Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich

Publications of Ardalan Khazraei

The following listing contains all publications of Ardalan Khazraei. Further publications of the research group can be found on the current list of publications and the complete list of publications. Individual listings are available externally on DBLP and Google Scholar or locally as PDF.

[ 2021 ] [ 2020 ]

2021 [ nach oben ]

  • Towards a Map for Increme... - Download
    Khazraei, Ardalan; Kötzing, Timo; Seidel, Karen Towards a Map for Incremental Learning in the Limit from Positive and Negative InformationComputability in Europe (CiE) 2021: 273–284

2020 [ nach oben ]

  • Feldmann, Michael; Khazraei, Ardalan; Scheideler, Christian Time- and Space-Optimal Clock Synchronization in the Beeping ModelSymposium Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) 2020: 223–233
  • Held, Stephan; Khazraei, Ardalan An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Uniform Cost-Distance Steiner Tree ProblemWorkshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA) 2020: 189–203
  • Learning Half-Spaces and ... - Download
    Khazraei, Ardalan; Kötzing, Timo; Seidel, Karen Learning Half-Spaces and other Concept Classes in the Limit with Iterative LearnersCoRR 2020
    ArXiv preprint