
digistainable NOW! Developing digital climate protection solutions together

The effects of climate change are already being felt around the world today, and limiting global warming is vital for humanity's and nature's survival. As an effective tool for decarbonization, digital technologies can help to implement the transformation to climate neutrality more quickly.



digistainable NOW


In cooperation with the HPI School of Design Thinking, the German Business Initiative for Energy Efficiency (DENEFF) has launched a platform that uncovers innovation potential for digital climate protection solutions. New business models are to be developed cooperatively with the help of Design Thinking to achieve the German government's goal of climate neutrality by 2045 more quickly. The focus is mainly on the CO2 savings potential in the three areas of buildings, industry, and transport, which are responsible for more than 60 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany.


Exploiting the full potential of digital technologies for climate protection


At digistainable NOW, innovators and future founders can find an interactive innovation map that shows the potentials for which we need to find innovative solutions.

Together with the HPI D-School, various free workshop formats (online and on-site) are planned for founders and entrepreneurs who want to develop a digital climate protection solution. These include the "Kooperationswerkstatt" for optimizing existing business models and the "Innovations Circle", where future founders can create radically new ideas.


Making digital climate protection solutions market-ready

The virtual "Kooperationswerkstatt" addresses entrepreneurs who have been on the market with their digital solution for over three years and want to further develop their business model. In half-day online workshops, they can analyze the digital innovation potential of their industry together with Design Thinking experts from the HPI D-School and develop optimized solutions as a team.

In the "Innovations Circle" at the HPI D-School, future founders can develop innovative ideas for new business models with Design Thinking experts and coaches over a period of three months or bring along and further develop their existing ideas for innovative climate startups. Participants will receive input for founding a startup and meet potential customers or future co-founders during three attendance dates in Potsdam.

You can register for the workshops now on the digistainable NOW website.

The digistainable NOW project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action based on a resolution of the German Bundestag.