Dr. Bernhard von Mutius

Bernhard von Mutius studied history, philosophy, sociology and political science. He is a non-fiction thinker of the future, entrepreneur, author and co-author of several books, among them Die Schönheit der Einfachheit; Die andere Intelligenz. Wie wir morgen denken werden (ed.); Die Verwandlung der Welt. Ein Dialog mit der Zukunft.
He is dedicated to questions of complexity and creativity, the beauty and gestalt of simplicity. Over the last 25 years he has worked as a strategic advisor for business and politics and as a facilitator of transformation  – on strategic boundary issues between the disciplines – “in between”. He feels strongly connected to the HPI School of Design Thinking through common projects and lectures (e.g. at the d.confestival). Since December 2015 he is also senior adivisor and member of the teaching team.