Prof. Dr. Felix Naumann


Paper marked as reproducible by pVLDB Reproducibility Committee

We're pleased to annonce that our paper "Harmouch, Hazar, and Felix Naumann. Cardinality estimation: an experimental survey.   Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  11.4 (2017): 499-512" has been listed among the first three papers on the pVLDB Reproducibility site (https://vldb-repro.com/ ), and will be highlighted at the upcoming VLDB Conference.

pVLDB's reproducibility effort is being developed in conjunction with  SIGMOD's  starting with pVLDB 2018. It has the goal of assisting in building a culture  where sharing results, code, and scripts of database research is the norm rather than an exception. 

You can find all the details about reproducing this results from here