Andrea Rohrberg

Andrea had first contact with Design Thinking at HPI in 2008 as a participant in a one-day workshop. Since that early encounter, she crossed paths with the idea of Design Thinking now and again as a freelance consultant. 

Her professional career took her from her studies as a creative therapist in NĂ¼rtingen, South Germany, further on to a systemic point of view in group dynamics and organizational development. As a freelance consultant, she specialized in virtual collaboration and innovation processes with multiple partners. In 2015 she was fascinated by the idea of storytelling: approaching complex situations and strategies with means of a storyline and the voices of local participants. Together with her business partner, she founded a startup with that idea in the field of tourism.

In November 2023 she joined the D-School team part-time as knowledge and storytelling manager. Her vision in this position is to support students and partners to find valuable information they need for their innovation process and communicate the innovative ideas of Design Thinking projects at D-School with the help of a good story.