Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Hasso Plattner

Trends and Concepts in the Software Industry III - Exercise: Cloud-based Apps for Digital Health

General Information

  • Teaching staff: Dr. Matthias Uflacker, Dr. Stephan von Schorlemer
  • Location: HPI Campus II, Building D
  • Room: D-E.9/10
  • 4 Semesterwochenstunden (SWS) 6 ECTS (graded)
  • Introductory course: Thu Apr 20, 2017 at 9.15am, HPI Campus II, Building D, Room D-E.9/10

Scope of the exercise

In this exercise you will get the hands-on experience to implement state-of-the art digital health applications. As a starting point, you will get introduced to three digital health application use cases that have been developed during the TuK-Seminar of the last semester. These applications include:


  • Afib: detection of atrial fibrillation using fitness heart rate sensors
  • StrokeHub: aftercare for stroke patients
  • Breast Cancer Companion: personalized knowledge and recommendation portal for cancer treatment optimization

These applications can be implemented in iOS, Android, or HTML5/JS. Depending on the use case, either a native mobile and/or a web application is applicable. 

As a backend and data infrastructure, these applications will use the Gesundheitscloud platform that provides and API and SDK for application development.


The final grading will consist of the following individual parts: 

  • Implementation of digital health application
  • Project documentation