
Worldwide more and more new innovation and training centers are emerging. The HPI D-School in Potsdam encourages and supports this development whenever possible with experienced Design Thinkers.


Global Design Thinking network

Global Design Thinking …

The HPI School of Design Thinking is a founding member of the Global Design Thinking Alliance … >

D-School Universidad Mayor

The D-School of the Universidad Mayor is the first Design Thinking School in Latin America. It was … >

d-school Cape Town

In early March the University of Cape Town (UCT) officially opened the Hasso Plattner Institute of … >

Openlab Stockhholm

Openlab is a Design Thinking center where students and researchers at Karolinska Institutet, KTH … >

CUC D-School in Beijing

China's largest university for communication opened the doors of its Design Thinking-School in 2012, … >

Genovasi Malaysia

In August 2012 Malaysia's first innovation school "Genovasi" opened in Kuala Lumpur. >