D-School at CeBIT

"women & CeBIT" - Day 5

Day 5 at CeBIT: How might we make CeBIT more attractive to women? Todey, all our interviewees were women...

The female visitors and exhibitors told us what's bugging them most and what they would like to change about their CeBIT experience.

The statements were collected to find needs and generate insights in order to specify our initial question.

Audience participation in our sessions... a big interested crowd, but also some raised eyebrows.

With the help of the visitors, we identified the demand for a quiet and relaxing environment within the fair... and ideated the CeBIT chillout lounge.

Again lots of help during our prototyping session.

Within just a couple of minutes, we managed to create a first prototype that looks inviting and exciting at the same time.

Our students were able to draw curious female professionals to our booth who helped in redesigning and constructing our prototype. The various feedback we got made us realize once more how powerful the process of involving users can be.

The final version of our prototype: In the center of each hall of the future CeBIT, there ought to be a common *silent* lounge to relax, to gather and to inform about the surrounding booths.
... how about a tour?

Entering the lounge... a soft thick carpet, plants and gentle chillout  tunes welcome the visitor. A vitamin bar and some couches can be seen in the background.

Juices and fruits are available at the bar which is situated in front of a small fountain. Some divans and seats are spread throughout the lounge. A small booth displays products of the companies within the hall and offers an interactive map guiding to those products. 

The visitors may call exhibitors into the hall to give them small talks about their products and gather with business contact in this calm environment.

Exiting the CeBIT chillout lounge... now for some feedback:

Our general approach seems to be valid. The visitors are positively surprised by our proposal. Many thanks to our students and our visitors!