Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

At the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) the Digital Health Center, Prof. Dr. Bert Arnrich (Chair in Digital Health with Special Emphasis on Connected Healthcare), is seeking to fill positions for

Doctoral Students (Ph.D.) / Postdoctoral Researchers (m/f/d) in Digital Health

with emphasis on Connected Health

The Digital Health Center of the HPI is seeking highly-motivated individuals with proven track records of excellence, who aspire to create next-generation healthcare solutions embracing person-centric ubiquitous computing technologies.

Successful applicants will work with internationally-recognized teams based in Germany (Berlin -Potsdam), with extensive collaborations in the U.S. (New York City), and should have a demonstrated interest and record of achievement in one or more of the following areas of research.

Areas of Work

  • Personal health assistants: design, implement and evaluate pervasive computing technologies to support health and wellness in every-day life
  • Gather naturalistic real-life sensor data from large populations
  • Utilize large-scale available Internet-of-Health-Things (IoHT)
  • Capture variability in daily life by context aware data processing
  • Develop machine learning methods that detect and predict health outcomes from real-life data
  • Provide evidence on the effectiveness of persuasive recommenders by introducing objective measurement of behavior changes in randomized controlled trials
  • Extend electronic health records with observations from daily life
  • Develop AI driven clinical decision support methods that use indicators of individual’s lifestyle and response to treatment
  • Enhance trust with advanced methods for data protection and data sovereignty


  • Master or PhD degrees in computer/data science, physics, mathematics, or equivalent degrees in medicine and advanced health sciences
  • Experience in data mining, computational statistics or machine learning
  • Excellent skills in high-level programming languages
  • Self-reliance, goal-oriented creativity, dedication, team spirit and excellent English language skills

We look forward to receiving your application including detailed curriculum vitae, a cover letter describing your research interests, previous experience and intended career path, name and addresses of referees.

Please submit your application documents via email to Bert.Arnrich(at)hpi.de.

Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering gGmbH
Prof. -Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3,
14482 Potsdam, Germany