We are pleased to announce the release 0.1 of the Stratosphere parallel data analysis framework.
At the current state, the system consists of:
- the PACT Programming Model
- the Nephele Execution Engine
The system is highlighted by the following features:
- Easy definition and massively parallel execution of complex data analysis tasks.
- PACT is a generalization and extension of the well-known MapReduce programming model.
- A cost-based optimizer compiles PACT programs to Nephele dataflow graphs.
- Nephele executes dataflow graphs in a massively parallel and very flexible fashion.
The current release, extensive documentation, and related publications are available on our website
The Stratosphere framework is an outcome of the DFG-funded Stratosphere Collaborative Research Unit in which the Technische Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, and the Hasso-Plattner-Institut in Potsdam are jointly researching "Information Management on the Cloud".