
This was winter term 2015/16!

A big THANK YOU to all students of our BT and AT programs - you totally rocked this winter term with your creative energy and amazing ideas!

The winter term at HPI D-School is officially over now. We spend 16 weeks full of inspiration, together with great people and interesting project partners. In the Advanced Track the students worked on projects together with Bosch, VW/Autovision, mobile.de, Filmpark Babelsberg, SAP, Deutsche Bahn and Deutsche Hypo/Nord LB, partners in the Basic Track were Wir e.V., switch-up.de, i-surance and Berliner Stadtmission e.V. among others.

119 students from all over the world worked with their project partners on challenges like "Injury care and prevention for active seniors", "Developing and diversifying a media destination", "Redesign the offering for customers to change their utility providers taking into consideration individual drivers and barriers to make a behavioral change", "Linking start-ups with leading business partners", "Seamless and transparent financing", "Design an educational product for children that sparks the interest of their parents taking into consideration the identity of a non-profit organization", "Alternative mobility for business travelers", "Redesign the outpatient medical practice to be attractive and comfortable to clients in particular for young medical professionals in rural areas" among others. The students presented their projects and solutions in short presentations, followed up by in depth discussions in the team spaces. We’ll keep you posted on the outcome of the projects…

As always you can browse the photo albums of this semesters' finals on Facebook: Basic Track Finals and Advanced Track Finals

Right now we’re in the process of selecting the new students for our upcoming summer term – we had a rise in applications this term (370 applicants for 80 places) with 30% being international applicants, whoop!