Prof. Dr. Felix Naumann


CoopIS Paper Accepted

The 19th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS)
Crete, Greece

Instance-based "one-to-some" Assignment of Similarity Measures to Attributes

Tobias Vogel and Felix Naumann

Abstract. "Data quality is a key factor for economical success. It is usually defined as a set of properties of data, such as completeness, accessibility, relevance, and conciseness. The latter includes the absence of multiple representations for same real world objects. To avoid such duplicates, there is a wide range of commercial products and customized self-coded software. These programs can be quite expensive both in acquisition and maintenance. In particular, small and medium-sized companies cannot afford these tools. Moreover, it is difficult to set up and tune all necessary parameters in these programs. Recently, web-based applications for duplicate detection have emerged. However, they are not easy to integrate into the local IT landscape and require much manual configuration effort.

With DAQS (Data Quality as a Service) we present a novel approach to support duplicate detection. The approach features (1) minimal required user interaction and (2) self-configuration for the provided input data. To this end, each data cleansing task is classified to find out which metadata is available. Next, similarity measures are automatically assigned to the provided records' attributes and a duplicate detection process is carried out. In this paper we introduce a novel matching approach, called one-to-some or 1:k assignment, to assign similarity measures to attributes. We performed an extensive evaluation on a large training corpus and ten test datasets of address data and achieved promising results."