Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Hasso Plattner

Thomas Kowark, M.Sc.

Research Assistant, PhD Candidate


Research Topics & Biographical Sketch

Thomas is a former member of the HPI research school on "Service-oriented Systems Engineering" and now a researcher at the "Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts" group. After completing both the Bachelor’s and the Master’s program at HPI he decided to continue with his Ph.D. studies at this institute, but broadened the focus from a completely technical to a more design research driven level. He is involved in various teaching activities, for example as a teaching assistant in a software engineering lecture. There he is responsible for organizing an exercise that has all 80 students of the lecture develop a single system in a joint effort. Furthermore, he is responsible for organizing the ME310 lecture at the EPIC chair and also serves as a teaching assistant in that course.

Teaching Activities

Co-Supervised Master's Theses

  • Philipp Dobrigkeit - Patterns in Virtual Design Team Collaboration
  • Ralf Gehrer - Extracting Topics from Heterogeneous Digital Collaboration Artifacts of Software Engineering Teams
  • Markus Steiner - Agile Methodologies for Large Enterprises - An Analysis of Scaling Strategies
  • Matthias Jacob - Visuelle Unterstützung für die Untersuchung von Kollaborationsartefakten in großen Softwareprojekten
  • Christoph Matthies - ScrumLint: Driving Knowledge about the Implementation of Scrum from Development Artifacts

Formal Education

  • 2007 B.Sc., Computer Science, Hasso Plattner Institute
  • 2009 M.Sc., Computer Science, Hasso Plattner Institute

Master's Thesis

Squeak Save - Design and Implementation of automatic object-relational mapping support


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