Prof. Dr. Felix Naumann

Lukas Laskowski

Contact Information

Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Digital Engineering gGmbH
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
D-14482 Potsdam, Germany

Office: F-2.04

Phone: +49-331-5509-4986
E-Mail: Lukas Laskowski
Research: GitHub


  • GorillaVision – Open-Set Re-Identification of Wild Gorillas
    Lukas Laskowski, Rohan Sawahn, Maximilian Schall, Dante Wasmuht, Magdalena Bermejo, Gerard De Melo. Camera traps, AI, and Ecology, 2023
    [Paper]  [Project Page] 
  • Explainable Data Matching: Selecting Representative Pairs with Active Learning Pair-Selection Strategies
    Lukas Laskowski, Florian Sold. Proceedings of the Conference on Database Systems for Business, Technology, and Web (BTW), 2023
    [Paper]  [DOI:10.18420/BTW2023-77]
  • Frost: A Platform for Benchmarking and Exploring Data Matching Results (industry paper)
    Martin Graf, Lukas Laskowski, Florian Papsdorf, Florian Sold, Roland Gremmelspacher, Felix Naumann, Fabian Panse. PVLDB 15:(12), 2022
    [Paper]  [Project Page] 



  • Data Cleaning & Integration (WS 23/24)


  • DBStrange: Exploring the Multiverse of Entity Resolution Datasets (SS 24)
  • Constrained-based Schema Matching (WS 23/24)