Prof. Dr. Patrick Baudisch

The Human Computer Interaction Lab

We believe that computer science and mechanical engineering are about to unite. In the future, users will solve mechanical problems by digitizing the involved objects using 3D scanners, solving the problem in the digital domain using the means of computer science, and converting the result back to the mechanical domain using a 3D printer. This will allow solving mechanical problems with the effectiveness and efficiency of computer science, including the ability to scale massively.

This will not only change mechanical engineering, but also allow computing to reach its next phase, which is to merge into matter itself, where the physical matter of objects will also perform the computation, rather than separate micro controllers.

The role of our group is to drive this unification process, in particular by creating and re-purposing fabrication machines and haptic machinery. Check out our current research projects.

(Previously: we worked on unifying the virtual world of the computer with the physical world of the user into a single space. We argue that this is the key to intuitive or “natural” user interfaces. Most of our research takes on an engineering perspective. We create new types of mobile devices, touch devices and interactive floors, and gesture input devices. In addition, we are trying to gain a deeper understanding of touch input through scientific experiments). 

Check out our 130-page Review and Roadmap journal article on Personal Fabrication in Foundations and Trends. Here is the PDF.


Muhammad Abdullah, Laurenz Seidel, Ben Wernicke, Mehdi Gouasmi, Anton Hackl, Thomas Kern, Conrad Lempert, Clara Lempert, David Bizer, Wieland Storch, Chiao Fang, and Patrick Baudisch
PopCore: Personal Fabrication of 3D Foamcore Models for Professional High-Quality Applications in Design and Architecture
in Proceedings of SCF'24
Paper PDF | Demo video (youtube) | ACM dl

June 2024 : 1 paper got accepted for publication at SCF 2024.

August 2023: 1 paper got accepted for publication at UIST 2023.

May 9th, 2023: Guest Lecture by Ronald Baecker: ETHICAL TECH STARTUPS: PRINCIPLES FOR SUCCESS at the HCI lab (main building, atrium second floor, H-2.39-41). Click here for more information or contact us: office-baudisch(at)hpi.de

June 2022: 1 paper got accepted for publication at UIST 2022.

Muhammad Abdullah, Romeo Sommerfeld, Bjarne Sievers, Leonard Geier, Jonas Noack, Marcus Ding, Christoph Thieme, Laurenz Seidel, Lukas Fritzsche, Erik Langenhan, Oliver Adameck, Moritz Dzingel, Thomas Kern, Martin Taraz, Conrad Lempert, Shohei Katakura, Hany Mohsen Elhassany, Thijs Roumen, and Patrick Baudisch
HingeCore: Laser-Cut Foamcore for Fast Assembly
in Proceedings of UIST'22  
Paper PDF | Demo video (youtube) | ACM dl

January 2022: 1 paper got accepted for publication at CHI 2022.

August 20th, 2021: 3 papers got accepted for publication at UIST 2021.

Muhammad Abdullah, Romeo Sommerfeld, Laurenz Seidel, Jonas Noack, Ran ZhangThijs Roumen, and Patrick Baudisch
Roadkill: Nesting Laser-Cut Objects for Fast Assembly
In Proceedings of UIST'21  
Paper PDF | Demo video (youtube) | ACM dl

Robert Kovacs, Lukas Rambold, Lukas Fritzsche, Dominik Meier, Jotaro Shigeyama, Shohei Katakura, Ran Zhang, Patrick Baudisch

Trusscillator: a System for Fabricating Human-Scale Human-Powered Oscillating Devices

In Proceedings of UIST'21

Paper PDF | Demo video (youtube) | ACM dl 

January 17, 2021: 2 papers got accepted for publication at CHI 2021.

Thijs Roumen, Yannis Kommana, Ingo Apel, Conrad Lempert, Markus Brand, Erik Brendel, Laurenz Seidel, Lukas Rambold, Carl Goedecken, Pascal Crenzin, Ben Hurdelhey, Muhammad Abdullah, and Patrick Baudisch
assembler3: 3D Reconstruction of Laser-Cut Models
in Proceedings of CHI'21 
Paper PDF | Demo video (youtube) | recording of talk (youtube)ACM DL 

Muhammad Abdullah, Martin Taraz, Yannis Kommana, Shohei Katakura, Robert Kovacs, Jotaro Shigeyama,  Thijs Roumen , and Patrick Baudisch
fastForce: Real-Time Reinforcement of Laser-Cut Structures
In Proceedings of CHI'21 
Paper PDF | Demo video (youtube) | ACM DL

July 20, 2020: 2 papers got accepted for publication at UIST 2020.

August 05, 2019: 3 papers got accepted for publication at UIST 2019.

Shohei Katakura , Yuto Kuroki, and Keita Watanabe
A 3D Printer Head as a Robotic Manipulator
In Proceedings of UIST'19
Coming Soon - PDF | Demo Video

Sebastian Marwecki , Andrew D. Wilson, Eyal Ofek, Mar Gonzalez Franco, and Christian Holz
Mise-Unseen: Using Eye-Tracking to Hide Virtual Reality Scene Changes in Plain Sight
In Proceedings of UIST'19
Coming Soon - PDF | Demo Video

January 15, 2019: 3 papers got accepted for publication at CHI 2019.

Patrick Baudisch , Arthur Silber , Yannis Kommana, Milan Gruner, Ludwig Wall, Kevin Reuss, Lukas Heilman, Robert Kovacs , Daniel Rechlitz, and Thijs Roumen
Kyub: a 3D Editor for Modeling Sturdy Laser-Cut Objects
In Proceedings of CHI'19
 PDF |  Demo Video (youtube)

Jotaro Shigeyama, Takeru Hashimoto, Shigeo Yoshida, Takuji Narumi, Tomohiro Tanikawa and Michitaka Hirose
Transcalibur: A Weight Shifting Virtual Reality Controller for 2D Shape Rendering based on Computational Perception Model
To be published at CHI'19
PDF | Demo Video


January 12, 2019: 1 paper got accepted for publication at TEI 2019.

Stefanie Mueller, Anna Seufert, Huaishu Peng, Robert Kovacs, Kevin Reuss, François Guimbretière, Patrick Baudisch
FormFab: Towards Shape Exploration in Interactive Fabrication 
In Proceedings of TEI'19 
PDF | Demo video on youtube


August 18, 2018: 3 papers got accepted for publication at UIST 2018.

Robert Kovacs, Alexandra Ion,Pedro Lopes, Tim Oesterreich, Johannes Filter, Philip Otto, Tobias Arndt, Nico Ring, Melvin Witte, Anton Synytsia, Patrick Baudisch
TrussFormer: 3D Printing Large Kinetic Structures 
In Proceedings of UIST'18
PDF | Demo video (youtube)

December 14, 2017: 6 papers got accepted for publication at CHI 2018.

Sebastian Marwecki, Maximilian Brehm, Lukas Wagner, Lung-Pan Cheng, Florian 'Floyd' Mueller and Patrick Baudisch
VirtualSpace: Overloading Multiple Virtual Reality Users into the Same Physical Space
In Proceedings of CHI'18. 
PDF | Demo video (youtube)

Alexandra Ion, Robert Kovacs, Oliver Schneider, Pedro Lopes and Patrick Baudisch
Metamaterial Textures
In Proceedings of CHI'18. 
PDF | Demo video (youtube)

Huaishu Peng, Cheng-Yao Wang, James Briggs, Kevin Guo, Joseph Kider, Stefanie Mueller, Patrick Baudisch and Francois Grumbetière
RoMA: Interactive Fabrication with a Robotic Arm 3D Printer
In Proceedings of CHI'18. 
PDF | Demo video (youtube)

October 22, 2017: Mutual Human Actuation showing at UIST 2017.

February 16, 2017: We have 3 papers accepted for publication at CHI 2017.

Kovacs, R., Seufert, A., Wall, L., Chen, H.-T., Meinel, F., Müller, W., You, S., Brehm, M., Striebel, J., Kommana, Y., Popiak, A., Bläsius, T., and Baudisch, P.
TrussFab: Fabricating Sturdy Large-Scale Structures on Desktop 3D Printers.
In Proceedings of CHI'17. 

June 29, 2016: We have 3 papers accepted for publication at UIST 2016.

Thijs Roumen, Bastian Kruck, Tobias Duerschmid, Tobias Nack, Patrick Baudisch
Mobile Fabrication
In Proc. UIST'2016. Full Paper.

PDF (9,9Mb) | Video (youtube) | Talk (youtube)

Ion, A., Frohnhofen, J., Wall, L., Kovacs, R., Alistar, M., Lindsay, J., Lopes, P., Chen, H.-T., and Baudisch, P.
Metamaterial Mechanisms
In Proceedings of UIST'16. Full Paper. pp. 529-539
PDF (2.8 MB) | Video (75.6 MB)

May 23, 2016: We have 2 papers accepted for publication at CHI 2016.

Eickhoff, D., Mueller, S.,Baudisch, P.
Destructive Games: Creating Value by Destroying Valuable Physical Objects..
Proceedings of CHI 2016, pp. 3970-3974.
 PDF (7MB) |  Slides (90MB)  | Video

June 27, 2015: We have 5 papers accepted for publication at UIST 2015.

Udayan Umapathi, Hsiang-Ting Chen, Stefanie Mueller, Ludwig Wall, Anna Seufert, Patrick Baudisch
LaserStacker: Fabricating 3D Objects by Laser Cutting and Welding
In Proceedings of UIST'15. Full Paper.
PDF | Demo video (youtube)

Harshit Agrawal, Udayan Umapathi, Robert Kovacs, Hsiang-Ting Chen, Stefanie Mueller, Patrick Baudisch
Protopiper: Physically Sketching Room-Sized Objects at Actual Scale
In Proc. UIST'15. Full Paper.
PDF Demo video (Youtube)

Teibrich, A., Mueller, S., Guimbretière, F., Kovacs, R., Neubert, S., Baudisch, P.
Patching Physical Objects.
In Proc. UIST'15. Full Paper.
PDF | Demo video (youtube)

Cheng,L.P., Roumen, T.J. , Rantzsch, H., Köhler, S., Schmidt, P., Jasper, J., Kemper, J., Baudisch, P.
TurkDeck: Physical Virtual Reality Based on People
In Proc. UIST'15. Full Paper.
PDF (25.6MB) |  Video | Talk

Dec 20, 2014: We have 5 papers and 4 notes accepted for publication at CHI 2015, including a best paper award and a nomination.

Lopes, P.Jonell, P.Baudisch, P.
Affordance++: allowing objects to communicate dynamic use
In Proc. CHI'15. pp. 2515-2524.
PDF (3.7MB) | Slides (19.6MB) | PDF (PDF, 33.2MB) | Video | Talk Video 

Beyer, D., Gurevich, S., Mueller, S.,Chen, H.T.,Baudisch, P.
Platener: Low-Fidelity Fabrication of 3D Objects by Substituting 3D Print with Laser-Cut Plates.
Proceedings of CHI 2015, pp. 1799-1806.
PDF (10.8MB) | Slides (150.1MB) | Video

Lopes, P.Ion, A., Mueller, W. Hoffmann, D., Jonell, P. Baudisch, P.
Proprioceptive Interaction.
In Proc. CHI'15. pp. 939-948.
PDF (3.8MB) | Slides (34.6MB) | Slides (PDF, 36.2MB) | Video | Talk Video

Schmidt, D., Frohnhofen, J., Knebel, S., Meinel, F., Perchyk, M., Risch, J., Striebel, J., Wachtel, J., Baudisch, P.
Ergonomic Interaction on Touch Floors.
In Proc. CHI'15. Full Paper.
PDFDemo video (youtube)

Schmidt, D.Kovacs, R., Mehta, V.,  Umapathi, U.,  Köhler, S.,  Cheng, L.,  Baudisch, P.
Level-Ups: Motorized Stilts that Simulate Stair Steps in Virtual Reality.
In Proc. CHI'15. Short Paper.
PDF | Slides

Ion, A., Wang, E., and Baudisch, P.
Skin Drag Displays: Dragging a Physical Tactor across the User’s Skin Produces a Stronger Tactile Stimulus than Vibrotactile.
In Proc. CHI'15. Short Paper.
PDF | Video (youtube)

Roumen, T.J. , Perrault, S.T., Zhao, S.
NotiRing: A Comparative Study of Notification Channels for Wearable Interactive Rings
In Proc. CHI'15. Short Paper.
PDF (1.0MB) | recording of talkVideo

Holz, C. and Knaust, M.
In Proc. CHI'15. Short Paper.

Alvina, J., Perrault, S.TRoumen, T.J. Zhao, S. , Azh, M., Fjeld, M.
Omnivib: Towards Cross-body Spatiotemporal Vibrotactile Notifications for Mobile Phones 
In Proc. CHI'15. Full Paper.
PDF (1.3MB) | recording of talkVideo

Dec. 2014: Patrick Baudisch was named ACM distinguished scientist.

Nov 13, 2014: Our paper Scotty was accepted for publication at TEI 2015.


Mueller, S., Fritzsche, M., Kossmann, J., Schneider, M., Striebel, J., Baudisch, P.,
Scotty: Relocating Physical Objects Across Distances Using Destructive Scanning, Encryption, and 3D Printing. 
In Proceedings of TEI 2015, pp. 233-240.
PDF (4.8MB)Video

July 9, 2014: Our paper WirePrint was accepted for publication at UIST 2014.


Mueller, S., Im, S., Gurevich, S., Teibrich, A., 
Pfisterer, L., Guimbretière, F., Baudisch, P.,
WirePrint: 3D Printed Previews for Fast Prototyping.
In Proceedings of UIST 2014, pp. 273-280.
PDF (6.8MB) | Slides (631.1MB) | Video

May 22, 2014: Christian Holz received the Leibniz Award from Potsdam University for the best student publication/dissertation of the Year 2014

Dec 12, 2013: We have three papers and a note accepted for publication at CHI 2014.

Cheng, LP, Lühne, P., Lopes, P., Sterz, C. and Baudisch, P. 
Haptic Turk: a Motion Platform Based on People. 
In Proceedings of CHI 2014, pp.3463-3472.
PDF (4.9M) | Video.

Schmidt, D., Ramakers, R., Pedersen, E., Jasper, J., Köhler, S., Pohl, A., Rantsch, H., Rau, A., Schmidt, P., Sterz, C., Yurchenko, Y., Baudisch, P
Kickables: Tangibles for Feet. 
In Proceedings of CHI 2014
PDF (14.8M) | Video

Mueller, S., Mohr, T., Guenther, K., Frohnhofen, J., Baudisch, P.
faBrickation: Fast 3D Printing of Functional Objects by Integrating Construction Kit Building Blocks.
In Proceedings of CHI 2014, pp. 3827-3834.
PDF (10.8MB) | Slides (131.1MB)  | Video

Jota, R., Lopes, P., Jorge, J., and Wigdor, D.
Let's Kick it: How to Stop Wasting the Bottom Third of Your Large Scale Display.
In Proceedings of CHI 2014.

Sep 17, 2013: Christian Holz defended his dissertation today with highest honors (summa cum laude). External examiners were Albrecht Schmidt and Ken Perlin.

Jul 8, 2013: We have two papers accepted for publication at UIST 2013.

Holz, C. and Baudisch, P.
Fiberio: A Touchscreen That Senses Fingerprints.
In Proceedings of UIST 2013.
PDF (2.2M) | Youtube

Baudisch, P., Pohl, H., Reinicke, S., Wittmers, E., Lühne, P., Knaust, M., Köhler, S., Schmidt, P., Holz, C.
Imaginary Reality Games: Ball Games Without a Ball. In Proceedings of UIST 2013, 6 pages.
PDF (9.1M)PPT+Video (291M)Demo video (youtube)

Mar 1, 2013: At the upcoming CHI 2013 in Paris, Patrick Baudisch will be inducted into the ACM Academy

Dec 13, 2012: We have 7 papers and 2 notes accepted for publication at CHI 2013, including a best paper award and two nominations.

Mueller, S., Kruck, B. and Baudisch, P. 
LaserOrigami: Laser-Cutting 3D Objects.
In Proceedings of CHI 2013, pp. 2585-2592.
PDF (7.7MB) | Slides (148.1MB) | Video

Bränzel, A., Holz, C., Hoffmann, D., Schmidt, D., Knaust, M., Luehne, P., Meusel, R., Richter, S. and Baudisch, P. 
GravitySpace: Tracking Users and Their Poses in a Smart Room Using a Pressure-Sensing Floor.
In Proceedings of CHI 2013, pp. 725-734.
PDF (1.6MB)

Wagner, J., Nancel, M., Gustafson, S., Huot, S. and Mackay, W. 
A Body-centric Design Space for Multi-surface Interaction.
In Proceedings of CHI 2013.
 PDF (2.6MB)

Gustafson, S., Rabe, B. and Baudisch, P.  
Understanding Palm-Based Imaginary Interfaces: The Role of Visual and Tactile Cues when Browsing. In Proceedings of CHI 2013.
 PDF (5.4MB)

Roudaut, A., Sterz, C., Rau, A., Plauth, M., Lopes, P. and Baudisch, P. 
Gesture Output: Eyes-Free Output Using a Force Feedback Touch Surface. In Proceedings of CHI 2013.

Lopes, P. and Baudisch, P. 
Muscle-propelled force feedback: bringing force feedback to mobile devices. In Proceedings of CHI 2013, pp. 2577-2580. 

 PDF (6.8MB) |  Slides (118.8MB) |  Slides (PDF, 107MB) |  Video  Talk Video

Schmidt, D. and Gellersen, H.
Personal Clipboards for Individual Copy-and-Paste on Shared Multi-User Surfaces. In Proceedings of CHI 2013.

Cheng, L. Liang, H.S., Wu, C.Y. and Chen, M.Y. 
iGrasp: Grasp-based Adaptive Keyboard for Mobile Devices. In Proceedings of CHI 2013.

Cheng, L. Liang, H.S., Wu, C.Y. and Chen, M.Y. 
iRotateGrasp: Automatic Screen Rotation based on Grasp of Mobile Devices. In Proceedings of CHI 2013. (Note)

Mar 16, 2013: Will give keynote on natural user interfaces at 3DUI 2013

September 12, 2013: Gave keynote on natural user interfaces at British HCI 2013 in Birmingham

July 4, 2012: Our paper on constructable was accepted for publication at UIST 2012.

Mueller, S., Lopes, P. and Baudisch, P.
Interactive Construction: Interactive Fabrication of Functional Mechanical Devices. In Proceedings of UIST 2012, pp. 599-606.
 PDF (6.6MB) |  Slides (107.9MB) |  Video

December 13, 2011: We got five papers/notes accepted for publication at CHI 2012. 

Holz, C., Grossman, T., Fitzmaurice, G. and Agur, A.
Implanted User Interfaces.
In Proceedings of CHI 2012, pp. 503-512.
 PDF (2.4MB) |  Slides (16.5M)

Chan, L., Mueller, S., Roudaut, A. and Baudisch, P. CapStones and ZebraWidgets: Sensing Stacks of Building Blocks, Dials and Sliders on Capacitive Touch Screens. In Proceedings of CHI 2012, pp. 2189-2192.
 PDF (6.6MB) |  Slides + Videos (198.5MB) 

Richter, S., Holz, C., Baudisch, P. Bootstrapper: Recognizing Tabletop Users by their Shoes. In Proceedings of CHI 2012, pp. 1249-1252.
 PDF (29.6MB) |  Slides (6.4M)

Mulloni, A., Duenser, A., Seichter, H., Baudisch, P., Schmalstieg, D. 360° Panoramic Overviews for Location-Based Services. In Proceedings of CHI 2012, pp. 2565-2568.
 PDF (3.69MB) |  Slides (36.4MB)

June 20, 2011: We presented two papers at UIST 2011. One of them nominated for best paper award.

Gustafson, S., Holz, C., and Baudisch, P. Imaginary Phone: Learning Imaginary Interfaces by Transferring Spatial Memory from a Familiar Device. In Proceedings of UIST 2011, 283-292.
  PDF (1.6MB) |  Youtube

Wimmer, R., and Baudisch, P.
Modular and Deformable Touch-Sensitive Surfaces Based on Time Domain Reflectometry.
In Proceedings of UIST 2011, 9 pages. 
PDF (3.0M) | PPT (51.1M)

January, 5, 2011: Watch the Multitoe project on German Public TV

December 23, 2010: We got three papers and a note accepted at CHI 2011.

Holz, C. and Baudisch, P. Understanding Touch. In Proceedings of CHI 2011, 2501-2510.

 PDF (1MB) |  Slides (5.5M)

Roudaut, A., Pohl, H., and Baudisch, P. Touch on Curved Surfaces. In Proceedings of CHI 2011, pp. 1011-1020.

 PDF (3.1MB) |  Slides (70.1M)

Holz, C. and Wilson, A. Data Miming: Inferring Spatial Object Descriptions from Human Gesture. In Proceedings of CHI 2011, 811-820.

 PDF (1MB) |  Slides (10.0M)

Ashbrook, D, White, S. and Baudisch, P. Nenya: Subtle and Eyes-Free Mobile Input with a Magnetically-Tracked Finger Ring. In Proceedings of CHI 2011, pp. 2043-2046 (Note).

November 14: Caro Fetzer presents Multitoe at TEDx Youth Berlin

October 3: Off to UIST 2010 in New York to present two full papers (acceptance rate 18%):

Gustafson, S, Bierwirth, D., and Baudisch, P. Imaginary Interfaces: Spatial Interaction with Empty Hands and without Visual Feedback. In Proceedings of UIST 2010, 3-12.

 PDF (1MB) |  PPT (21MB)   |  Youtube

Augsten, T., Kaefer, K., Meusel, R., Fetzer, C., Kanitz, D., Stoff., T., Becker, T., Holz, C. and Baudisch, P. Multitoe: High-Precision Interaction with Back-Projected Floors Based on High-Resolution Multi-Touch Input.
In Proceedings of UIST 2010, 209-218.
PDF (3.2M) | PPT+Video (186.3M) | Youtube

September 7: Gave the opening keynote at MobileHCI 2010

August: Our group moved into the great new Main Building of Hasso Plattner Institute. More space, especially with the wonderful all-new Multi Display Lab.

July 25: Presented Lumino at Siggraph Emerging Technologies in LA. Photos of our master student Torsten Becker working with Lumino also made it into the main siggraph web pages.

June: Christian Holz, PhD student in our group is off to intern with Andy Wilson at Microsoft Research in Redmond.

April 13: Multitoe made it into Popular Science, the New Scientist, Engadget, and thousands of other news venues

April 9: Undergrad Konstantin Kaefer presents a workshop paper on Multitoe at the CHI 2010 workshop on Natural User Interfaces

April 7: We are off to the CHI 2010 Conference in Atlanta to present these three papers, including a CHI 2010 Best Paper Award.

Baudisch, P. Becker, T, and Rudeck, F.
Lumino: Tangible Blocks for Tabletop Computers Based on Glass Fiber Bundles.
In Proceedings of CHI 2010,  pp. 1165-1174.
PDF (2.2M) | PPT+Video (33.6M) | MOV (11.0M)

Holz, C. and Baudisch, P. The Generalized Perceived Input Point Model and How to Double Touch Accuracy by Extracting Fingerprints. In Proceedings of CHI 2010, 581-590.
 PDF (1.5M)  |  Presentation (9.8M)

Boring, S., Baur, D., Butz, A., Gustafson, S., and Baudisch, P. 2010. Touch Projector: Mobile Interaction Through Video. In Proceedings of CHI 2010, 2287-2296.
 PDF (0.5M)  |  PPT+Video (143.9M)  |  WMV (46.3M)