Prof. Dr. Tilmann Rabl


We try to keep an up to date list of all our publications. If you are interested in a PDF that we have not uploaded yet, feel free to send us an email to get a copy. All recent publications you will find below. For older, please click appropriate year.

Publications of the years 2024202320222021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 20172016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007


  • A PDGF Implementation for... - Download
    A PDGF Implementation for TPC-H. Poess, Meikel; Rabl, Tilmann; Frank, Michael; Danisch, Manuel (2011). 196–212.
  • Parallel Data Generation ... - Download
    Parallel Data Generation for Performance Analysis of Large, Complex RDBMS. Rabl, Tilmann; Poess, Meikel (2011). 5.
  • A Protocol for Disaster D... - Download
    A Protocol for Disaster Data Evacuation. Rabl, Tilmann; Stegmaier, Florian; Döller, Mario; Vang, The Thong (2011). 448–449.
  • Demonstration des Paralle... - Download
    Demonstration des Parallel Data Generation Framework. Rabl, Tilmann; Sergieh, Hatem Mousselly; Frank, Michael; Kosch, Harald (2011). 730–733.
  • Efficiency in Cluster Dat... - Download
    Efficiency in Cluster Database Systems - Dynamic and Workload-Aware Scaling and Allocation. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Rabl, Tilmann (2011).