit, Franziska; Pajak, Philipp; de Paula, Danielly; Uflacker, Matthias in Design Thinking Research: Investigating Design Team Performance, C. Meinel, L. Leifer (eds.) (2020). 201–227.


  • Doing it Right - Critical Success Factors for Design Thinking Implementation. De Paula, Danielly; Dobrigkeit, Franziska; Cormican, Kathryn (2019). 1(1) 3851–3860.
  • Counteracting Agile Retrospective Problems with Retrospective Activities. Matthies, Christoph; Dobrigkeit, Franziska; Ernst, Alexander A. Walker, R. V. O’Connor, R. Messnarz (eds.) (2019). (Vol. 1060) 532–545.
  • Design thinking in practice: understanding manifestations of design thinking in software engineering. Dobrigkeit, Franziska; de Paula, Danielly (2019). 1059–1069.
  • An Additional Set of (Automated) Eyes: Chatbots for Agile Retrospectives. Matthies, Christoph; Dobrigkeit, Franziska; Hesse, Guenter (2019). 34–37.


  • InnoDev - A Software Development Methodology Integrating Design Thinking, Scrum and Lean Startup. Dobrigkeit, Franziska; de Paula, Danielly; Uflacker, Matthias in Design Thinking - Research Looking Further: Design Thinking Beyond Solution-Fixation, H. Plattner, C. Meinel, L. Leifer (eds.) (2018). 199–228.
  • Breaks with a Purpose. Dobrigkeit, Franziska; de Paula, Danielly; Uflacker, Matthias in Design Thinking Research (2018). 59–76.
  • Adding Scrum-style project management to an advanced Design Thinking class. Dobrigkeit, Franziska; Wilson, Molly; Nicolai, Claudia; others in DS 91: Proceedings of NordDesign 2018, Linköping, Sweden, 14th-17th August 2018 (2018).
  • From team collaboration to product success-the domino effect of design thinking. Paula, Danielly de; Dobrigkeit, Franziska; Cormican, Kathryn; others in DS 91: Proceedings of NordDesign 2018, Linköping, Sweden, 14th-17th August 2018 (2018).
  • Verbal focus shifts: Forms of low coherent statements in design conversations. Menning, Axel; Grasnick, Bastien M; Ewald, Benedikt; Dobrigkeit, Franziska; Nicolai, Claudia in Design Studies (2018). 57 135–155.


  • Combining computational and human analysis to study low coherence in design conversations. Menning, Axel; Grasnick, Bastien Marvin; Ewald, Benedikt; Dobrigkeit, Franziska; Nicolai, Claudia in Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-Cultural Co-Creation (2017). 291.
  • The Best Of Three Worlds - The Creation Of InnoDev a Software Development Approach that Integrates Design Thinking, Scrum and Lean Startup. Dobrigkeit, Franziska; de Paula, Danielly Ferreira Oliveira (2017). 319–328.
  • Combining Computational and Human Analysis to Study Low Coherence in Design Conversations. Menning, Axel; Grasnick, Bastien Marvin; Ewald, Benedikt; Dobrigkeit, Franziska; Nicolai in Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-Cultural Co-Creation, B. T. Christensen, L. J. Ball, K. Halskov (eds.) (2017). (1st ed.) 291–309.


  • Time Management Practice in educational Design Thinking Projects. Haeger, Franziska; Uflacker, Matthias (2016). 319–328.
  • Case Studies on End-User Engagement and Prototyping during Software Development. Dobrigkeit, Franziska; Meyer, Sebastian; Uflacker, Matthias in Design Thinking Research, H. Plattner, C. Meinel, L. Leifer (eds.) (2016). 183–213.
  • Enhancing Early Mobile Prototype Testing: Requirements Analysis through Interviews and a System Design. Meyer, Sebastian; Haeger, Franziska; Uflacker, Matthias (2016).


  • Experience and Knowledge Transfer Through Special Topic Coaching Sessions. Haeger, Franziska; Kowark, Thomas; Uflacker, Matthias in Design Thinking Research - Making Design Thinking Foundational, H. Plattner, C. Meinel, L. Leifer (eds.) (2015). 187–201.


  • Scaling Design Thinking - Using a multi-team design thinking workshop to kick start software projects. Haeger, Franziska; Teusner, Ralf (2014).
  • GDriveMonitor: A Tool for Analysing Information Sharing in Virtual Engineering Design Teams Using the Google Drive API. Illi, Cornelius; Haeger, Franziska; Uflacker, Matthias (2014).
  • Innovations for Personalized Medicine. Plattner, Hasso; Schapranow, Matthieu-P; Haeger, Franziska in High-Performance In-Memory Genome Data Analysis (2014). 1–27.
  • In-Memory Computing Enabling Real-time Genome Data Analysis. Schapranow, Matthieu-P.; Haeger, Franziska; Fähnrich, Cindy; Ziegler, Emanuel; Plattner, Hasso in International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, Vol 6, Nr 1-2 (2014).
  • DT@Scrum: Integrating Design Thinking with Software Development Processes. Haeger, Franziska; Kowark, Thomas; Krüger, Jens; Vetterli, Christophe; Übernickel, Falk; Uflacker, Matthias in Understanding Innovation - Building Innovators (2014).
  • Pay it forward - Planning and Assessment of a Coaching Seminar for Global-Design Team Alumni. Haeger, Franziska; Kowark, Thomas; Uflacker, Matthias (2014).


  • A Research Plan for the Integration of Design Thinking with Large Scale Software Development Projects. Kowark, Thomas; Haeger, Franziska; Gehrer, Ralf; Krüger, Jens in Design Thinking Research - Building Innovation Eco-Systems (2013).
  • High-Performance In-Memory Genome Project: A Platform for Integrated Real-Time Genome Data Analysis. Schapranow, Matthieu-P.; Haeger, Franziska; Plattner, Hasso (2013). 5–10.
  • Jumpstarting Scrum with Design Thinking Vetterli, Christophe; Übernickel, Falk; Brenner, Walter; Haeger, Franziska; Kowark, Thomas; Krüger, Jens; Müller, Jürgen; Plattner, Hasso; Stortz, Barbara; Sikka, Vishal (2013).