
New podcast episode about how Design Thinking can be used for life planning

A fulfilling and happy life – who does not wish for that? But how can we realize our life’s dreams and goals? What should your future look like?


HPI Podcast Neuland


How the innovation method and mindset of Design Thinking can help with individual life planning is the subject of the new episode of the knowledge podcast “Neuland” by the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI). In conversation with moderator Leon Stebe, Dr. Claudia Nicolai, Academic Director of the HPI School of Design Thinking, Dr. Martin Schwemmle, Innovation Researcher and Design Thinking Coach at the HPI D-School, and Klaudia Thal, Systemic and Design Thinking Coach at the HPI D-School, report on the launch and their experience with “Wayfinder” – a new program for personal and career development, based on the principles and methods of Design Thinking, Systemic Coaching and Positive Psychology.

“With Wayfinder, Design Thinking does not change, but the focus is shifting”, says Dr. Claudia Nicolai. “It’s not so much about teams, but about the individual, who asks themselves: Which way do I want to go? Should I start my own business? How can I reconcile things in my life that are important to me?” It was therefore important to provide all participants with a “safe and protected space” within the program. This also works very well in the digital world. “Discovering your personal issues with other participants and receiving feedback is very intensive and much more challenging. But anyone who has experienced and done this will understand how much of a benefit it is”, adds Klaudia Thal, who is continuously developing the program at the HPI D-School together with colleagues.

“I am always surprised how much untapped potential we have”, says Dr. Martin Schwemmle. “Technologies and ways of thinking from Design Thinking can give us access to these potentials. Many of the students taking part in the program are driven by a specific question.” A structured design process helps them find out for themselves what they really want.

The knowledge podcast “Neuland” with experts from the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) can be found at: https://podcast.hpi.de, iTunes and Spotify. It offers profound knowledge about the digital world, explained clearly and comprehensively. Once a month, they talk at Neuland about current and socially relevant digital topics, their research work and the opportunities and challenges of digital trends and developments.