
Open House on 15 January 2020

Do you want to find out what Design Thinking is actually about? Are you wondering whether you should study Design Thinking? Are you a representative of an organization that is interested in becoming a project partner? At the HPI D-School Open House on 15 January 2020 we answer all your questions regarding our Design Thinking study programs.


Basic Track Introduction


Every semester 120 students and recent graduates from all over the world come to Potsdam to study Design Thinking. In 16 weeks they experience Design Thinking as a holistic approach to design strategic innovation and transformation processes.

Together with project partners from companies, NGOs or political institutions they develop creative solutions for complex problems in small, mixed teams. During the whole semester they are accompanied by our diverse team of experienced Design Thinking coaches.

Everyone who would like to learn more about our Design Thinking study programs is cordially invited to our information event on 15 January 2020. At the Open House we introduce our academic Design Thinking programs for students and recent graduates. Visit us and learn about the application process, the program contents and current projects.

Interested organizations can also learn how to become a project partner and submit a real challenge from their practice for our students.

The Open House program

16:00 - 16:15    Welcome at the HPI D-School & short introduction to Design Thinking       

16:15 - 16:45    Introduction to our academic Design Thinking programs

16:15 - 17:30    Information for project partners: Design Thinking student projects

                       Design Thinking professional education: HPI Academy

16:45 - 17:30    Q&A and hangout session with our program team and T-Profile workshop

17:30 - 18:00   Tour of the HPI D-School & T-Profile workshop

When:      15 January 2020

Time:        4:00-6:00pm

Where:     August-Bebel-Str. 88, 14482 Potsdam (House D)

Register for the Open House

Photo: Jana Legler / HPI D-School