Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich

All Publications

The following listing contains all publications of the current members of the Algorithm Engineering group. Loading the page might take a few seconds depending on your connection. Alternatively, see the shorter list of current publications.


  • On the External Validity ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Fischbeck, Philipp On the External Validity of Average-Case Analyses of Graph AlgorithmsACM Transactions on Algorithms 2024
  • Shortest distances as enu... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Friedrich, Tobias; Neubert, Stefan; Schmid, Markus L. Shortest distances as enumeration problemDiscrete Applied Mathematics 2024: 89–103
  • Asynchronous Opinion Dyna... - Download
    Berenbrink, Petra; Hoefer, Martin; Kaaser, Dominik; Lenzner, Pascal; Rau, Malin; Schmand, Daniel Asynchronous Opinion Dynamics in Social NetworksDistributed Computing 2024
  • Analysis of the survival ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andres; Klodt, Nicolas; Krejca, Martin S.; Pappik, Marcus Analysis of the survival time of the SIRS process via expansionElectronic Journal of Probability 2024: 1–29
  • Sauer, Pascal; Cseh, Ágnes; Lenzner, Pascal Improving ranking quality and fairness in Swiss-system chess tournamentsJournal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 2024
  • Geometric Network Creatio... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Friedrich, Tobias; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna Geometric Network Creation GamesSIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2024: 277–315
  • Cliques in High-Dimension... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Katzmann, Maximilian; Schiller, Leon Cliques in High-Dimensional Geometric Inhomogeneous Random GraphsSIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2024: 1943–2000
  • Partitioning subclasses o... - Download
    Jana, Satyabrata; Saha, Souvik; Sahu, Abhishek; Saurabh, Saket; Verma, Shaily Partitioning subclasses of chordal graphs with few deletionsTheoretical Computer Science 2024: 114288
  • Approximate Distance Sens... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Chechik, Shiri; Choudhary, Keerti; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Krogmann, Simon; Schirneck, Martin Approximate Distance Sensitivity Oracles in Subquadratic SpaceTheoretiCS 2024
  • Greedy versus Curious Par... - Download
    Antipov, Denis; Kötzing, Timo; Radhakrishnan, Aishwarya Greedy versus Curious Parent Selection for Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms 2024
  • Run Time Bounds for Integ... - Download
    Harder, Jonathan Gadea; Kötzing, Timo; Li, Xiaoyue; Radhakrishnan, Aishwarya; Ruff, Janosch Run Time Bounds for Integer-Valued OneMax FunctionsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO ’24) 2024
  • A New Approach for Approx... - Download
    Cohen, Sarel; Kamma, Lior; Niklanovits, Aikaterini A New Approach for Approximating Directed Rooted Networks50th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science 2024
  • A Contraction Tree SAT En... - Download
    Horev, Yinon; Shay, Shiraz; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Issac, Davis; Kamma, Lior; Niklanovits, Aikaterini; Simonov, Kirill A Contraction Tree SAT Encoding for Computing Twin-WidthAdvances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2024
  • The Irrelevance of Influe... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Klodt, Nicolas; Krejca, Martin S.; Pappik, Marcus The Irrelevance of Influencers: Information Diffusion with Re-Activation and Immunity Lasts Exponentially Long on Social Network ModelsAnnual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2024
  • Angrick, Sebastian; Bals, Ben; Friedrich, Tobias; Gawendowicz, Hans; Hastrich, Niko; Klodt, Nicolas; Lenzner, Pascal; Schmidt, Jonas; Skretas, George; Wells, Armin How to Reduce Temporal Cliques to Find Sparse SpannersEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2024
  • Solving Woeginger's Hikin... - Download
    Constantinescu, Andrei; Lenzner, Pascal; Reiffenhäuser, Rebecca; Schmand, Daniel; Varricchio, Giovanna Solving Woeginger’s Hiking Problem: Wonderful Partitions in Anonymous Hedonic GamesInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2024
  • Real-World Networks Are L... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Katzmann, Maximilian; Schiller, Leon Real-World Networks Are Low-Dimensional: Theoretical and Practical AssessmentInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2024
  • Equilibria in Two-Stage F... - Download
    Krogmann, Simon; Lenzner, Pascal; Skopalik, Alexander; Uetz, Marc; Vos, Marnix C. Equilibria in Two-Stage Facility Location with Atomic ClientsInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2024: 2842–2850
  • Casel, Katrin; Friedrich, Tobias; Niklanovits, Aikaterini; Simonov, Kirill; Zeif, Ziena Combining Crown Structures for Vulnerability MeasuresInternational Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC) 2024
    Best Paper Award
  • Parameterized Complexity ... - Download
    Andreev, Nikita; Bliznets, Ivan; Kundu, Madhumita; Saurabh, Saket; Tripathi, Vikash; Verma, Shaily Parameterized Complexity of Paired DominationInternational Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA) 2024: 523–536
  • The Weisfeiler-Leman Dime... - Download
    Göbel, Andreas; Goldberg, Leslie Ann; Roth, Marc The Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension of Conjunctive QueriesSymposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 2024
  • Algorithm Performance Com... - Download
    Li, Xiaoyue; Kötzing, Timo Algorithm Performance Comparison for Integer-Valued OneMaxGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO ’24 Companion) 2024: 407–410
  • Incremental Ordering for ... - Download
    Neubert, Stefan; Casel, Katrin Incremental Ordering for Scheduling ProblemsProceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling 2024: 405–413
  • Tree Containment Above Mi... - Download
    Fomin, Fedor V.; Golovach, Petr A.; Sagunov, Danil; Simonov, Kirill Tree Containment Above Minimum Degree is FPTSymposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2024: 366–376
  • From Market Saturation to... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Klodt, Nicolas; Krejca, Martin S.; Pappik, Marcus From Market Saturation to Social Reinforcement: Understanding the Impact of Non-Linearity in Information Diffusion ModelsThe 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 2024


  • Crossover for Cardinality... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Radhakrishnan, Aishwarya; Schiller, Leon; Schirneck, Martin; Tennigkeit, Georg; Wietheger, Simon Crossover for Cardinality Constrained OptimizationACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization 2023: 1–32
  • Social Distancing Network... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Gawendowicz, Hans; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna Social Distancing Network CreationAlgorithmica 2023
  • The Impact of Geometry on... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Krejca, Martin S.; Molitor, Louise The Impact of Geometry on Monochrome Regions in the Flip Schelling ProcessComputational Geometry (CGTA) 2023: 101902
  • Vertex-edge domination in... - Download
    Paul, Subhabrata; Pradhan, Dinabandhu; Verma, Shaily Vertex-edge domination in interval and bipartite permutation graphsDiscuss. Math. Graph Theory 2023: 947–963
  • Evolutionary Minimization... - Download
    Böther, Maximilian; Schiller, Leon; Fischbeck, Philipp; Molitor, Louise; Krejca, Martin S.; Friedrich, Tobias Evolutionary Minimization of Traffic CongestionIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 2023: 1809–1821
  • From symmetry to asymmetr... - Download
    Behrendt, Lukas; Casel, Katrin; Friedrich, Tobias; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Löser, Alexander; Wilhelm, Marcus From symmetry to asymmetry: Generalizing TSP approximations by parametrizationJournal of Computer and System Sciences 2023: 157–170
  • Automated valuation model... - Download
    Krämer, Bastian; Stang, Moritz; Doskoč, Vanja; Schäfers, Wolfgang; Friedrich, Tobias Automated valuation models: improving model performance by choosing the optimal spatial training levelJournal of Property Research 2023: 365–390
  • Improved And Optimized Dr... - Download
    Cohen, Sarel; Hershcovitch, Moshik; Taraz, Martin; Kißig, Otto; Issac, Davis; Wood, Andrew; Waddington, Daniel; Chin, Peter; Friedrich, Tobias Improved And Optimized Drug Repurposing For The SARS-CoV-2 PandemicPlos One 2023
  • Polymer Dynamics via Cliq... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Krejca, Martin S.; Pappik, Marcus Polymer Dynamics via Cliques: New Conditions for ApproximationsTheoretical Computer Science 2023: 230–252
  • Solving Vertex Cover in P... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Fischbeck, Philipp; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian Solving Vertex Cover in Polynomial Time on Hyperbolic Random GraphsTheory of Computing Systems 2023: 28–51
  • ELEA – Build your own E... - Download
    Wagner, Markus; Kohlros, Erik; Quantmeyer, Gerome; Kotzing, Timo ELEA – Build your own Evolutionary Algorithm in your BrowserGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO ’23) 2023
  • Single-Peaked Jump Schell... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise; Seifert, Lars Single-Peaked Jump Schelling GamesInternational Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2023
  • Fast Feature Selection wi... - Download
    Quinzan, Francesco; Khanna, Rajiv; Hershcovitch, Moshik; Cohen, Sarel; Waddington, Daniel G.; Friedrich, Tobias; Mahoney, Michael W. Fast Feature Selection with Fairness ConstraintsArtificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2023: 7800–7823
  • Strategic Facility Locati... - Download
    Krogmann, Simon; Lenzner, Pascal; Skopalik, Alexander Strategic Facility Location with Clients that Minimize Total Waiting TimeConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2023: 5714–5721
  • The Parameterized Complex... - Download
    Blažej, Václav; Ganian, Robert; Knop, Dušan; Pokorný, Jan; Schierreich, Šimon; Simonov, Kirill The Parameterized Complexity of Network MicroaggregationConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2023: 6262–6270
  • A Parameterized Theory of... - Download
    Brand, Cornelius; Ganian, Robert; Simonov, Kirill A Parameterized Theory of PAC LearningConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2023: 6834–6841
  • The Swiss Gambit - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Führlich, Pascal; Lenzner, Pascal The Swiss GambitAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2023
  • Equilibria and Convergenc... - Download
    Bertschinger, Nils; Hoefer, Martin; Krogmann, Simon; Lenzner, Pascal; Schuldenzucker, Steffen; Wilhelmi, Lisa Equilibria and Convergence in Fire Sale GamesAutonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2023: 215–223
  • Margin of Victory for Wei... - Download
    Doering, Michelle; Peters, Jannik Margin of Victory for Weighted Tournament SolutionsAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2023: 1716–1724
  • Being an Influencer is Ha... - Download
    Deligkas, Argyrios; Eiben, Eduard; Goldsmith, Tiger-Lily; Skretas, George Being an Influencer is Hard: The Complexity of Influence Maximization in Temporal Graphs with a Fixed SourceAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2023: 2222–2230
  • Single-Peaked Jump Schell... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise; Seifert, Lars Single-Peaked Jump Schelling GamesAutonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2023: 2899–2901
  • Analysis and Prevention o... - Download
    Becher, Kilian; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Parra-Arnau, Javier; Strufe, Thorsten Analysis and Prevention of Averaging Attacks Against Obfuscation ProtocolsApplied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS), Part I 2023: 451–475
  • Efficiently Computing Dir... - Download
    Böther, Maximilian; Kißig, Otto; Weyand, Christopher Efficiently Computing Directed Minimum Spanning TreesSIAM Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX) 2023: 86–95
  • Applying Skeletons to Spe... - Download
    Khomutovskiy, Ivan; Dunker, Rebekka; Dierking, Jessica; Egbert, Julian; Helms, Christian; Schöllkopf, Finn; Casel, Katrin; Fischbeck, Philipp; Friedrich, Tobias; Isaac, Davis; Krogmann, Simon; Lenzner, Pascal Applying Skeletons to Speed Up the Arc-Flags Routing AlgorithmSIAM Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX) 2023: 110–122
  • Automated Valuation Model... - Download
    Krämer, Bastian; Stang, Moritz; Doskoč, Vanja; Schäfers, Wolfgang; Friedrich, Tobias Automated Valuation Models: Improving Model Performance by Choosing the Optimal Spatial Training LevelAmerican Real Estate Society (ARES) 2023: 1–26
  • Partitioning Subclasses o... - Download
    Jana, Satyabrata; Saha, Souvik; Sahu, Abhishek; Saurabh, Saket; Verma, Shaily Partitioning Subclasses of Chordal Graphs with Few DeletionsConference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC) 2023: 293–307
  • On the Giant Component of... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian; Ruff, Janosch; Zeif, Ziena On the Giant Component of Geometric Inhomogeneous Random GraphsEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2023: 20:1–20:13
  • Fair Correlation Clusteri... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Friedrich, Tobias; Schirneck, Martin; Wietheger, Simon Fair Correlation Clustering in ForestsFoundations of Responsible Computing (FORC) 2023: 9:1–9:12
  • Upward and Orthogonal Pla... - Download
    Jansen, Bart M. P.; Khazaliya, Liana; Kindermann, Philipp; Liotta, Giuseppe; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Simonov, Kirill Upward and Orthogonal Planarity are W[1]-Hard Parameterized by TreewidthGraph Drawing (GD) 2023: 203–217
  • Fixed Parameter Multi-Obj... - Download
    Baguley, Samuel; Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Aneta; Neumann, Frank; Pappik, Marcus; Zeif, Ziena Fixed Parameter Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for the W-Separator ProblemGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2023
  • Experimental Analyses of ... - Download
    Li, Xiaoyue; Kötzing, Timo Experimental Analyses of Crossover on JumpGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2023
  • Evolutionary Diversity Op... - Download
    Nikfarjam, Adel; Rothenberger, Ralf; Neumann, Frank; Friedrich, Tobias Evolutionary Diversity Optimisation in Constructing Satisfying AssignmentsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2023
  • Analysis of the (1+1) EA ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Neumann, Aneta; Neumann, Frank; Radhakrishnan, Aishwarya Analysis of the (1+1) EA on LeadingOnes with ConstraintsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO ’23) 2023
  • Fault-Tolerant ST-Diamete... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Choudhary, Keerti; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Krogmann, Simon; Schirneck, Martin Fault-Tolerant ST-Diameter OraclesInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2023: 24:1–24:20
  • Approximating Long Cycle ... - Download
    Fomin, Fedor; Golovach, Petr; Sagunov, Danil; Simonov, Kirill Approximating Long Cycle Above Dirac’s GuaranteeInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2023: 60:1–60:18
  • Cliques in High-Dimension... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Katzmann, Maximilian; Schiller, Leon Cliques in High-Dimensional Geometric Inhomogeneous Random GraphsInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2023: 62:1–62:13
  • Temporal Network Creation... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Gawendowicz, Hans; Klodt, Nicolas; Lenzner, Pascal; Skretas, George Temporal Network Creation GamesInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2023: 2511–2519
  • Schelling Games with Cont... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Bilò, Vittorio; Döring, Michelle; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise; Schmidt, Jonas Schelling Games with Continuous TypesInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2023: 2520–2527
  • Strategic Resource Select... - Download
    Gadea Harder, Jonathan; Krogmann, Simon; Lenzner, Pascal; Skopalik, Alexander Strategic Resource Selection with Homophilic AgentsInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2023: 2701–2709
  • Minimizing Reachability T... - Download
    Deligkas, Argyrios; Eiben, Eduard; Skretas, George Minimizing Reachability Times on Temporal Graphs via Shifting LabelsInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2023: 5333–5340
  • Consistency Checking Prob... - Download
    Ganian, Robert; Khazaliya, Liana; Simonov, Kirill Consistency Checking Problems: A Gateway to Parameterized Sample ComplexityInternational Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC) 2023: 18:1–18:17
  • The st-Planar Edge Comple... - Download
    Khazaliya, Liana; Kindermann, Philipp; Liotta, Giuseppe; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Simonov, Kirill The st-Planar Edge Completion Problem Is Fixed-Parameter TractableInternational Symposium Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2023: 46:1–46:13
  • Burn and Win - Download
    Ashok, Pradeesha; Das, Sayani; Kanesh, Lawqueen; Saurabh, Saket; Tomar, Avi; Verma, Shaily Burn and WinInternational Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA) 2023: 36–48
  • Parameterized Algorithms ... - Download
    Bhyravarapu, Sriram; Jana, Satyabrata; Kanesh, Lawqueen; Saurabh, Saket; Verma, Shaily Parameterized Algorithms for Eccentricity Shortest Path ProblemInternational Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA) 2023: 74–86
  • The Common-Neighbors Metr... - Download
    Cohen, Sarel; Fischbeck, Philipp; Friedrich, Tobias; Krejca, Martin S. The Common-Neighbors Metric is Noise-Robust and Reveals Substructures of Real-World NetworksPacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) 2023: 67–79
  • The Impact of Cooperation... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Gawendowicz, Hans; Lenzner, Pascal; Zahn, Arthur The Impact of Cooperation in Bilateral Network CreationACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) 2023
  • Perfect Sampling for Hard... - Download
    Anand, Konrad; Göbel, Andreas; Pappik, Marcus; Perkins, Will Perfect Sampling for Hard Spheres from Strong Spatial MixingInternational Conference on Randomization and Computation (Random) 2023: 38:1–38:18
  • Solving Directed Feedback... - Download
    Angrick, Sebastian; Bals, Ben; Casel, Katrin; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Hastrich, Niko; Hradilak, Theresa; Issac, Davis; Kißig, Otto; Schmidt, Jonas; Wendt, Leo Solving Directed Feedback Vertex Set by Iterative Reduction to Vertex CoverSymposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA) 2023: 10:1–10:14
  • Fixed-Parameter Tractabil... - Download
    Fomin, Fedor V.; Golovach, Petr A.; Korhonen, Tuukka; Simonov, Kirill; Stamoulis Giannοs Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Maximum Colored Path and BeyondSymposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2023
  • Strongly Hyperbolic Unit ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian; Stephan, Daniel Strongly Hyperbolic Unit Disk GraphsSymposium Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2023: 13:1–13:17
  • Approximate Max-Flow Min-... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Issac, Davis; Kumar, Nikhil; Mallek, Nadym; Zeif, Ziena Approximate Max-Flow Min-Multicut Theorem for Graphs of Bounded TreewidthSymposium Theory of Computing (STOC) 2023: 1325–1334
  • Approximate Distance Sens... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Chechik, Shiri; Choudhary, Keerti; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Krogmann, Simon; Schirneck, Martin Approximate Distance Sensitivity Oracles in Subquadratic SpaceSymposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) 2023: 1396–1409
  • Tight Analysis of the Laz... - Download
    Baligács, Júlia; Disser, Yann; Soheil, Farehe; Weckbecker, David Tight Analysis of the Lazy Algorithm for Open Online Dial-a-RideWorkshop Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS) 2023: 43–64
  • Socially Fair Matching: E... - Download
    Bandyapadhyay, Sayan; Fomin, Fedor V.; Inamdar, Tanmay; Panolan, Fahad; Simonov, Kirill Socially Fair Matching: Exact and Approximation AlgorithmsWorkshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS) 2023: 79–92
  • Compact Distance Oracles ... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Choudhary, Keerti; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Krogmann, Simon; Schirneck, Martin Compact Distance Oracles with Large Sensitivity and Low StretchAlgorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS) 2023: 149–163
  • Proportionally Fair Match... - Download
    Bandyapadhyay, Sayan; Fomin, Fedor V.; Inamdar, Tanmay; Simonov, Kirill Proportionally Fair Matching with Multiple GroupsWorkshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG) 2023: 1–15
  • Efficient Constructions f... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Friedrich, Tobias; Issac, Davis; Niklanovits, Aikaterini; Zeif, Ziena Efficient Constructions for the Gyori-Lovasz Theorem on Almost Chordal GraphsWorkshop Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG) 2023: 143–156
  • Turán’s Theorem Throug... - Download
    Fomin, Fedor; Golovach, Petr; Sagunov, Danil; Simonov, Kirill Turán’s Theorem Through Algorithmic LensWorkshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG) 2023: 348–362


  • AI Compliance - Challenge... - Download
    Hacker, Philipp; Naumann, Felix; Friedrich, Tobias; Grundmann, Stefan; Lehmann, Anja AI Compliance - Challenges of Bridging Data Science and LawACM Journal of Data and Information Quality 2022
  • Efficient Shortest Paths ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Freiberger, Cedric; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian; Montenegro-Retana, Felix; Thieffry, Marianne Efficient Shortest Paths in Scale-Free Networks with Underlying Hyperbolic GeometryACM Transactions on Algorithms 2022: 1–32
  • A Polynomial Kernel for B... - Download
    Derbisz, Jan; Kanesh, Lawqueen; Madathil, Jayakrishnan; Sahu, Abhishek; Saurabh, Saket; Verma, Shaily A Polynomial Kernel for Bipartite Permutation Vertex DeletionAlgorithmica 2022: 3246–3275
  • Topological Influence and... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Bilò, Vittorio; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise Topological Influence and Locality in Swap Schelling GamesAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AGNT) 2022: 47
  • Zeros and approximations ... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Fischbeck, Philipp; Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor Zeros and approximations of Holant polynomials on the complex planeComputational Complexity 2022: 11
  • Adjacent vertex distingui... - Download
    Verma, Shaily; Fu, Hung-Lin; Panda, B. S. Adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring in split graphsDiscret. Math. 2022: 113061
  • Combinatorial Properties ... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning; Grigoriev, Alexander; Schmid, Markus L.; Whitesides, Sue Combinatorial Properties and Recognition of Unit Square Visibility GraphsDiscrete & Computational Geometry 2022
  • Efficiently Enumerating H... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Lischeid, Julius; Meeks, Kitty; Schirneck, Martin Efficiently Enumerating Hitting Sets of Hypergraphs Arising in Data ProfilingJournal of Computer and System Sciences 2022: 192–213
  • A Spectral Independence V... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Krejca, Martin S.; Pappik, Marcus A Spectral Independence View on Hard Spheres via Block DynamicsSIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2022: 2282–2322
  • The Complexity of Depende... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Schirneck, Martin The Complexity of Dependency Detection and Discovery in Relational DatabasesTheoretical Computer Science 2022: 79–96
  • How to Find a Good Explan... - Download
    Bandyapadhyay, Sayan; Fomin, Fedor V.; Golovach, Petr A.; Lochet, William; Purohit, Nidhi; Simonov, Kirill How to Find a Good Explanation for Clustering?Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2022: 3904–3912
  • Three-Dimensional Popular... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Peters, Jannik Three-Dimensional Popular Matching with Cyclic PreferencesAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2022: 77–87
  • Asynchronous Opinion Dyna... - Download
    Berenbrink, Petra; Hoefer, Martin; Kaaser, Dominik; Lenzner, Pascal; Rau, Malin; Schmand, Daniel Asynchronous Opinion Dynamics in Social NetworksAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2022: 109–117
  • Pareto Optimal and Popula... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Friedrich, Tobias; Peters, Jannik Pareto Optimal and Popular House Allocation with Lower and Upper QuotasAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2022: 300–308
  • An Efficient Branch-and-B... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Stangl, David; Weyand, Christopher An Efficient Branch-and-Bound Solver for Hitting SetAlgorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX) 2022
  • A Primal-Dual Algorithm f... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Issac, Davis; Kumar, Nikhil; Mallek, Nadym; Zeif, Ziena A Primal-Dual Algorithm for Multicommodity Flows and Multicuts in Treewidth-2 GraphsApproximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX) 2022: 55:1–55:18
  • REX: A Realistic Time-Dep... - Download
    Kontogiannis, Spyros; Machaira, Paraskevi-Maria-Malevi; Paraskevopoulos, Andreas; Zaroliagis, Christos REX: A Realistic Time-Dependent Model for Multimodal Public TransportAlgorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS) 2022: 12:1–12:16
  • Maps of Restrictions for ... - Download
    Doskoč, Vanja; Kötzing, Timo Maps of Restrictions for Behaviourally Correct LearningComputability in Europe (CiE) 2022: 103–114
  • Algorithms for hard-const... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Katzmann, Maximilian; Krejca, Martin S.; Pappik, Marcus Algorithms for hard-constraint point processes via discretizationInternational Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON) 2022: 242–254
  • Optical Character Recogni... - Download
    Hildebrandt, Philipp; Schulze, Maximilian; Cohen, Sarel; Doskoč, Vanja; Saabni, Raid; Friedrich, Tobias Optical Character Recognition Guided Image Super ResolutionSymposium on Document Engineering (DocEng) 2022: 1–4
  • Improving Ranking Quality... - Download
    Führlich, Pascal; Cseh, Ágnes; Lenzner, Pascal Improving Ranking Quality and Fairness in Swiss-System Chess TournamentsACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC) 2022: 1101–1102
  • On the External Validity ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Fischbeck, Philipp On the External Validity of Average-Case Analyses of Graph AlgorithmsEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2022: 21:1–21:14
  • An Approximate Generaliza... - Download
    Kumar, Nikhil An Approximate Generalization of the Okamura-Seymour TheoremSymposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 2022
  • Towards Explainable Real ... - Download
    Angrick, Sebastian; Bals, Ben; Hastrich, Niko; Kleissl, Maximilian; Schmidt, Jonas; Doskoč, Vanja; Katzmann, Maximilian; Molitor, Louise; Friedrich, Tobias Towards Explainable Real Estate Valuation via Evolutionary AlgorithmsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2022: 1130–1138
  • Analysis of a Gray-Box Op... - Download
    Baguley, Samuel; Friedrich, Tobias; Timo, Kötzing; Li, Xiaoyue; Pappik, Marcus; Zeif, Ziena Analysis of a Gray-Box Operator for Vertex CoverGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2022: 1363–1371
  • Crossover for Cardinality... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Radhakrishnan, Aishwarya; Schiller, Leon; Schirneck, Martin; Tennigkeit, Georg; Wietheger, Simon Crossover for Cardinality Constrained OptimizationGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2022: 1399–1407
    Best Paper Award (Theory Track)
  • Towards Fast Crash-Consis... - Download
    Wood, Andrew; Hershcovitch, Moshik; Ennmouri, Ilias; Zong, Weiyu; Chennuri, Saurav; Cohen, Sarel; Sundararaman, Swaminathan; Waddington, Daniel; Chin, Peter Towards Fast Crash-Consistent Cluster CheckpointingHigh Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC) 2022
  • Social Distancing Network... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Gawendowicz, Hans; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna Social Distancing Network CreationInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2022: 62:1–62:21
  • Deterministic Sensitivity... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Choudhary, Keerti; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Schirneck, Martin Deterministic Sensitivity Oracles for Diameter, Eccentricities and All Pairs DistancesInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2022: 68:1–68:19
  • What’s Wrong with Deep ... - Download
    Böther, Maximilian; Kißig, Otto; Taraz, Martin; Cohen, Sarel; Seidel, Karen; Friedrich, Tobias What’s Wrong with Deep Learning in Tree Search for Combinatorial OptimizationInternational Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2022
  • Tolerance is Necessary fo... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Bilò, Vittorio; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise Tolerance is Necessary for Stability: Single-Peaked Swap Schelling GamesInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2022: 81–87
  • Network Creation with Hom... - Download
    Bullinger, Martin; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna Network Creation with Homophilic AgentsInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2022: 151–157
  • The Complexity of Growing... - Download
    Mertzios, George B; Michail, Othon; Skretas, George; Spirakis, Paul G.; Theofilatos, Michail The Complexity of Growing a GraphInternational Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks 2022: 123–137
  • Fixed-Parameter Sensitivi... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Casel, Katrin; Choudhary, Keerti; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Lagodzinski, J.A. Gregor; Schirneck, Martin; Wietheger, Simon Fixed-Parameter Sensitivity OraclesInnovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS) 2022: 23:1–23:18
  • List Homomorphism: Beyond... - Download
    Bhyravarapu, Sriram; Jana, Satyabrata; Panolan, Fahad; Saurabh, Saket; Verma, Shaily List Homomorphism: Beyond the Known BoundariesTheoretical Informatics: Latin American Symposium (LATIN) 2022 2022: 593–609
  • An Exact Algorithm for Kn... - Download
    Ramanujan, M. S.; Sahu, Abhishek; Saurabh, Saket; Verma, Shaily An Exact Algorithm for Knot-Free Vertex DeletionMathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2022: 78:1–78:15
  • Escaping Local Optima Wit... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S.; Rajabi, Amirhossein Escaping Local Optima With Local Search: A Theory-Driven DiscussionParallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2022: 442–455
    Best Paper Award and Best Poster Award
  • Theoretical Study of Opti... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Neumann, Frank; Radhakrishnan, Aishwarya Theoretical Study of Optimizing Rugge Landscapes with the cGAParallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) 2022: 586–599
  • A Branch-and-Bound Algori... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Fischbeck, Philipp; Gottesbüren, Lars; Hamann, Michael; Heuer, Tobias; Spinner, Jonas; Weyand, Christopher; Wilhelm, Marcus A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Cluster EditingSymposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA) 2022: 13:1–13:19
  • Accelerated Information D... - Download
    Cohen, Sarel; Fischbeck, Philipp; Friedrich, Tobias; Krejca, Martin S.; Sauerwald, Thomas Accelerated Information Dissemination on Networks with Local and Global EdgesStructural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO) 2022: 79–97
  • Algorithmic Extensions of... - Download
    Fomin, Fedor V.; Golovach, Petr A.; Sagunov, Danil; Simonov, Kirill Algorithmic Extensions of Dirac’s TheoremSymposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2022: 406–416
  • Dense Graph Partitioning ... - Download
    Bazgan, Cristina; Casel, Katrin; Cazals, Pierre Dense Graph Partitioning on sparse and dense graphs.Scandinavian Workshop Algorithm Theory (SWAT) 2022


  • Counting Homomorphisms to... - Download
    Göbel, Andreas; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Seidel, Karen Counting Homomorphisms to Trees Modulo a PrimeACM Transactions on Computation Theory 2021
  • Pairwise Preferences in t... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Juhos, Attila Pairwise Preferences in the Stable Marriage ProblemACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (TEAC) 2021: 1–28
  • Popular matchings in comp... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Kavitha, Telikepalli Popular matchings in complete graphsAlgorithmica 2021: 1–31
  • Organizing time exchanges... - Download
    Andersson, Tommy; Cseh, Ágnes; Ehlers, Lars; Erlanson, Albin Organizing time exchanges: Lessons from matching marketsAmerican Economic Journal: Microeconomics 2021: 338–73
  • Spectral symmetry in conf... - Download
    Haemers, Willem H; Parsaei Majd, Leila Spectral symmetry in conference matricesDesigns, Codes and Cryptography 2021: 1–8
  • Distributed computation a... - Download
    Michail, Othon; Skretas, George; Spirakis, Paul G. Distributed computation and reconfiguration in actively dynamic networksDistributed Computing 2021: 185–206
  • On the Complexity of Solu... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning; Khosravian Ghadikolaei, Mehdi; Monnot, Jérôme; Sikora, Florian On the Complexity of Solution Extension of Optimization ProblemsTheoretical Computer Science 2021
  • A Simplified Run Time Ana... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Krejca, Martin S. A Simplified Run Time Analysis of the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm on LeadingOnesTheoretical Computer Science 2021: 121–128
  • On the Complexity of the ... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning; Gaspers, Serge; Gras, Benjamin; Schmid, Markus L. On the Complexity of the Smallest Grammar Problem over Fixed AlphabetsTheory of Computing Systems 2021: 344–409
  • Fit fürs Studium - Infor... - Download
    Boockmeyer, Arne; Fischbeck, Philipp; Neubert, Stefan Fit fürs Studium - Informatik Rheinwerk Computing 2021
  • Grundkurs Theoretische In... - Download
    Neubert, Stefan Grundkurs Theoretische Informatik Rheinwerk Computing 2021
  • Optimal Kidney Exchange w... - Download
    Aziz, Haris; Cseh, Agnes; Dickerson, John; McElfresh, Duncan Optimal Kidney Exchange with ImmunosuppressantsConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2021: 21–29
  • Selfish Creation of Socia... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Friedrich, Tobias; Lenzner, Pascal; Lowski, Stefanie; Melnichenko, Anna Selfish Creation of Social NetworksConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2021: 5185–5193
  • Multi-Robot Task Allocati... - Download
    Aziz, Haris; Chan, Hau; Cseh, Ágnes; Li, Bo; Ramezani, Fahimeh; Wang, Chenhao Multi-Robot Task Allocation—Complexity and ApproximationAutonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2021: 133–141
  • On Weakly and Strongly Po... - Download
    Kraiczy, Sonja; Cseh, Ágnes; Manlove, David On Weakly and Strongly Popular RankingsAutonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2021: 1563–1565
  • Parameterized Algorithms ... - Download
    Cooley, Madison; Greene, Casey; Issac, Davis; Pividori, Milton; Sullivan, Blair Parameterized Algorithms for Identifying Gene Co-Expression Modules via Weighted Clique DecompositionApplied and Computational Discrete Algorithms (ACDA) 2021: 111–122
  • Adaptive Sampling for Fas... - Download
    Quinzan, Francesco; Doskoč, Vanja; Göbel, Andreas; Friedrich, Tobias Adaptive Sampling for Fast Constrained Maximization of Submodular FunctionsArtificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2021: 964–972
  • Connected k-Partition of ... - Download
    Borndörfer, Ralf; Casel, Katrin; Issac, Davis; Niklanovits, Aikaterini; Schwartz, Stephan; Zeif, Ziena Connected k-Partition of k-Connected Graphs and c-Claw-Free GraphsApproximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX) 2021: 27:1–27:14
  • Integer Cow-path Problem ... - Download
    Tabatabaei, Azadeh; Soheil, Farehe; Aletaha, Mohammad; Ghodsi, Mohammad Integer Cow-path Problem and Simple Robot Street SearchCanadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG) 2021: 388–398
  • Learning Languages with D... - Download
    Berger, Julian; Böther, Maximilian; Doskoč, Vanja; Gadea Harder, Jonathan; Klodt, Nicolas; Kötzing, Timo; Lötzsch, Winfried; Peters, Jannik; Schiller, Leon; Seifert, Lars; Wells, Armin; Wietheger, Simon Learning Languages with Decidable HypothesesComputability in Europe (CiE) 2021: 25–37
  • Mapping Monotonic Restric... - Download
    Doskoč, Vanja; Kötzing, Timo Mapping Monotonic Restrictions in Inductive InferenceComputability in Europe (CiE) 2021: 146–157
  • Normal Forms for Semantic... - Download
    Doskoč, Vanja; Kötzing, Timo Normal Forms for Semantically Witness-Based Learners in Inductive InferenceComputability in Europe (CiE) 2021: 158–168
  • Towards a Map for Increme... - Download
    Khazraei, Ardalan; Kötzing, Timo; Seidel, Karen Towards a Map for Incremental Learning in the Limit from Positive and Negative InformationComputability in Europe (CiE) 2021: 273–284
  • Learning Languages in the... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Seidel, Karen Learning Languages in the Limit from Positive Information with Finitely Many Memory ChangesComputability in Europe (CiE) 2021: 318–329
  • Drug Repurposing using Li... - Download
    Cohen, Sarel; Hershcovitch, Moshik; Taraz, Martin; Kißig, Otto; Wood, Andrew; Waddington, Daniel; Chin, Peter; Friedrich, Tobias Drug Repurposing using Link Prediction on Knowledge Graphs with Applications to Non-Volatile MemoryComplex Networks and their Applications (ComplexNetworks) 2021: 742–753
  • Near-Optimal Deterministi... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Schirneck, Martin Near-Optimal Deterministic Single-Source Distance Sensitivity OraclesEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2021: 18:1–18:17
  • Efficiently Approximating... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian Efficiently Approximating Vertex Cover on Scale-Free Networks with Underlying Hyperbolic GeometryEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2021: 20:1–20:15
  • Efficiently Computing Max... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Weyand, Christopher Efficiently Computing Maximum Flows in Scale-Free NetworksEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2021: 21:1–21:14
  • Balanced Crown Decomposit... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Friedrich, Tobias; Issac, Davis; Niklanovits, Aikaterini; Zeif, Ziena Balanced Crown Decomposition for Connectivity ConstraintsEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2021: 26:1–26:15
  • From Symmetry to Asymmetr... - Download
    Behrendt, Lukas; Casel, Katrin; Friedrich, Tobias; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Löser, Alexander; Wilhelm, Marcus From Symmetry to Asymmetry: Generalizing TSP Approximations by ParametrizationFundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT) 2021: 53–66
  • Fine-Grained Localization... - Download
    Berger, Julian; Bleidt, Tibor; Büßemeyer, Martin; Ding, Marcus; Feldmann, Moritz; Feuerpfeil, Moritz; Jacoby, Janusch; Schröter, Valentin; Sievers, Bjarne; Spranger, Moritz; Stadlinger, Simon; Wullenweber, Paul; Cohen, Sarel; Doskoč, Vanja; Friedrich, Tobias Fine-Grained Localization, Classification and Segmentation of Lungs with Various DiseasesCVPR Workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization (FGVC@CVPR) 2021
  • Evolutionary Minimization... - Download
    Böther, Maximilian; Schiller, Leon; Fischbeck, Philipp; Molitor, Louise; Krejca, Martin S.; Friedrich, Tobias Evolutionary Minimization of Traffic CongestionGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2021: 937–945
    Best-Paper Award (RWA Track)
  • Lower Bounds from Fitness... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Kötzing, Timo Lower Bounds from Fitness Levels Made EasyGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2021: 1142–1150
  • Non-Volatile Memory Accel... - Download
    Wood, Andrew; Hershcovitch, Moshik; Waddington, Daniel; Cohen, Sarel; Chin, Peter Non-Volatile Memory Accelerated Posterior EstimationHigh Performance and Embedded Computing (HPEC) 2021
  • Non-Volatile Memory Accel... - Download
    Wood, Andrew; Hershcovitch, Moshik; Waddington, Daniel; Cohen, Sarel; Wolf, Meredith; Suh, Hongjun; Zong, Weiyu; Chin, Peter Non-Volatile Memory Accelerated Geometric Multi-Scale Resolution AnalysisHigh Performance and Embedded Computing (HPEC) 2021: 1–7
  • A spectral independence v... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Krejca, Martin S.; Pappik, Marcus A spectral independence view on hard spheres via block dynamicsInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2021: 66:1–66:15
  • On Counting (Quantum-)Gra... - Download
    Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Göbel, Andreas; Casel, Katrin; Friedrich, Tobias On Counting (Quantum-)Graph Homomorphisms in Finite Fields of Prime OrderInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2021: 91:1–91:15
  • Fine-Grained Complexity o... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Schmid, Markus L. Fine-Grained Complexity of Regular Path QueriesInternational Conference on Database Theory (ICDT) 2021: 19:1–19:20
  • Two-Stage Facility Locati... - Download
    Krogmann, Simon; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise; Skopalik, Alexander Two-Stage Facility Location Games with Strategic Clients and FacilitiesInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2021: 292–298
  • PACE Solver Description: ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Fischbeck, Philipp; Gottesbüren, Lars; Hamann, Michael; Heuer, Tobias; Spinner, Jonas; Weyand, Christopher; Wilhelm, Marcus PACE Solver Description: The KaPoCE Exact Cluster Editing AlgorithmInternational Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC) 2021: 27:1–27:3
  • PACE Solver Description: ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Fischbeck, Philipp; Gottesbüren, Lars; Hamann, Michael; Heuer, Tobias; Spinner, Jonas; Weyand, Christopher; Wilhelm, Marcus PACE Solver Description: KaPoCE: A Heuristic Cluster Editing AlgorithmInternational Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC) 2021: 31:1–31:4
  • The Impact of Geometry on... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Krejca, Martin S.; Molitor, Louise The Impact of Geometry on Monochrome Regions in the Flip Schelling ProcessInternational Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, (ISAAC) 2021 2021: 29:1–29:17
  • Skeletons and Minimum Ene... - Download
    Antoniadis, Antonios; Kumar, Gunjan; Kumar, Nikhil Skeletons and Minimum Energy SchedulingInternational Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2021: 51:1–51:16
  • A Color-blind 3-Approxima... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Friedrich, Tobias; Issac, Davis; Klodt, Nicolas; Seifert, Lars; Zahn, Arthur A Color-blind 3-Approximation for Chromatic Correlation Clustering and Improved HeuristicsKnowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) 2021: 882–891
  • Space-Efficient Fault-Tol... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Schirneck, Martin Space-Efficient Fault-Tolerant Diameter OraclesMathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2021: 18:1–18:16
  • Drug Repurposing for Mult... - Download
    Kißig, Otto; Taraz, Martin; Cohen, Sarel; Doskoč, Vanja; Friedrich, Tobias Drug Repurposing for Multiple COVID Strains using Collaborative FilteringICLR Workshop on Machine Learning for Preventing and Combating Pandemics (MLPCP@ICLR) 2021
  • Software Forest: A Visual... - Download
    Atzberger, Daniel; Cech, Tim; de la Haye, Merlin; Söchting, Maximilian; Scheibel, Willy; Limberger, Daniel; Döllner, Jürgen Software Forest: A Visualization of Semantic Similarities in Source Code using a Tree MetaphorProceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications -- Volume 3 IVAPP 2021: 112–122
  • Solving Non-Uniform Plant... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank; Rothenberger, Ralf; Sutton, Andrew M. Solving Non-Uniform Planted and Filtered Random SAT Formulas GreedilyTheory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT) 2021: 188–206
  • Force-Directed Embedding ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian Force-Directed Embedding of Scale-Free Networks in the Hyperbolic PlaneSymposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA) 2021: 22:1–22:18
  • The Impact of Heterogenei... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Levy, Jordi; Rothenberger, Ralf The Impact of Heterogeneity and Geometry on the Proof Complexity of Random SatisfiabilitySymposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2021: 42–53
  • Efficiency and Stability ... - Download
    Friedemann, Wilhelm; Friedrich, Tobias; Gawendowicz, Hans; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna; Peters, Jannik; Stephan, Daniel; Vaichenker, Michael Efficiency and Stability in Euclidean Network DesignSymposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) 2021: 232–242
  • Drug Repurposing Using Li... - Download
    Kißig, Otto; Taraz, Martin; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias Drug Repurposing Using Link Prediction on Knowledge GraphsICML Workshop on Computational Biology (WCB@ICML) 2021: 742–753


  • The Complexity of Cake Cu... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Fleiner, Tamás The Complexity of Cake Cutting with Unequal SharesACM Transactions on Algorithms 2020: 1–21
  • Correction to: Reoptimiza... - Download
    Shi, Feng; Schirneck, Martin; Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Neumann, Frank Correction to: Reoptimization Time Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms on Linear Functions Under Dynamic Uniform ConstraintsAlgorithmica 2020: 3117–3123
  • Greed is Good for Determi... - Download
    Chauhan, Ankit; Friedrich, Tobias; Rothenberger, Ralf Greed is Good for Deterministic Scale-Free NetworksAlgorithmica 2020: 3338–3389
  • On sign-symmetric signed ... - Download
    Ghorbani, Ebrahim; Haemers, Willem H.; Reza Maimani, Hamid; Parsaei Majd, Leila On sign-symmetric signed graphsArs Mathematica Contemporane 2020: 83–93
  • Complexity of independenc... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Dreier, Jan; Fernau, Henning; Gobbert, Moritz; Kuinke, Philipp; Sanchez Villaamil, Fernando; Schmid, Markus L.; van Leeuwen, Erik Jan Complexity of independency and cliquy treesDiscrete Applied Mathematics 2020: 2–15
  • Domination chain: Charact... - Download
    Bazgan, Cristina; Brankovic, Ljiljana; Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning Domination chain: Characterisation, classical complexity, parameterised complexity and approximabilityDiscrete Applied Mathematics 2020: 23–42
  • Zero-sum flows for Steine... - Download
    Akbari, Saieed; Reza Maimani, Hamid; Parsaei Majd, Leila; Wanless, Ian M. Zero-sum flows for Steiner systemsDiscrete Mathematics 2020: 112074
  • The stable marriage probl... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Heeger, Klaus The stable marriage problem with ties and restricted edgesDiscrete Optimization 2020: 100571
  • Significance-based Estima... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Krejca, Martin S. Significance-based Estimation-of-Distribution AlgorithmsIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 2020: 1025–1034
  • Roman 2-domination in gra... - Download
    Alizadeh, Faezeh; Maimani, Hamid Reza; Parsaei Majd, Leila; Rajabi Parsa, Mina Roman 2-domination in graphs and graph productsIranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics 2020
  • Hyperbolic Embeddings for... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian; Krohmer, Anton Hyperbolic Embeddings for Near-Optimal Greedy RoutingJournal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 2020: 1–18
  • Hitting Set Enumeration w... - Download
    Birnick, Johann; Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Naumann, Felix; Papenbrock, Thorsten; Schirneck, Martin Hitting Set Enumeration with Partial Information for Unique Column Combination DiscoveryProceedings of the VLDB Endowment 2020: 2270–2283
  • Parsimonious periodic aut... - Download
    Battaglia, Francesco; Cucina, Domenico; Rizzo, Manuel Parsimonious periodic autoregressive models for time series with evolving trend and seasonalityStatistics and Computing 2020: 77–91
  • Analysis of the (1+1) EA ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Neumann, Frank; Schirneck, Martin Analysis of the (1+1) EA on Subclasses of Linear Functions under Uniform and Linear ConstraintsTheoretical Computer Science 2020: 3–19
  • Destructiveness of lexico... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Lengler, Johannes; Melnichenko, Anna Destructiveness of lexicographic parsimony pressure and alleviation by a concatenation crossover in genetic programmingTheoretical Computer Science 2020: 96–113
  • Lower Bounds on the Run T... - Download
    Krejca, Martin S.; Witt, Carsten Lower Bounds on the Run Time of the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm on OneMaxTheoretical Computer Science 2020: 143–165
  • The impact of lexicograph... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Kötzing, Timo; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Lengler, Johannes The impact of lexicographic parsimony pressure for ORDER/MAJORITY on the run timeTheoretical Computer Science 2020: 144–168
  • On the Tree Conjecture fo... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Lenzner, Pascal On the Tree Conjecture for the Network Creation GameTheory of Computing Systems 2020: 422–443
  • Theory of Estimation-of-D... - Download
    Krejca, Martin S.; Witt, Carsten Theory of Estimation-of-Distribution AlgorithmsTheory of Evolutionary Computation: Recent Developments in Discrete Optimization 2020: 405–442
  • Cautious Limit Learning - Download
    Doskoč, Vanja; Kötzing, Timo Cautious Limit LearningAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2020: 251–276
  • A Constant Factor Approxi... - Download
    Das, Syamantak; Jain, Lavina; Kumar, Nikhil A Constant Factor Approximation for Capacitated Min-Max Tree CoverApproximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques (APPROX/RANDOM) 2020: 55:1–55:13
  • A Strategic Routing Frame... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Böther, Maximilian; Fischbeck, Philipp; Friedrich, Tobias; Gries, Alina; Hüffner, Falk; Kißig, Otto; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise; Schiller, Leon; Wells, Armin; Wietheger, Simon A Strategic Routing Framework and Algorithms for Computing Alternative PathsAlgorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS) 2020: 10:1–10:14
  • ScrabbleGAN: Semi-Supervi... - Download
    Fogel, Sharon; Averbuch-Elor, Hadar; Cohen, Sarel; Mazor, Shai; Litman, Roee ScrabbleGAN: Semi-Supervised Varying Length Handwritten Text GenerationConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2020: 4323–4332
  • Non-Monotone Submodular M... - Download
    Doskoč, Vanja; Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Neumann, Aneta; Neumann, Frank; Quinzan, Francesco Non-Monotone Submodular Maximization with Multiple Knapsacks in Static and Dynamic SettingsEuropean Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) 2020: 435–442
  • The Minimization of Rando... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Schirneck, Martin The Minimization of Random HypergraphsEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2020: 21:1–21:15
  • Dual Half-Integrality for... - Download
    Garg, Naveen; Kumar, Nikhil Dual Half-Integrality for Uncrossable Cut Cover and Its Application to Maximum Half-Integral FlowEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2020: 55:1–55:13
  • The Univariate Marginal D... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Krejca, Martin S. The Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm Copes Well with Deception and EpistasisEvolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP) 2020: 51–66
    Best-Paper Award
  • Fair Tree Connection Game... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Friedrich, Tobias; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna; Molitor, Louise Fair Tree Connection Games with Topology-Dependent Edge CostFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS) 2020: 15:1–15:15
  • Bivariate Estimation-of-D... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Krejca, Martin S. Bivariate Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms Can Find an Exponential Number of OptimaGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2020: 796–804
  • The Node Weight Dependent... - Download
    Bossek, Jakob; Casel, Katrin; Kerschke, Pascal; Neumann, Frank The Node Weight Dependent Traveling Salesperson Problem: Approximation Algorithms and Randomized Search HeuristicsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2020: 1286–1294
  • Memetic Genetic Algorithm... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Krejca, Martin S.; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Rizzo, Manuel; Zahn, Arthur Memetic Genetic Algorithms for Time Series Compression by Piecewise Linear ApproximationInternational Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) 2020: 592–604
  • Flow-Based Network Creati... - Download
    Echzell, Hagen; Friedrich, Tobias; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna Flow-Based Network Creation GamesInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2020: 139–145
  • Integer Plane Multiflow M... - Download
    Garg, Naveen; Kumar, Nikhil; Sebö, András Integer Plane Multiflow Maximisation: Flow-Cut Gap and One-Quarter-ApproximationInteger Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO) 2020: 144–157
  • Feldmann, Andreas; Issac, Davis; Rai, Ashutosh Fixed-Parameter Tractability of the Weighted Edge Clique Partition ProblemInternational Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC) 2020: 1–16
  • Multicommodity Flows in P... - Download
    Kumar, Nikhil Multicommodity Flows in Planar Graphs with Demands on FacesInternational Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2020: 1–11
  • Topological Influence and... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Bilò, Vittorio; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise Topological Influence and Locality in Swap Schelling GamesInternational Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2020: 15:1–15:15
  • Distributed Computation a... - Download
    Michail, Othon; Skretas, George; Spirakis, G. Paul Distributed Computation and Reconfiguration in Actively Dynamic NetworksPrinciples of Distributed Computing (PODC) 2020: 448–457
  • Improved Fixed-Budget Res... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Witt, Carsten Improved Fixed-Budget Results via Drift AnalysisParallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) 2020: 648–660
  • Parallel Machine Scheduli... - Download
    Antoniadis, Antonios; Garg, Naveen; Kumar‎, Gunjan; Kumar, Nikhil Parallel Machine Scheduling to Minimize Energy ConsumptionSymposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2020: 2758–2769
  • Feldmann, Michael; Khazraei, Ardalan; Scheideler, Christian Time- and Space-Optimal Clock Synchronization in the Beeping ModelSymposium Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) 2020: 223–233
  • Solving Vertex Cover in P... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Fischbeck, Philipp; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian Solving Vertex Cover in Polynomial Time on Hyperbolic Random GraphsSymposium on the Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2020: 25:1–25:14
  • Distance sensitivity orac... - Download
    Chechik, Shiri; Cohen, Sarel Distance sensitivity oracles with subcubic preprocessing time and fast query timeSymposium Theory of Computing (STOC) 2020: 1375–1388
  • Privacy-Preserving Public... - Download
    Becher, Kilian; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Strufe, Thorsten Privacy-Preserving Public Verification of Ethical Cobalt SourcingTrust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) 2020: 998–1005
  • Held, Stephan; Khazraei, Ardalan An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Uniform Cost-Distance Steiner Tree ProblemWorkshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA) 2020: 189–203


  • Hadwiger's conjecture for... - Download
    Issac, Davis; Chandran, L. Sunil; Zhou, Sanming Hadwiger’s conjecture for squares of 2-treesEuropean Journal of Combinatorics 2019: 159–174
  • Routing for On-Street Par... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Krejca, Martin S.; Rothenberger, Ralf; Arndt, Tobias; Hafner, Danijar; Kellermeier, Thomas; Krogmann, Simon; Razmjou, Armin Routing for On-Street Parking Search using Probabilistic DataAI Communications 2019: 113–124
  • Solving Problems with Unk... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Doerr, Carola; Kötzing, Timo Solving Problems with Unknown Solution Length at Almost No Extra CostAlgorithmica 2019: 703–748
  • Reoptimization Time Analy... - Download
    Shi, Feng; Schirneck, Martin; Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Neumann, Frank Reoptimization Time Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms on Linear Functions Under Dynamic Uniform ConstraintsAlgorithmica 2019: 828–857
  • Island Models Meet Rumor ... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Fischbeck, Philipp; Frahnow, Clemens; Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Schirneck, Martin Island Models Meet Rumor SpreadingAlgorithmica 2019: 886–915
  • New and Simple Algorithms... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Matuschke, Jannik New and Simple Algorithms for Stable Flow ProblemsAlgorithmica 2019: 2557–2591
  • Quasi-random Image Transi... - Download
    Neumann, Aneta; Neumann, Frank; Friedrich, Tobias Quasi-random Image Transition and AnimationAustralian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems 2019: 10–18
  • Selected open problems in... - Download
    Cechlárová, Katarína; Cseh, Ágnes; Manlove, David Selected open problems in Matching Under PreferencesBulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science 2019: 14–38
  • Detection and estimation ... - Download
    Battaglia, Francesco; Cucina, Domenico; Rizzo, Manuel Detection and estimation of additive outliers in seasonal time seriesComputational Statistics 2019: 1–17
  • On the transformation cap... - Download
    Michail, Othon; Skretas, George; Spirakis, G. Paul On the transformation capability of feasible mechanisms for programmable matterComputer and System Sciences 2019: 18–39
  • Nowhere-zero flow on some... - Download
    Reza Maimani, Hamid; Parsaei Majd, Leila Nowhere-zero flow on some products of signed graphsDiscrete Applied Mathematics 2019: 84–92
  • Surfing on the seascape: ... - Download
    Trubenova, Barbora; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S.; Lehre, Per Kristian Surfing on the seascape: Adaptation in a changing environmentEvolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution 2019: 1356–1374
  • How to Draw a Planarizati... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Rademacher, Marcel; Rutter, Ignaz How to Draw a PlanarizationGraph Algorithms and Applications 2019: 653–682
  • Paths to stable allocatio... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Skutella, Martin Paths to stable allocationsInternational Journal of Game Theory 2019: 835–862
  • Multiple changepoint dete... - Download
    Cucina, Domenico; Rizzo, Manuel; Ursu, Eugen Multiple changepoint detection for periodic autoregressive models with an application to river flow analysisStochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2019: 1137–1157
  • Some Problems Concerning ... - Download
    Batra, Sanjit Singh; Kumar, Nikhil; Tripathi, Amitabha Some Problems Concerning the Frobenius Number for Extensions of an Arithmetic ProgressionThe Ramanujan Journal 2019: 545–565
  • Unbiasedness of Estimatio... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S. Unbiasedness of Estimation-of-Distribution AlgorithmsTheoretical Computer Science 2019: 46–59
  • First-hitting times under... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S. First-hitting times under driftTheoretical Computer Science 2019: 51–69
  • The Stable Roommates Prob... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Irving, Robert W.; Manlove, David F. The Stable Roommates Problem with Short ListsTheory of Computing Systems 2019: 128–149
  • Greedy Maximization of Fu... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Neumann, Frank; Quinzan, Francesco; Rothenberger, Ralf Greedy Maximization of Functions with Bounded Curvature Under Partition Matroid ConstraintsConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2019: 2272–2279
  • Pareto Optimization for S... - Download
    Roostapour, Vahid; Neumann, Aneta; Neumann, Frank; Friedrich, Tobias Pareto Optimization for Subset Selection with Dynamic Cost ConstraintsConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2019: 2354–2361
  • From Hotelling to Load Ba... - Download
    Feldotto, Matthias; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise; Skopalik, Alexander From Hotelling to Load Balancing: Approximation and the Principle of Minimum DifferentiationAutonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2019: 1949–1951
  • Efficiently Enumerating H... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Lischeid, Julius; Meeks, Kitty; Schirneck, Martin Efficiently Enumerating Hitting Sets of Hypergraphs Arising in Data ProfilingAlgorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX) 2019: 130–143
  • Limit Learning Equivalenc... - Download
    Fokina, Ekaterina; Kötzing, Timo; San Mauro, Luca Limit Learning Equivalence StructuresAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2019: 383–403
  • Extension of vertex cover... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning; Khosravian Ghadikolaei, Mehdi; Monnot, Jerome; Sikora, Florian Extension of vertex cover and independent set in some classes of graphs and generalizationsInternational Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC) 2019: 124–136
  • Efficiently Generating Ge... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian; Meyer, Ulrich; Penschuck, Manuel; Weyand, Christopher Efficiently Generating Geometric Inhomogeneous and Hyperbolic Random GraphsEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2019: 21:2–21:14
    EATCS Best Paper Award
  • Extension of some edge gr... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning; Khosravian Ghadikolaei, Mehdi; Monnot, Jerome; Sikora, Florian Extension of some edge graph problems: standard and parameterized complexityFundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT) 2019: 185–200
  • Multiplicative Up-Drift - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Kötzing, Timo Multiplicative Up-DriftGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2019
  • Deterministic Combinatori... - Download
    Alon, Noga; Chechik, Shiri; Cohen, Sarel Deterministic Combinatorial Replacement Paths and Distance Sensitivity OraclesInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2019: 12:1–12:14
  • The Satisfiability Thresh... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Rothenberger, Ralf The Satisfiability Threshold for Non-Uniform Random 2-SATInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2019: 61:1–61:14
  • Graph and String Paramete... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Day, Joel D.; Fleischmann, Pamela; Kociumaka, Tomasz; Manea, Florin; Schmid, Markus L. Graph and String Parameters: Connections Between Pathwidth, Cutwidth and the Locality NumberInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2019: 109:1–109:16
  • Mixed Integer Programming... - Download
    Peters, Jannik; Stephan, Daniel; Amon, Isabel; Gawendowicz, Hans; Lischeid, Julius; Salabarria, Julius; Umland, Jonas; Werner, Felix; Krejca, Martin S.; Rothenberger, Ralf; Kötzing, Timo; Friedrich, Tobias Mixed Integer Programming versus Evolutionary Computation for Optimizing a Hard Real-World Staff Assignment ProblemInternational Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) 2019: 541–554
  • Sharpness of the Satisfia... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Rothenberger, Ralf Sharpness of the Satisfiability Threshold for Non-Uniform Random \(k\)-SAT.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2019: 6151–6155
  • Random Subgroups of Ratio... - Download
    Gao, Ziyuan; Jain, Sanjay; Khoussainov, Bakhadyr; Li, Wei; Melnikov, Alexander; Seidel, Karen; Stephan, Frank Random Subgroups of RationalsMathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2019: 25:1–25:14
  • Near Optimal Algorithms F... - Download
    Chechik, Shiri; Cohen, Sarel Near Optimal Algorithms For The Single Source Replacement Paths ProblemSymposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2019: 2090–2109
  • Geometric Network Creatio... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Friedrich, Tobias; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna Geometric Network Creation GamesSymposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) 2019: 323–332
  • From Graph Theory to Netw... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias From Graph Theory to Network Science: The Natural Emergence of HyperbolicitySymposium Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2019: 5:1–5:9
  • Pairwise Preferences in t... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Juhos, Attila Pairwise Preferences in the Stable Marriage ProblemSymposium Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2019: 21:1–21:16
  • On the Empirical Time Com... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Sutton, Andrew M. On the Empirical Time Complexity of Scale-Free 3-SAT at the Phase TransitionTools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS) 2019: 117–134
  • Understanding the Effecti... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Fischbeck, Philipp; Friedrich, Tobias; Schirneck, Martin Understanding the Effectiveness of Data Reduction in Public Transportation NetworksWorkshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW) 2019: 87–101
  • Convergence and Hardness ... - Download
    Echzell, Hagen; Friedrich, Tobias; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise; Pappik, Marcus; Schöne, Friedrich; Sommer, Fabian; Stangl, David Convergence and Hardness of Strategic Schelling SegregationWeb and Internet Economics (WINE) 2019: 156–170
  • FOGA ’19: Proceedings of the 15th ACM/SIGEVO Conference on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms ACM 2019
  • Theory of Randomized Optimization HeuristicsDagstuhl Reports 2019: 61–94


  • Sampling in space restric... - Download
    Issac, Davis; Bhattacharya, Anup; Kumar, Amit; Jaiswal, Ragesh Sampling in space restricted settingsAlgorithmica 2018: 1439–1458
  • Matchings with Lower Quot... - Download
    Arulselvan, Ashwin; Cseh, Ágnes; Groß, Martin; Manlove, David F.; Matuschke, Jannik Matchings with Lower Quotas: Algorithms and ComplexityAlgorithmica 2018: 185–208
  • Simultaneous Embedding: E... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Karrer, Annette; Rutter, Ignaz Simultaneous Embedding: Edge Orderings, Relative Positions, CutverticesAlgorithmica 2018: 1214–1277
  • Preface to the Special Is... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Sudholt, Dirk Preface to the Special Issue on Theory of Genetic and Evolutionary ComputationAlgorithmica 2018: 1575–1578
  • Static and Self-Adjusting... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Doerr, Carola; Kötzing, Timo Static and Self-Adjusting Mutation Strengths for Multi-valued Decision VariablesAlgorithmica 2018: 1732–1768
  • Cliques in Hyperbolic Ran... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Krohmer, Anton Cliques in Hyperbolic Random GraphsAlgorithmica 2018: 2324–2344
  • Clustering with Lower-Bou... - Download
    Abu-Khzam, Faisal N.; Bazgan, Cristina; Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning Clustering with Lower-Bounded Sizes - A General Graph-Theoretic FrameworkAlgorithmica 2018: 2517–2550
  • De-anonymization of Heter... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias; Krohmer, Anton De-anonymization of Heterogeneous Random Graphs in Quasilinear TimeAlgorithmica 2018: 3397–3427
  • Local and Union Boxicity - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Stumpf, Peter; Ueckerdt, Torsten Local and Union BoxicityDiscrete Mathematics 2018: 1307–1315
  • On the spectrum of some s... - Download
    Akbari, Saieed; Maimani, Hamid Reza; Majd, Leila Parsaei On the spectrum of some signed complete and complete bipartite graphsFilomat 2018: 5817–5826
  • Escaping Local Optima Usi... - Download
    Dang, Duc-Cuong; Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S.; Lehre, Per Kristian; Oliveto, Pietro S.; Sudholt, Dirk; Sutton, Andrew M. Escaping Local Optima Using Crossover with Emergent DiversityIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 2018: 484–497
  • Efficient Embedding of Sc... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Krohmer, Anton; Laue, Sören Efficient Embedding of Scale-Free Graphs in the Hyperbolic PlaneIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2018: 920–933
  • Scalable Exact Visualizat... - Download
    Baum, Moritz; Bläsius, Thomas; Gemsa, Andreas; Rutter, Ignaz; Wegner, Franziska Scalable Exact Visualization of Isocontours in Road Networks via Minimum-Link PathsJournal of Computational Geometry 2018: 27–73
  • Statistical and Computati... - Download
    Rizzo, Manuel; Battaglia, Francesco Statistical and Computational Tradeoff in Genetic Algorithm-Based EstimationJournal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 2018: 3081–3097
  • Signed graphs cospectral ... - Download
    Akbari, Saieed; Haemers, Willem H; Maimani, Hamid Reza; Majd, Leila Parsaei Signed graphs cospectral with the pathLinear Algebra and its Applications 2018: 104–116
  • Popular edges and dominan... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Kavitha, Telikepalli Popular edges and dominant matchingsMathematical Programming 2018: 209–229
  • Azar, Yossi; Cohen, Sarel An improved algorithm for online machine minimizationOperations Research Letters 2018: 128–133
  • On the diameter of hyperb... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Krohmer, Anton On the diameter of hyperbolic random graphsSIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2018: 1314–1334
  • Unbounded Discrepancy of ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian; Krohmer, Anton Unbounded Discrepancy of Deterministic Random Walks on GridsSIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2018: 2441–2452
  • The many facets of upper ... - Download
    Bazgan, Cristina; Brankovic, Ljiljana; Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning; Jansen, Klaus; Klein, Kim-Manuel; Lampis, Michael; Liedloff, Mathieu; Monnot, Jérôme; Paschos, Vangelis Th. The many facets of upper dominationTheoretical Computer Science 2018: 2–25
  • Confident Iterative Learn... - Download
    Doskoč, Vanja Confident Iterative Learning in Computational Learning TheoryCurrent Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM) 2018: 30–42
  • Periodic Autoregressive M... - Download
    Battaglia, Francesco; Cucina, Domenico; Rizzo, Manuel Periodic Autoregressive Models with Multiple Structural Changes by Genetic AlgorithmsMathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance (MAF) 2018: 107–110
  • Hyperbolic Embeddings for... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian; Krohmer, Anton Hyperbolic Embeddings for Near-Optimal Greedy RoutingAlgorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX) 2018: 199–208
  • Kumar Shekar, Arvind; Pappik, Marcus; Iglesias Sánchez, Patricia; Müller, Emmanuel Selection of Relevant and Non-Redundant Multivariate Ordinal Patterns for Time Series ClassificationDiscovery Science (DS) 2018: 224–240
  • Popular Matchings in Comp... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Kavitha, Telikepalli Popular Matchings in Complete GraphsFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS) 2018: 17:1–17:14
  • Escaping Large Deceptive ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Quinzan, Francesco; Wagner, Markus Escaping Large Deceptive Basins of Attraction with Heavy Mutation OperatorsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2018: 293–300
  • Improving the Run Time of... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Quinzan, Francesco; Sutton, Andrew M. Improving the Run Time of the (1+1) Evolutionary Algorithm with Luby SequencesGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2018: 301–308
  • Randomized Greedy Algorit... - Download
    Gao, Wanru; Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank; Hercher, Christian Randomized Greedy Algorithms for Covering ProblemsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2018: 309–315
  • Significance-based Estima... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Krejca, Martin S. Significance-based Estimation-of-Distribution AlgorithmsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2018: 1483–1490
  • Spanning tree congestion ... - Download
    Issac, Davis; Chandran, L. Sunil; Cheung, Yuen Kueng Spanning tree congestion and computation of gyori lovasz partitionInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP) 2018: 1–14
  • Dynamic Matching: Reducin... - Download
    Arar, Moab; Chechik, Shiri; Cohen, Sarel; Stein, Cliff; Wajc, David Dynamic Matching: Reducing Integral Algorithms to Approximately-Maximal Fractional AlgorithmsInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2018: 7:1–7:16
  • Efficient Shortest Paths ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Freiberger, Cedric; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian; Montenegro-Retana, Felix; Thieffry, Marianne Efficient Shortest Paths in Scale-Free Networks with Underlying Hyperbolic GeometryInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP) 2018: 20:1–20:14
  • Resolving Conflicts for L... - Download
    Casel, Katrin Resolving Conflicts for Lower-Bounded ClusteringInternational Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC) 2018: 23:1–23:14
  • Identification of Multire... - Download
    Cucina, Domenico; Rizzo, Manuel; Ursu, Eugen Identification of Multiregime Periodic Autoregressive Models by Genetic AlgorithmsInternational Conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE) 2018: 396–407
  • EvoCells – A Treemap La... - Download
    Scheibel, Willy; Weyand, Christopher; Döllner, Jürgen EvoCells – A Treemap Layout Algorithm for Evolving Tree Data9th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP) 2018: 273–280
  • Algorithms and bounds for... - Download
    Issac, Davis; van Leeuwen, Erik Jan; Das, Anita; Chandran, L. Sunil Algorithms and bounds for very strong rainbow coloringLatin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics Conference (LATIN) 2018: 625–639
  • Rainbow Vertex Coloring B... - Download
    Issac, Davis; van Leeuwen, Erik Jan; Lauri, Juho; Lima, Paloma; Heggernes, Pinar Rainbow Vertex Coloring Bipartite Graphs and Chordal GraphsMathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2018: 1–13
  • Counting Homomorphisms to... - Download
    Göbel, Andreas; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Seidel, Karen Counting Homomorphisms to Trees Modulo a PrimeMathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2018: 49:1–49:13
  • Destructiveness of Lexico... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Lengler, Johannes; Melnichenko, Anna Destructiveness of Lexicographic Parsimony Pressure and Alleviation by a Concatenation Crossover in Genetic ProgrammingParallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) 2018: 42–54
  • First-Hitting Times for F... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S. First-Hitting Times for Finite State SpacesParallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) 2018: 79–91
  • First-Hitting Times Under... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S. First-Hitting Times Under Additive DriftParallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) 2018: 92–104
  • Ring Migration Topology H... - Download
    Frahnow, Clemens; Kötzing, Timo Ring Migration Topology Helps Bypassing Local OptimaParallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) 2018: 129–140
  • Heavy-tailed Mutation Ope... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Quinzan, Francesco; Wagner, Markus Heavy-tailed Mutation Operators in Single-Objective Combinatorial OptimizationParallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) 2018: 134–145
  • Schelling Segregation wit... - Download
    Chauhan, Ankit; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise Schelling Segregation with Strategic AgentsSymposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2018
  • Cseh, Ágnes; Fleiner, Tamás The Complexity of Cake Cutting with Unequal SharesSymposium Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2018: 19–30
  • Sharpness of the Satisfia... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Rothenberger, Ralf Sharpness of the Satisfiability Threshold for Non-Uniform Random k-SATTheory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT) 2018: 273–291
    Best Paper Award
  • Generalized Periodic Auto... - Download
    Battaglia, Francesco; Cucina, Domenico; Rizzo, Manuel Generalized Periodic Autoregressive Models for Trend and Seasonality Varying Time SeriesScientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) 2018
  • Memory-restricted Routing... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Eube, Jan; Feldtkeller, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Krejca, Martin S.; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Rothenberger, Ralf; Severin, Julius; Sommer, Fabian; Trautmann, Justin Memory-restricted Routing With Tiled Map DataSystems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) 2018: 3347–3354
  • On the Tree Conjecture fo... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Lenzner, Pascal On the Tree Conjecture for the Network Creation GameSymposium on the Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2018: 14:1–14:15
  • Towards a Systematic Eval... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian; Krohmer, Anton; Striebel, Jonathan Towards a Systematic Evaluation of Generative Network ModelsWorkshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW) 2018: 99–114


  • Minimizing Maximum (Weigh... - Download
    Anand, S.; Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias; Garg, Naveen; Kumar, Amit Minimizing Maximum (Weighted) Flow-Time on Related and Unrelated MachinesAlgorithmica 2017: 515–536
  • Time Complexity Analysis ... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Neumann, Frank; Sutton, Andrew M. Time Complexity Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms on Random Satisfiable k-CNF FormulasAlgorithmica 2017: 561–586
  • On the connection between... - Download
    Bampas, Evangelos; Göbel, Andreas-Nikolas; Pagourtzis, Aris; Tentes, Aris On the connection between interval size functions and path countingComputational Complexity 2017: 421–467
  • On Variability Analysis o... - Download
    Rizzo, Manuel On Variability Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithm-Based EstimationConference of the Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) 2017: 237–242
  • The Compact Genetic Algor... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S.; Sutton, Andrew M. The Compact Genetic Algorithm is Efficient under Extreme Gaussian NoiseIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 2017: 477–490
  • Amplifiers for the Moran ... - Download
    Galanis, Andreas; Göbel, Andreas; Goldberg, Leslie Ann; Lapinskas, John; Richerby, David Amplifiers for the Moran ProcessJournal of the ACM 2017: 5:1–5:90
  • Popular Matchings with Tw... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Huang, Chien-Chung; Kavitha, Telikepalli Popular Matchings with Two-Sided Preferences and One-Sided TiesSIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2017: 367–379
  • Fit fürs Studium - Infor... - Download
    Boockmeyer, Arne; Fischbeck, Philipp; Neubert, Stefan Fit fürs Studium - Informatik Rheinwerk Computing 2017
  • Zu mathematischen Argumen... - Download
    Seidel, Karen Zu mathematischen Argumentationen eines Experten aus einer semiotischen PerspektiveBeiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2017 2017: 897–900
  • A Generic Bet-and-Run Str... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Wagner, Markus A Generic Bet-and-Run Strategy for Speeding Up Stochastic Local SearchConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2017: 801–807
  • Systematic Exploration of... - Download
    Katzmann, Maximilian; Komusiewicz, Christian Systematic Exploration of Larger Local Search Neighborhoods for the Minimum Vertex Cover ProblemConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2017: 846–852
  • Phase Transitions for Sca... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Krohmer, Anton; Rothenberger, Ralf; Sutton, Andrew M. Phase Transitions for Scale-Free SAT FormulasConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2017: 3893–3899
  • What's Hot in Evolutionar... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank What’s Hot in Evolutionary ComputationConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2017: 5064–5066
  • Automatic Learning from R... - Download
    Hölzl, Rupert; Jain, Sanjay; Schlicht, Philipp; Seidel, Karen; Stephan, Frank Automatic Learning from Repetitive TextsAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2017: 129–150
  • Normal Forms in Semantic ... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Schirneck, Martin; Seidel, Karen Normal Forms in Semantic Language IdentificationAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2017: 493–516
  • Scaling up Local Search f... - Download
    Gao, Wanru; Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Neumann, Frank Scaling up Local Search for Minimum Vertex Cover in Large Graphs by Parallel KernelizationAustralasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AUSAI) 2017: 131–143
  • Improving local search in... - Download
    Wagner, Markus; Friedrich, Tobias; Lindauer, Marius Improving local search in a minimum vertex cover solver for classes of networksCongress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2017: 1704–1711
  • TrussFab: Fabricating Stu... - Download
    Kovacs, Robert; Seufert, Anna; Wall, Ludwig; Chen, Hsiang-Ting; Meinel, Florian; Müller, Willi; You, Sijing; Brehm, Maximilian; Striebel, Jonathan; Kommana, Yannis; Popiak, Alexander; Bläsius, Thomas; Baudisch, Patrick TrussFab: Fabricating Sturdy Large-Scale Structures on Desktop 3D PrintersHuman Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2017: 2606–2616
  • Framework for Exploring a... - Download
    Kirsch, Louis; Riekenbrauck, Niklas; Thevessen, Daniel; Pappik, Marcus; Stebner, Axel; Kunze, Julius; Meissner, Alexander; Kumar Shekar, Arvind; Müller, Emmanuel Framework for Exploring and Understanding Multivariate CorrelationsMachine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD) 2017: 404–408
  • Bounds on the Satisfiabil... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Krohmer, Anton; Rothenberger, Ralf; Sauerwald, Thomas; Sutton, Andrew M. Bounds on the Satisfiability Threshold for Power Law Distributed Random SATEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2017: 37:1–37:15
  • Resampling vs Recombinati... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Quinzan, Francesco; Sutton, Andrew Michael Resampling vs Recombination: a Statistical Run Time EstimationFoundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA) 2017: 25–35
  • On the Use of the Dual Fo... - Download
    Pourhassan, Mojgan; Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank On the Use of the Dual Formulation for Minimum Weighted Vertex Cover in Evolutionary AlgorithmsFoundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA) 2017: 37–44
  • Analysis of the (1+1) EA ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Neumann, Frank; Schirneck, Martin Analysis of the (1+1) EA on Subclasses of Linear Functions under Uniform and Linear ConstraintsFoundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA) 2017: 45–54
  • Lower Bounds on the Run T... - Download
    Krejca, Martin S.; Witt, Carsten Lower Bounds on the Run Time of the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm on OneMaxFoundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA) 2017: 65–79
  • Approximating Optimizatio... - Download
    Chauhan, Ankit; Friedrich, Tobias; Quinzan, Francesco Approximating Optimization Problems using EAs on Scale-Free NetworksGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2017: 235–242
  • Analyzing Search Heuristi... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Melnichenko, Anna Analyzing Search Heuristics with Differential EquationsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2017: 313–314
  • Bounding Bloat in Genetic... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Kötzing, Timo; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Lengler, Johannes Bounding Bloat in Genetic ProgrammingGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2017: 921–928
  • Island Models Meet Rumor ... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Fischbeck, Philipp; Frahnow, Clemens; Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Schirneck, Martin Island Models Meet Rumor SpreadingGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2017: 1359–1366
  • Unknown Solution Length P... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Doerr, Carola; Kötzing, Timo Unknown Solution Length Problems With No Asymptotically Optimal Run TimeGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2017: 1367–1374
  • Reoptimization Times of E... - Download
    Shi, Feng; Schirneck, Martin; Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Neumann, Frank Reoptimization Times of Evolutionary Algorithms on Linear Functions Under Dynamic Uniform ConstraintsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2017: 1407–1414
  • On the Transformation Cap... - Download
    Michail, Othon; Skretas, George; Spirakis, G. Paul On the Transformation Capability of Feasible Mechanisms for Programmable MatterInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2017: 136:1–136:15
  • Combinatorial Properties ... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning; Grigoriev, Alexander; Schmid, Markus L.; Whitesides, Sue Combinatorial Properties and Recognition of Unit Square Visibility GraphsInternational Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2017: 30:1–30:15
  • Selfish Network Creation ... - Download
    Chauhan, Ankit; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna; Molitor, Louise Selfish Network Creation with Non-Uniform Edge CostSymposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2017: 160–172
  • Efficient Best Response C... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Ihde, Sven; Keßler, Christoph; Lenzner, Pascal; Neubert, Stefan; Schumann, David Efficient Best Response Computation for Strategic Network Formation under AttackSymposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2017: 199–211
  • \( (1 + \varepsilon)\)-Ap... - Download
    Chechik, Shiri; Cohen, Sarel; Fiat, Amos; Kaplan, Haim \( (1 + \varepsilon)\)-Approximate \(f\)-Sensitive Distance OraclesSymposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2017: 1479–1496
  • How to Draw a Planarizati... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Radermacher, Marcel; Rutter, Ignaz How to Draw a PlanarizationCurrent Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM) 2017: 295–308
  • Brief Announcement: Effic... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Ihde, Sven; Keßler, Christoph; Lenzner, Pascal; Neubert, Stefan; Schumann, David Brief Announcement: Efficient Best Response Computation for Strategic Network Formation under AttackSymposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) 2017: 321–323
  • Cseh, Ágnes; Matuschke, Jannik New and Simple Algorithms for Stable Flow ProblemsWorkshop Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG) 2017: 206–219


  • Optimal Orthogonal Graph ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Rutter, Ignaz; Wagner, Dorothea Optimal Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Convex Bend CostsACM Transactions on Algorithms 2016: 33
  • Counting Homomorphisms to... - Download
    Göbel, Andreas; Goldberg, Leslie Ann; Richerby, David Counting Homomorphisms to Square-Free Graphs, Modulo 2ACM Transactions on Computation Theory 2016: 12:1–12:29
  • Robustness of Populations... - Download
    Gießen, Christian; Kötzing, Timo Robustness of Populations in Stochastic EnvironmentsAlgorithmica 2016: 462–489
  • Concentration of First Hi... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo Concentration of First Hitting Times Under Additive DriftAlgorithmica 2016: 490–506
  • Superpolynomial Lower Bou... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M. Superpolynomial Lower Bounds for the (1+1) EA on Some Easy Combinatorial ProblemsAlgorithmica 2016: 507–528
  • Marriages are made in cal... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes Marriages are made in calculationBulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science 2016: 180–183
  • On the Choice of a Geneti... - Download
    Rizzo, Manuel; Battaglia, Francesco On the Choice of a Genetic Algorithm for Estimating GARCH ModelsComputational Economics 2016: 473–485
  • Orthogonal Graph Drawing ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Lehmann, Sebastian; Rutter, Ignaz Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Inflexible EdgesComputational Geometry 2016: 26–40
  • Stable Marriage and Roomm... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Manlove, David F. Stable Marriage and Roommates problems with restricted edges: Complexity and approximabilityDiscrete Optimization 2016: 62–89
  • Weak total resolvability ... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Estrada-Moreno, Alejandro; Fernau, Henning; Rodríguez-Velázquez, Juan Alberto Weak total resolvability in graphsDiscussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 2016: 185–210
  • Robustness of Ant Colony ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S.; Sutton, Andrew M. Robustness of Ant Colony Optimization to NoiseEvolutionary Computation 2016: 237–254
  • Strongly non-U-shaped lan... - Download
    Case, John; Kötzing, Timo Strongly non-U-shaped language learning results by general techniquesInformation and Computation 2016: 1–15
  • On the Role of Update Con... - Download
    Jain, Sanjay; Kötzing, Timo; Ma, Junqi; Stephan, Frank On the Role of Update Constraints and Text-Types in Iterative LearningInformation and Computation 2016: 152–168
  • Enlarging learnable class... - Download
    Jain, Sanjay; Kötzing, Timo; Stephan, Frank Enlarging learnable classesInformation and Computation 2016: 194–207
  • Improved algorithmic resu... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Dean, Brian C. Improved algorithmic results for unsplittable stable allocation problemsJournal of Combinatorial Optimization 2016: 657–671
  • A map of update constrain... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Palenta, Raphaela A map of update constraints in inductive inferenceTheoretical Computer Science 2016: 4–24
  • Topological Separations i... - Download
    Case, John; Kötzing, Timo Topological Separations in Inductive InferenceTheoretical Computer Science 2016: 33–45
  • A new perspective on clus... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Rutter, Ignaz A new perspective on clustered planarity as a combinatorial embedding problemTheoretical Computer Science 2016: 306–315
  • Simultaneous PQ-Ordering ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Rutter, Ignaz Simultaneous PQ-Ordering with Applications to Constrained Embedding ProblemsTransactions on Algorithms 2016: 16
  • Algorithmic Aspects of Up... - Download
    Bazgan, Cristina; Brankovic, Ljiljana; Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning; Jansen, Klaus; Klein, Kim-Manuel; Lampis, Michael; Liedloff, Mathieu; Monnot, Jérôme; Paschos, Vangelis Th. Algorithmic Aspects of Upper Domination: A Parameterised PerspectiveAlgorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM) 2016: 113–124
  • On the Complexity Landsca... - Download
    Bazgan, Cristina; Brankovic, Ljiljana; Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning On the Complexity Landscape of the Domination ChainAlgorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics (CALDAM) 2016: 61–72
  • Probabilistic Routing for... - Download
    Arndt, Tobias; Hafner, Danijar; Kellermeier, Thomas; Krogmann, Simon; Razmjou, Armin; Krejca, Martin S.; Rothenberger, Ralf; Friedrich, Tobias Probabilistic Routing for On-Street Parking SearchEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2016: 6:1–6:13
  • Scalable Exact Visualizat... - Download
    Baum, Moritz; Bläsius, Thomas; Gemsa, Andreas; Rutter, Ignaz; Wegner, Franziska Scalable Exact Visualization of Isocontours in Road Networks via Minimum-Link PathsEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2016: 7:1–7:18
  • Hyperbolic Random Graphs:... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Krohmer, Anton Hyperbolic Random Graphs: Separators and TreewidthEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2016: 15:1–15:16
  • Efficient Embedding of Sc... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Krohmer, Anton; Laue, Sören Efficient Embedding of Scale-Free Graphs in the Hyperbolic PlaneEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2016: 16:1–16:18
    EATCS Best Paper Award
  • Greed is Good for Determi... - Download
    Chauhan, Ankit; Friedrich, Tobias; Rothenberger, Ralf Greed is Good for Deterministic Scale-Free NetworksFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS) 2016: 33:1–33:15
  • Ant Colony Optimization B... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Quinzan, Francesco; Sutton, Andrew M. Ant Colony Optimization Beats Resampling on Noisy FunctionsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016: 3–4
  • The Benefit of Recombinat... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S.; Sutton, Andrew M. The Benefit of Recombination in Noisy Evolutionary SearchGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016: 161–162
  • Escaping Local Optima wit... - Download
    Dang, Duc-Cuong; Friedrich, Tobias; Krejca, Martin S.; Kötzing, Timo; Lehre, Per Kristian; Oliveto, Pietro S.; Sudholt, Dirk; Sutton, Andrew Michael Escaping Local Optima with Diversity Mechanisms and CrossoverGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016: 645–652
  • Fast Building Block Assem... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S.; Nallaperuma, Samadhi; Neumann, Frank; Schirneck, Martin Fast Building Block Assembly by Majority Vote CrossoverGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016: 661–668
  • The Right Mutation Streng... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Doerr, Carola; Kötzing, Timo The Right Mutation Strength for Multi-Valued Decision VariablesGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016: 1115–1122
  • EDAs cannot be Balanced a... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S. EDAs cannot be Balanced and StableGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016: 1139–1146
  • Line Planning on Path Net... - Download
    Borndörfer, Ralf; Arslan, Oytun; Elijazyfer, Ziena; Güler, Hakan; Renken, Malte; Şahin, Güvenç; Schlechte, Thomas Line Planning on Path Networks with Application to the Istanbul MetrobüsGerman Operations Research Society (GOR) 2016: 235–241
  • Amplifiers for the Moran ... - Download
    Galanis, Andreas; Göbel, Andreas; Goldberg, Leslie-Ann; Lapinskas, John; Richerby, David Amplifiers for the Moran ProcessInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2016: 62:1–62:13
  • On the Complexity of Gram... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning; Gaspers, Serge; Gras, Benjamin; Schmid, Markus L. On the Complexity of Grammar-Based Compression over Fixed AlphabetsInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP) 2016: 122:1–122:14
  • Cseh, Ágnes; Kavitha, Telikepalli Popular Edges and Dominant MatchingsInternational Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO) 2016: 138–151
  • On the Parameterized Comp... - Download
    Issac, Davis; Chandran, L. Sunil; Karrenbauer, Andreas On the Parameterized Complexity of Biclique Cover and PartitionInternational Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC) 2016: 1–13
  • The Parameterized Complex... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Schirneck, Martin The Parameterized Complexity of Dependency Detection in Relational DatabasesInternational Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC) 2016: 6:1–6:13
  • Building Clusters with Lo... - Download
    Abu-Khzam, Faisal N.; Bazgan, Cristina; Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning Building Clusters with Lower-Bounded SizesInternational Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2016: 4:1–4:13
  • Upper Domination: Complex... - Download
    Bazgan, Cristina; Brankovic, Ljiljana; Casel, Katrin; Fernau, Henning; Jansen, Klaus; Klein, Kim-Manuel; Lampis, Michael; Liedloff, Mathieu; Monnot, Jérôme; Paschos, Vangelis Th. Upper Domination: Complexity and ApproximationInternational Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA) 2016: 241–252
  • Scale-Free Networks, Hype... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias Scale-Free Networks, Hyperbolic Geometry, and Efficient AlgorithmsSymposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2016: 4:1–4:3
    Invited Talk
  • Fixed-Parameter Single Ob... - Download
    Gao, Wanru; Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank Fixed-Parameter Single Objective Search Heuristics for Minimum Vertex CoverParallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) 2016: 740–750
  • Graceful Scaling on Unifo... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S.; Sutton, Andrew M. Graceful Scaling on Uniform versus Steep-Tailed NoiseParallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) 2016: 761–770
  • On the Robustness of Evol... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Sutton, Andrew M. On the Robustness of Evolving PopulationsParallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) 2016: 771–781
  • Provably Optimal Self-Adj... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Doerr, Carola; Kötzing, Timo Provably Optimal Self-Adjusting Step Sizes for Multi-Valued Decision VariablesParallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) 2016: 782–791
  • Emergence of Diversity an... - Download
    Dang, Duc-Cuong; Lehre, Per Kristian; Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S.; Oliveto, Pietro S.; Sudholt, Dirk; Sutton, Andrew M. Emergence of Diversity and its Benefits for Crossover in Genetic AlgorithmsParallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) 2016: 890–900
  • On Selfish Creation of Ro... - Download
    Chauhan, Ankit; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna; Münn, Martin On Selfish Creation of Robust NetworksSymposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2016: 141–152
  • Cseh, Ágnes; Irving, Robert W.; Manlove, David F. The Stable Roommates Problem with Short ListsSymposium Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2016: 207–219
  • Towards an Atlas of Compu... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Schirneck, Martin Towards an Atlas of Computational Learning TheorySymposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2016: 47:1–47:13
  • Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank; Sutton, Andrew M. Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2016, Denver, CO, USA, July 20 - 24, 2016 ACM 2016
  • Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank; Sutton, Andrew M. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2016, Denver, CO, USA, July 20-24, 2016, Companion Material Proceedings ACM 2016


  • Seeding the initial popul... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Wagner, Markus Seeding the initial population of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms: A computational studyApplied Soft Computing 2015: 223–230
  • Disconnectivity and relat... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Rutter, Ignaz Disconnectivity and relative positions in simultaneous embeddingsComputational Geometry 2015: 459–478
  • On the structure of seque... - Download
    Parsaei Majd, Leila; Rahimi, Ahad On the structure of sequentially Cohen-Macaulay bigraded modulesCzechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2015: 1011–1022
  • Parameterized clique on i... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Krohmer, Anton Parameterized clique on inhomogeneous random graphsDiscrete Applied Mathematics 2015: 130–138
  • Efficient optimization of... - Download
    Wagner, Markus; Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank Efficient optimization of many objectives by approximation-guided evolutionEuropean Journal of Operational Research 2015: 465–479
  • Multiplicative Approximat... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank; Thyssen, Christian Multiplicative Approximations, Optimal Hypervolume Distributions, and the Choice of the Reference PointEvolutionary Computation 2015: 131–159
  • Fitness Probability Distr... - Download
    Chicano, Francisco; Sutton, Andrew M.; Whitley, L. Darrell; Alba, Enrique Fitness Probability Distribution of Bit-Flip MutationEvolutionary Computation 2015: 217–248
  • Maximizing Submodular Fun... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank Maximizing Submodular Functions under Matroid Constraints by Evolutionary AlgorithmsEvolutionary Computation 2015: 543–558
  • Unbiased Black-Box Comple... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Doerr, Carola; Kötzing, Timo Unbiased Black-Box Complexities of Jump FunctionsEvolutionary Computation 2015: 641–670
  • Minimal indices for prede... - Download
    Cohen, Sarel; Fiat, Amos; Hershcovitch, Moshik; Kaplan, Haim Minimal indices for predecessor searchInformation and Computation 2015: 12–30
  • On a Linear Diophantine P... - Download
    Batra, Sanjit Singh; Kumar, Nikhil; Tripathi, Amitabha On a Linear Diophantine Problem Involving the Fibonacci and Lucas SequencesIntegers 2015: A26
  • Randomized diffusion for ... - Download
    Berenbrink, Petra; Cooper, Colin; Friedetzky, Tom; Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas Randomized diffusion for indivisible loadsJournal of Computer and System Sciences 2015: 159–185
  • On the kernel size of cli... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Hercher, Christian On the kernel size of clique cover reductions for random intersection graphsJournal of Discrete Algorithms 2015: 128–136
  • Toward a unifying framewo... - Download
    Paixão, Tiago; Badkobeh, Golnaz; Barton, Nick H.; Çörüş, Doğan; Dang, Duc-Cuong; Friedrich, Tobias; Lehre, Per Kristian; Sudholt, Dirk; Sutton, Andrew; Trubenová, Barbora Toward a unifying framework for evolutionary processesJournal of Theoretical Biology 2015: 28–43
  • Counting List Matrix Part... - Download
    Göbel, Andreas; Goldberg, Leslie Ann; McQuillan, Colin; Richerby, David; Yamakami, Tomoyuki Counting List Matrix Partitions of GraphsSIAM Journal on Computing 2015: 1089–1118
  • Genetic and Evolutionary ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; He, Jun; Jansen, Thomas; Moraglio, Alberto Genetic and Evolutionary ComputationTheoretical Computer Science 2015: 1–2
  • On the average-case compl... - Download
    Fountoulakis, Nikolaos; Friedrich, Tobias; Hermelin, Danny On the average-case complexity of parameterized cliqueTheoretical Computer Science 2015: 18–29
  • Population size matters: ... - Download
    Nguyen, Anh Quang; Sutton, Andrew M.; Neumann, Frank Population size matters: Rigorous runtime results for maximizing the hypervolume indicatorTheoretical Computer Science 2015: 24–36
  • Fast Learning of Restrict... - Download
    Freydenberger, Dominik D.; Kötzing, Timo Fast Learning of Restricted Regular Expressions and DTDsTheory of Computing Systems 2015: 1114–1158
  • Parameterized Analogues o... - Download
    Chauhan, Ankit; Rao, B. V. Raghavendra Parameterized Analogues of Probabilistic ComputationConference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics (CALDAM) 2015: 181–192
  • Efficient computation of ... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias; Klitzke, Patrick Efficient computation of two-dimensional solution sets maximizing the epsilon-indicatorCongress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2015: 970–977
  • Orthogonal Graph Drawing ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Lehmann, Sebastian; Rutter, Ignaz Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Inflexible EdgesInternational Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC) 2015: 61–73
  • (1+1) EA on Generalized D... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Lissovoi, Andrei; Witt, Carsten (1+1) EA on Generalized Dynamic OneMaxFoundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA) 2015: 40–51
  • Pixel and Voxel Represent... - Download
    Alam, Md. Jawaherul; Bläsius, Thomas; Rutter, Ignaz; Ueckerdt, Torsten; Wolff, Alexander Pixel and Voxel Representations of GraphsGraph Drawing (GD) 2015: 472–486
  • Robustness of Ant Colony ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S.; Sutton, Andrew M. Robustness of Ant Colony Optimization to NoiseGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2015: 17–24
    Best-Paper Award (ACO/SI Track)
  • Solving Problems with Unk... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Doerr, Carola; Kötzing, Timo Solving Problems with Unknown Solution Length at (Almost) No Extra CostGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2015: 831–838
  • Improved Runtime Bounds f... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Neumann, Frank; Sutton, Andrew M. Improved Runtime Bounds for the (1+1) EA on Random 3-CNF Formulas Based on Fitness-Distance CorrelationGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2015: 1415–1422
  • Cseh, Ágnes; Huang, Chien-Chung; Kavitha, Telikepalli Popular Matchings with Two-Sided Preferences and One-Sided TiesInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2015: 367–379
  • Ultra-Fast Load Balancing... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias; Hoefer, Martin; Rothenberger, Ralf; Sauerwald, Thomas Ultra-Fast Load Balancing on Scale-Free NetworksInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2015: 516–527
  • On the Diameter of Hyperb... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Krohmer, Anton On the Diameter of Hyperbolic Random GraphsInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2015: 614–625
  • Counting Homomorphisms to... - Download
    Göbel, Andreas; Goldberg, Leslie Ann; Richerby, David Counting Homomorphisms to Square-Free Graphs, Modulo 2International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP) 2015: 642–653
  • Cliques in Hyperbolic Ran... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Krohmer, Anton Cliques in Hyperbolic Random GraphsInternational Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 2015: 1544–1552
  • The Benefit of Recombinat... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S.; Sutton, Andrew M. The Benefit of Recombination in Noisy Evolutionary SearchInternational Symposium of Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2015: 140–150
  • Arulselvan, Ashwin; Cseh, Ágnes; Groß, Martin; Manlove, David F.; Matuschke, Jannik Many-to-one Matchings with Lower Quotas: Algorithms and ComplexityInternational Symposium Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2015: 176–187
  • Unbounded Discrepancy of ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian; Krohmer, Anton Unbounded Discrepancy of Deterministic Random Walks on GridsInternational Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2015: 212–222
  • Network Creation Games: T... - Download
    Cord-Landwehr, Andreas; Lenzner, Pascal Network Creation Games: Think Global - Act LocalMathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2015: 248–260
  • Cseh, Ágnes; Manlove, David F. Stable Marriage and Roommates Problems with Restricted Edges: Complexity and ApproximabilitySymposium Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2015: 15–26
  • Dominating an s-t-Cut in ... - Download
    Rothenberger, Ralf; Grau, Sascha; Rossberg, Michael Dominating an s-t-Cut in a NetworkCurrent Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM) 2015: 401–411
  • Patching Physical Objects - Download
    Teibrich, Alexander; Mueller, Stefanie; Guimbretière, François; Kovacs, Robert; Neubert, Stefan; Baudisch, Patrick Patching Physical ObjectsUser Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2015: 83–91


  • Quasirandom Rumor Spreadi... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas Quasirandom Rumor SpreadingACM Transactions on Algorithms 2014: 9:1–9:35
  • The complexity of countin... - Download
    Göbel, Andreas; Goldberg, Leslie Ann; Richerby, David The complexity of counting homomorphisms to cactus graphs modulo 2ACM Transactions on Computation Theory 2014: 17:1–17:29
  • Orthogonal Graph Drawing ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Krug, Marcus; Rutter, Ignaz; Wagner, Dorothea Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Flexibility ConstraintsAlgorithmica 2014: 859–885
  • The unbiased black-box co... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Doerr, Carola; Kötzing, Timo The unbiased black-box complexity of partition is polynomialArtificial Intelligence 2014: 275–286
  • Testing Mutual duality of... - Download
    Angelini, Patrizio; Bläsius, Thomas; Rutter, Ignaz Testing Mutual duality of Planar graphsComputational Geometry and Applications 2014: 325–346
  • Parameterized Runtime Ana... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Neumann, Frank; Nallaperuma, Samadhi Parameterized Runtime Analyses of Evolutionary Algorithms for the Planar Euclidean Traveling Salesperson ProblemEvolutionary Computation 2014: 595–628
  • Convergence of Hypervolum... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias Convergence of Hypervolume-Based Archiving AlgorithmsIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 2014: 643–657
  • Genetic and Evolutionary ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Rowe, Jonathan E. Genetic and Evolutionary ComputationTheoretical Computer Science 2014: 1
  • The component model for e... - Download
    Whitley, Darrell; Sutton, Andrew M.; Ochoa, Gabriela; Chicano, Francisco The component model for elementary landscapes and partial neighborhoodsTheoretical Computer Science 2014: 59–75
  • The Max problem revisited... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Sutton, Andrew M.; Neumann, Frank; O’Reilly, Una-May The Max problem revisited: The importance of mutation in genetic programmingTheoretical Computer Science 2014: 94–107
  • Iterative learning from p... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo Iterative learning from positive data and countersTheoretical Computer Science 2014: 155–169
  • A Map of Update Constrain... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Palenta, Raphaela A Map of Update Constraints in Inductive InferenceAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2014: 40–54
  • On the Role of Update Con... - Download
    Jain, Sanjay; Kötzing, Timo; Ma, Junqi; Stephan, Frank On the Role of Update Constraints and Text-Types in Iterative LearningAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2014: 55–69
  • Counting List Matrix Part... - Download
    Göbel, Andreas; Goldberg, Leslie Ann; McQuillan, Colin; Richerby, David; Yamakami, Tomoyuki Counting List Matrix Partitions of GraphsConference on Computational Complexity (CCC) 2014: 56–65
  • Complexity of Higher-Degr... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Brückner, Guido; Rutter, Ignaz Complexity of Higher-Degree Orthogonal Graph Embedding in the Kandinsky ModelEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2014: 161–172
  • De-anonymization of Heter... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias; Krohmer, Anton De-anonymization of Heterogeneous Random Graphs in Quasilinear TimeEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2014: 197–208
  • A Fixed-Parameter Approac... - Download
    Casel, Katrin A Fixed-Parameter Approach for Privacy-Protection with Global RecodingFrontiers in Algorithmics (FAW) 2014: 25–35
  • A New Perspective on Clus... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Rutter, Ignaz A New Perspective on Clustered Planarity as a Combinatorial Embedding ProblemGraph Drawing (GD) 2014: 440–451
  • Efficient identification ... - Download
    Chicano, Francisco; Whitley, Darrell; Sutton, Andrew M. Efficient identification of improving moves in a ball for pseudo-boolean problemsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2014: 437–444
  • Two-dimensional subset se... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias; Klitzke, Patrick Two-dimensional subset selection for hypervolume and epsilon-indicatorGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2014: 589–596
  • Unbiased black-box comple... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Doerr, Carola; Kötzing, Timo Unbiased black-box complexities of jump functions: how to cross large plateausGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2014: 769–776
  • Robustness of populations... - Download
    Gießen, Christian; Kötzing, Timo Robustness of populations in stochastic environmentsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2014: 1383–1390
  • Concentration of first hi... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo Concentration of first hitting times under additive driftGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2014: 1391–1398
  • Generic Postprocessing vi... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias; Klitzke, Patrick Generic Postprocessing via Subset Selection for Hypervolume and Epsilon-IndicatorParallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2014: 518–527
  • Maximizing Submodular Fun... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank Maximizing Submodular Functions under Matroid Constraints by Multi-objective Evolutionary AlgorithmsParallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2014: 922–931
    Nominated for Best Paper Award
  • Runtime Analysis of Evolu... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Neumann, Frank Runtime Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms on Randomly Constructed High-Density Satisfiable 3-CNF FormulasParallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2014: 942–951
  • Cseh, Ágnes; Skutella, Martin Paths to Stable AllocationsSymposium Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2014: 61–73
  • Counting Homomorphisms to... - Download
    Göbel, Andreas; Goldberg, Leslie Ann; Richerby, David Counting Homomorphisms to Cactus Graphs Modulo 2Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2014: 350–361
  • A Solution to Wiehagen's ... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo A Solution to Wiehagen’s ThesisSymposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2014: 494–505


  • Diameter and Broadcast Ti... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas; Stauffer, Alexandre Diameter and Broadcast Time of Random Geometric Graphs in Arbitrary DimensionsAlgorithmica 2013: 65–88
  • Stable Flows over Time - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Matuschke, Jannik; Skutella, Martin Stable Flows over TimeAlgorithms 2013: 532–545
  • Speeding up many-objectiv... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias; Igel, Christian; Voß, Thomas Speeding up many-objective optimization by Monte Carlo approximationsArtificial Intelligence 2013: 22–29
  • Approximation quality of ... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias Approximation quality of the hypervolume indicatorArtificial Intelligence 2013: 265–290
  • Fitness Function Distribu... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Chicano, Francisco; Whitley, L. Darrell Fitness Function Distributions over Generalized Search Neighborhoods in the q-ary HypercubeEvolutionary Computation 2013: 561–590
  • On Approximate Nash Equil... - Download
    Albers, Susanne; Lenzner, Pascal On Approximate Nash Equilibria in Network DesignInternet Mathematics 2013: 384–405
  • Weighted preferences in e... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kroeger, Trent; Neumann, Frank Weighted preferences in evolutionary multi-objective optimizationMachine Learning and Cybernetics 2013: 139–148
  • Fast simulation of large-... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Levine, Lionel Fast simulation of large-scale growth modelsRandom Structures and Algorithms 2013: 185–213
  • Predicting the Energy Out... - Download
    Vladislavleva, Ekaterina; Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank; Wagner, Markus Predicting the Energy Output of Wind Farms Based on Weather Data: Important Variables and their CorrelationRenewable Energy 2013: 236–243
  • A minimal Prikry-type for... - Download
    Koepke, Peter; Räsch, Karen; Schlicht, Philipp A minimal Prikry-type forcing for singularizing a measurable cardinalThe Journal of Symbolic Logic 2013: 85–100
  • More effective crossover ... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Johannsen, Daniel; Kötzing, Timo; Neumann, Frank; Theile, Madeleine More effective crossover operators for the all-pairs shortest path problemTheoretical Computer Science 2013: 12–26
  • Constraint satisfaction p... - Download
    Fellows, Michael R.; Friedrich, Tobias; Hermelin, Danny; Narodytska, Nina; Rosamond, Frances A. Constraint satisfaction problems: Convexity makes AllDifferent constraints tractableTheoretical Computer Science 2013: 81–89
  • Black-box complexities of... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Kötzing, Timo; Lengler, Johannes; Winzen, Carola Black-box complexities of combinatorial problemsTheoretical Computer Science 2013: 84–106
  • Memory-limited non-U-shap... - Download
    Case, John; Kötzing, Timo Memory-limited non-U-shaped learning with solved open problemsTheoretical Computer Science 2013: 100–123
  • Simultaneous Embedding of... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Kobourov, Stephen G.; Rutter, Ignaz Simultaneous Embedding of Planar GraphsHandbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization 2013: 349–381
  • Topological Separations i... - Download
    Case, John; Kötzing, Timo Topological Separations in Inductive InferenceAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2013: 128–142
  • Efficient parent selectio... - Download
    Wagner, Markus; Friedrich, Tobias Efficient parent selection for Approximation-Guided Evolutionary multi-objective optimizationCongress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2013: 1846–1853
  • Fixed-parameter evolution... - Download
    Nallaperuma, Samadhi; Sutton, Andrew M.; Neumann, Frank Fixed-parameter evolutionary algorithms for the Euclidean Traveling Salesperson problemCongress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2013: 2037–2044
  • Parameterized complexity ... - Download
    Nallaperuma, Samadhi; Sutton, Andrew M.; Neumann, Frank Parameterized complexity analysis and more effective construction methods for ACO algorithms and the euclidean traveling salesperson problemCongress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2013: 2045–2052
  • Optimizing expected path ... - Download
    Feldmann, Matthias; Kötzing, Timo Optimizing expected path lengths with ant colony optimization using fitness proportional updateFoundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA) 2013: 65–74
  • Simultaneous Embedding: E... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Karrer, Annette; Rutter, Ignaz Simultaneous Embedding: Edge Orderings, Relative Positions, CutverticesGraph Drawing (GD) 2013: 220–231
  • Using ILP/SAT to Determin... - Download
    Biedl, Therese C.; Bläsius, Thomas; Niedermann, Benjamin; Nöllenburg, Martin; Prutkin, Roman; Rutter, Ignaz Using ILP/SAT to Determine Pathwidth, Visibility Representations, and other Grid-Based Graph DrawingsGraph Drawing (GD) 2013: 460–471
  • An effective heuristic fo... - Download
    Benz, Florian; Kötzing, Timo An effective heuristic for the smallest grammar problemGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2013: 487–494
  • Parameterized average-cas... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias Parameterized average-case complexity of the hypervolume indicatorGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2013: 575–582
    Nominated for Best Paper Award (EMO Track)
  • Minimizing Maximum (Weigh... - Download
    Anand, S.; Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias; Garg, Naveen; Kumar, Amit Minimizing Maximum (Weighted) Flow-Time on Related and Unrelated MachinesInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2013: 13–24
  • Optimal Orthogonal Graph ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Rutter, Ignaz; Wagner, Dorothea Optimal Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Convex Bend CostsInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP) 2013: 184–195
  • Exact and Efficient Gener... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias Exact and Efficient Generation of Geometric Random Variates and Random GraphsInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP) 2013: 267–278
  • Fast learning of restrict... - Download
    Freydenberger, Dominik D.; Kötzing, Timo Fast learning of restricted regular expressions and DTDsInternational Conference on Database Theory (ICDT) 2013: 45–56
  • Testing Mutual Duality of... - Download
    Angelini, Patrizio; Bläsius, Thomas; Rutter, Ignaz Testing Mutual Duality of Planar GraphsInternational Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2013: 350–360
  • Minimal Indices for Succe... - Download
    Cohen, Sarel; Fiat, Amos; Hershcovitch, Moshik; Kaplan, Haim Minimal Indices for Successor Search - (Extended Abstract).Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2013: 278–289
  • Simultaneous PQ-Ordering ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Rutter, Ignaz Simultaneous PQ-Ordering with Applications to Constrained Embedding ProblemsSymposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2013: 1030–1043
  • On dynamics in selfish ne... - Download
    Kawald, Bernd; Lenzner, Pascal On dynamics in selfish network creationSymposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) 2013: 83–92
  • A Normal Form for Argumen... - Download
    Croitoru, Cosmina; Kötzing, Timo A Normal Form for Argumentation FrameworksTheorie and Applications of Formal Argumentation (TAFA) 2013: 32–45
  • MenuOptimizer: interactiv... - Download
    Bailly, Gilles; Oulasvirta, Antti; Kötzing, Timo; Hoppe, Sabrina MenuOptimizer: interactive optimization of menu systemsUser Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2013: 331–342


  • Why rumors spread so quic... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Fouz, Mahmoud; Friedrich, Tobias Why rumors spread so quickly in social networksCommunications of the ACM 2012: 70–75
  • Learning secrets interact... - Download
    Case, John; Kötzing, Timo Learning secrets interactively. Dynamic modeling in inductive inferenceInformation and Computation 2012: 60–73
  • Efficient Key Pathway Min... - Download
    Alcaraz, Nicolas; Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krohmer, Anton; Müller, Joachim; Pauling, Josch; Baumbach, Jan Efficient Key Pathway Mining: Combining Networks and OMICS DataIntegrative Biology 2012: 756–764
  • Computability-Theoretic L... - Download
    Case, John; Kötzing, Timo Computability-Theoretic Learning ComplexityPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 2012: 3570–3596
  • Quasirandom Load Balancin... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Gairing, Martin; Sauerwald, Thomas Quasirandom Load BalancingSIAM Journal on Computing 2012: 747–771
  • Theoretical analysis of t... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Neumann, Frank; Röglin, Heiko; Witt, Carsten Theoretical analysis of two ACO approaches for the traveling salesman problemSwarm Intelligence 2012: 1–21
  • Convergence of Set-Based ... - Download
    Berghammer, Rudolf; Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank Convergence of Set-Based Multi-Objective Optimization, Indicators and Deteriorative CyclesTheoretical Computer Science 2012: 2–17
  • Computing the moments of ... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Whitley, L. Darrell; Howe, Adele E. Computing the moments of k-bounded pseudo-Boolean functions over Hamming spheres of arbitrary radius in polynomial timeTheoretical Computer Science 2012: 58–74
  • Approximating the least h... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias Approximating the least hypervolume contributor: NP-hard in general, but fast in practiceTheoretical Computer Science 2012: 104–116
  • Learning in the limit wit... - Download
    Heinz, Jeffrey; Kasprzik, Anna; Kötzing, Timo Learning in the limit with lattice-structured hypothesis spacesTheoretical Computer Science 2012: 111–127
  • Genetic Algorithms - A Su... - Download
    Whitley, Darrell; Sutton, Andrew M. Genetic Algorithms - A Survey of Models and MethodsHandbook of Natural Computing 2012: 637–671
  • A Parameterized Runtime A... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Neumann, Frank A Parameterized Runtime Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms for the Euclidean Traveling Salesperson ProblemConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2012
  • Enlarging Learnable Class... - Download
    Jain, Sanjay; Kötzing, Timo; Stephan, Frank Enlarging Learnable ClassesAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2012: 36–50
  • Disconnectivity and Relat... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Rutter, Ignaz Disconnectivity and Relative Positions in Simultaneous EmbeddingsGraph Drawing (GD) 2012: 31–42
  • Ants easily solve stochas... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Hota, Ashish; Kötzing, Timo Ants easily solve stochastic shortest path problemsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2012: 17–24
  • Efficient Algorithms for ... - Download
    Baumbach, Jan; Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krohmer, Anton; Müller, Joachim; Pauling, Josch Efficient Algorithms for Extracting Biological Key Pathways with Global ConstraintsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2012: 169–176
  • A parameterized runtime a... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Day, Jareth; Neumann, Frank A parameterized runtime analysis of evolutionary algorithms for MAX-2-SATGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2012: 433–440
  • Convergence of hypervolum... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias Convergence of hypervolume-based archiving algorithms ii: competitivenessGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2012: 457–464
  • The max problem revisited... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Sutton, Andrew M.; Neumann, Frank; O’Reilly, Una-May The max problem revisited: the importance of mutation in genetic programmingGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2012: 1333–1340
  • Parameterized Clique on S... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Krohmer, Anton Parameterized Clique on Scale-Free NetworksInternational Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2012: 659–668
  • Experimental Analysis of ... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Fouz, Mahmoud; Friedrich, Tobias Experimental Analysis of Rumor Spreading in Social NetworksMediterranean Conference on Algorithms (MedAlg) 2012: 159–173
  • A Parameterized Runtime A... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Neumann, Frank A Parameterized Runtime Analysis of Simple Evolutionary Algorithms for Makespan SchedulingParallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2012: 52–61
  • ACO Beats EA on a Dynamic... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Molter, Hendrik ACO Beats EA on a Dynamic Pseudo-Boolean FunctionParallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2012: 113–122
  • Deliberative Acceptabilit... - Download
    Croitoru, Cosmina; Kötzing, Timo Deliberative Acceptability of ArgumentsStarting AI Researcher Symposium (STAIRS) 2012: 71–82
  • Asynchronous Rumor Spread... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Fouz, Mahmoud; Friedrich, Tobias Asynchronous Rumor Spreading in Preferential Attachment GraphsScandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT) 2012: 307–315
  • Greedy Selfish Network Cr... - Download
    Lenzner, Pascal Greedy Selfish Network CreationWeb and Internet Economics (WINE) 2012: 142–155


  • Average update times for ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Hebbinghaus, Nils Average update times for fully-dynamic all-pairs shortest pathsDiscrete Applied Mathematics 2011: 1751–1758
  • Social Networks Spread Ru... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Fouz, Mahmoud; Friedrich, Tobias Social Networks Spread Rumors in Sublogarithmic TimeElectronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 2011: 303–308
  • Quasirandom rumor spreadi... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias; Künnemann, Marvin; Sauerwald, Thomas Quasirandom rumor spreading: An experimental analysisJournal of Experimental Algorithmics 2011
  • Smoothed analysis of bala... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas; Vilenchik, Dan Smoothed analysis of balancing networksRandom Structures and Algorithms 2011: 115–138
  • Illustration of Fairness ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Horoba, Christian; Neumann, Frank Illustration of Fairness in Evolutionary Multi-Objective OptimizationTheoretical Computer Science 2011: 1546–1556
  • Iterative Learning from P... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo Iterative Learning from Positive Data and CountersAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2011: 40–54
  • Fast Simulation of Large-... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Levine, Lionel Fast Simulation of Large-Scale Growth ModelsApproximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization (APPROX) 2011: 555–566
  • Weighted Preferences in E... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kroeger, Trent; Neumann, Frank Weighted Preferences in Evolutionary Multi-objective OptimizationAustralasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AUSAI) 2011: 291–300
  • The logarithmic hypervolu... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Bringmann, Karl; Voß, Thomas; Igel, Christian The logarithmic hypervolume indicatorFoundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA) 2011: 81–92
  • Approximating the distrib... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Whitley, Darrell; Howe, Adele E. Approximating the distribution of fitness over hamming regionsFoundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA) 2011: 93–104
  • Faster black-box algorith... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Johannsen, Daniel; Kötzing, Timo; Lehre, Per Kristian; Wagner, Markus; Winzen, Carola Faster black-box algorithms through higher arity operatorsFoundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA) 2011: 163–172
  • Simple max-min ant system... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Neumann, Frank; Sudholt, Dirk; Wagner, Markus Simple max-min ant systems and the optimization of linear pseudo-boolean functionsFoundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA) 2011: 209–218
  • Convergence of hypervolum... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias Convergence of hypervolume-based archiving algorithms I: effectivenessGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2011: 745–752
    Nominated for Best Paper Award (EMO Track)
  • Mutation rates of the (1+... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Whitley, Darrell; Howe, Adele E. Mutation rates of the (1+1)-EA on pseudo-boolean functions of bounded epistasisGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2011: 973–980
  • Black-box complexities of... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Lengler, Johannes; Kötzing, Timo; Winzen, Carola Black-box complexities of combinatorial problemsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2011: 981–988
  • How crossover helps in ps... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Sudholt, Dirk; Theile, Madeleine How crossover helps in pseudo-boolean optimizationGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2011: 989–996
  • Too fast unbiased black-b... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Kötzing, Timo; Winzen, Carola Too fast unbiased black-box algorithmsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2011: 2043–2050
  • PAC learning and genetic ... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Neumann, Frank; Spöhel, Reto PAC learning and genetic programmingGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2011: 2091–2096
  • Constraint Satisfaction P... - Download
    Fellows, Michael R.; Friedrich, Tobias; Hermelin, Danny; Narodytska, Nina; Rosamond, Frances A. Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Convexity Makes AllDifferent Constraints TractableInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2011: 522–527
  • Approximation-Guided Evol... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank; Wagner, Markus Approximation-Guided Evolutionary Multi-Objective OptimizationInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2011: 1198–1203
  • Diameter and Broadcast Ti... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas; Stauffer, Alexandre Diameter and Broadcast Time of Random Geometric Graphs in Arbitrary DimensionsInternational Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2011: 190–199
  • On Dynamics in Basic Netw... - Download
    Lenzner, Pascal On Dynamics in Basic Network Creation GamesSymposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2011: 254–265
  • Randomized Diffusion for ... - Download
    Berenbrink, Petra; Cooper, Colin; Friedetzky, Tom; Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas Randomized Diffusion for Indivisible LoadsSymposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2011: 429–439
  • Measuring Learning Comple... - Download
    Case, John; Kötzing, Timo Measuring Learning Complexity with Criteria EpitomizersSymposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2011: 320–331
  • Balanced Interval Colorin... - Download
    Antoniadis, Antonios; Hüffner, Falk; Lenzner, Pascal; Moldenhauer, Carsten; Souza, Alexander Balanced Interval ColoringSymposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2011: 531–542
  • Social networks spread ru... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Fouz, Mahmoud; Friedrich, Tobias Social networks spread rumors in sublogarithmic timeSymposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) 2011: 21–30


  • Approximating the volume ... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias Approximating the volume of unions and intersections of high-dimensional geometric objectsComputational Geometry 2010: 601–610
  • Average-case analysis of ... - Download
    Ajwani, Deepak; Friedrich, Tobias Average-case analysis of incremental topological orderingDiscrete Applied Mathematics 2010: 240–250
  • The Cover Time of Determi... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas The Cover Time of Deterministic Random WalksElectronic Journal of Combinatorics 2010
  • An Efficient Algorithm fo... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Hypervolume ContributionsEvolutionary Computation 2010: 383–402
  • Approximating Covering Pr... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; He, Jun; Hebbinghaus, Nils; Neumann, Frank; Witt, Carsten Approximating Covering Problems by Randomized Search Heuristics Using Multi-Objective ModelsEvolutionary Computation 2010: 617–633
  • When to use bit-wise neut... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank When to use bit-wise neutralityNatural Computing 2010: 283–294
  • Deterministic random walk... - Download
    Cooper, Joshua N.; Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias; Spencer, Joel Deterministic random walks on regular treesRandom Structures and Algorithms 2010: 353–366
  • Plateaus can be harder in... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Hebbinghaus, Nils; Neumann, Frank Plateaus can be harder in Multi-Objective OptimizationTheoretical Computer Science 2010: 854–864
  • Solutions to Open Questio... - Download
    Case, John; Kötzing, Timo Solutions to Open Questions for Non-U-Shaped Learning with Memory LimitationsAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2010: 285–299
  • Theoretical Properties of... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Neumann, Frank; Röglin, Heiko; Witt, Carsten Theoretical Properties of Two ACO Approaches for the Traveling Salesman ProblemInternational Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS) 2010: 324–335
  • The Cover Time of Determi... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas The Cover Time of Deterministic Random WalksComputing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON) 2010: 130–139
  • Strongly Non-U-Shaped Lea... - Download
    Case, John; Kötzing, Timo Strongly Non-U-Shaped Learning Results by General TechniquesConference On Learning Theory (COLT) 2010: 181–193
  • RatFish: A File Sharing P... - Download
    Backes, Michael; Ciobotaru, Oana; Krohmer, Anton RatFish: A File Sharing Protocol Provably Secure against Rational UsersEuropean Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) 2010: 607–625
  • Orthogonal Graph Drawing ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Krug, Marcus; Rutter, Ignaz; Wagner, Dorothea Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Flexibility ConstraintsGraph Drawing (GD) 2010: 92–104
  • Set-based multi-objective... - Download
    Berghammer, Rudolf; Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank Set-based multi-objective optimization, indicators, and deteriorative cyclesGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2010: 495–502
  • The maximum hypervolume s... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias The maximum hypervolume set yields near-optimal approximationGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2010: 511–518
    Best Paper Award (EMO Track)
  • Ant colony optimization a... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Lehre, Per Kristian; Neumann, Frank; Oliveto, Pietro Simone Ant colony optimization and the minimum cut problemGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2010: 1393–1400
  • Scaling up indicator-base... - Download
    Voß, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Bringmann, Karl; Igel, Christian Scaling up indicator-based MOEAs by approximating the least hypervolume contributor: a preliminary studyGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2010: 1975–1978
  • String Extension Learning... - Download
    Kasprzik, Anna; Kötzing, Timo String Extension Learning Using LatticesLanguage and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA) 2010: 380–391
  • More Effective Crossover ... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Johannsen, Daniel; Kötzing, Timo; Neumann, Frank; Theile, Madeleine More Effective Crossover Operators for the All-Pairs Shortest Path ProblemParallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2010: 184–193
  • Tight Bounds for the Appr... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias Tight Bounds for the Approximation Ratio of the Hypervolume IndicatorParallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2010: 607–616
  • Directed Plateau Search f... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Howe, Adele E.; Whitley, L. Darrell Directed Plateau Search for MAX-k-SATSymposium on Combinatorial Search (SOCS) 2010
  • Efficient Broadcast on Ra... - Download
    Bradonjic, Milan; Elsässer, Robert; Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas; Stauffer, Alexandre Efficient Broadcast on Random Geometric GraphsSymposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2010: 1412–1421
  • Quasirandom Load Balancin... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Gairing, Martin; Sauerwald, Thomas Quasirandom Load BalancingSymposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2010: 1620–1629
  • On Approximate Nash Equil... - Download
    Albers, Susanne; Lenzner, Pascal On Approximate Nash Equilibria in Network DesignWeb and Internet Economics (WINE) 2010: 14–25


  • Deterministic Random Walk... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias Deterministic Random Walks on the Two-Dimensional GridCombinatorics, Probability and Computing 2009: 123–144
  • Quasirandom Rumor Spreadi... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas Quasirandom Rumor Spreading on ExpandersElectronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 2009: 243–247
  • Analyses of Simple Hybrid... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; He, Jun; Hebbinghaus, Nils; Neumann, Frank; Witt, Carsten Analyses of Simple Hybrid Algorithms for the Vertex Cover ProblemEvolutionary Computation 2009: 3–19
  • Analysis of Diversity-Pre... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Oliveto, Pietro Simone; Sudholt, Dirk; Witt, Carsten Analysis of Diversity-Preserving Mechanisms for Global ExplorationEvolutionary Computation 2009: 455–476
  • On the Effects of Adding ... - Download
    Brockhoff, Dimo; Friedrich, Tobias; Hebbinghaus, Nils; Klein, Christian; Neumann, Frank; Zitzler, Eckart On the Effects of Adding Objectives to Plateau FunctionsIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 2009: 591–603
  • Comparison of simple dive... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Hebbinghaus, Nils; Neumann, Frank Comparison of simple diversity mechanisms on plateau functionsTheoretical Computer Science 2009: 2455–2462
  • Quasirandom Rumor Spreadi... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias; Künnemann, Marvin; Sauerwald, Thomas Quasirandom Rumor Spreading: An Experimental AnalysisAlgorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX) 2009: 145–153
  • Difficulties in Forcing F... - Download
    Case, John; Kötzing, Timo Difficulties in Forcing Fairness of Polynomial Time Inductive InferenceAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2009: 263–277
  • Approximating the Least H... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias Approximating the Least Hypervolume Contributor: NP-Hard in General, But Fast in PracticeEvolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO) 2009: 6–20
  • Computing Single Source S... - Download
    Baswana, Surender; Biswas, Somenath; Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias; Kurur, Piyush P.; Neumann, Frank Computing Single Source Shortest Paths using Single-Objective Fitness FunctionsFoundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA) 2009: 59–66
  • Don't be greedy when calc... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias Don’t be greedy when calculating hypervolume contributionsFoundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA) 2009: 103–112
  • A polynomial time computa... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Whitley, L. Darrell; Howe, Adele E. A polynomial time computation of the exact correlation structure of k-satisfiability landscapesGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2009: 365–372
  • Partial neighborhoods of ... - Download
    Whitley, L. Darrell; Sutton, Andrew M. Partial neighborhoods of elementary landscapesGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2009: 381–388
  • Multiplicative approximat... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Horoba, Christian; Neumann, Frank Multiplicative approximations and the hypervolume indicatorGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2009: 571–578
    Best Paper Award (EMO Track)
  • Quasirandom Rumor Spreadi... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas Quasirandom Rumor Spreading: Expanders, Push vs. Pull, and RobustnessInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2009: 366–377
  • Smoothed Analysis of Bala... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas; Vilenchik, Dan Smoothed Analysis of Balancing NetworksInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP) 2009: 472–483
  • Estimating Bounds on Expe... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Howe, Adele E.; Whitley, L. Darrell Estimating Bounds on Expected Plateau Size in MAXSAT ProblemsStochastic Local Search Algorithms (SLS) 2009: 31–45
  • A Theoretical Analysis of... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Howe, Adele E.; Whitley, L. Darrell A Theoretical Analysis of the k-Satisfiability Search SpaceStochastic Local Search Algorithms (SLS) 2009: 46–60
  • Improved Robustness throu... - Download
    Matthews, David C.; Sutton, Andrew M.; Hains, Doug; Whitley, L. Darrell Improved Robustness through Population Variance in Ant Colony OptimizationStochastic Local Search Algorithms (SLS) 2009: 145–149
  • Near-perfect load balanci... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas Near-perfect load balancing by randomized roundingSymposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) 2009: 121–130
  • On the Connection between... - Download
    Bampas, Evangelos; Göbel, Andreas-Nikolas; Pagourtzis, Aris; Tentes, Aris On the Connection between Interval Size Functions and Path CountingTheory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC) 2009: 108–117


  • An \(O(n^{2.75})\) algori... - Download
    Ajwani, Deepak; Friedrich, Tobias; Meyer, Ulrich An \(O(n^{2.75})\) algorithm for incremental topological orderingACM Transactions on Algorithms 2008: 39:1–39:14
  • Resource Scheduling with ... - Download
    Whitley, Darrell; Sutton, Andrew M.; Howe, Adele E.; Barbulescu, Laura Resource Scheduling with Permutation Based Representations: Three ApplicationsEvolutionary Computation in Practice 2008: 219–243
  • Dynamically Delayed Postd... - Download
    Case, John; Kötzing, Timo Dynamically Delayed Postdictive Completeness and Consistency in LearningAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2008: 389–403
  • Dynamic Modeling in Induc... - Download
    Case, John; Kötzing, Timo Dynamic Modeling in Inductive InferenceAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2008: 404–418
  • When to use bit-wise neut... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank When to use bit-wise neutralityCongress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2008: 997–1003
  • Understanding elementary ... - Download
    Whitley, Darrell; Sutton, Andrew M.; Howe, Adele E. Understanding elementary landscapesGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2008: 585–592
  • Theoretical analysis of d... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Oliveto, Pietro Simone; Sudholt, Dirk; Witt, Carsten Theoretical analysis of diversity mechanisms for global explorationGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2008: 945–952
    Best Paper Award (Genetic Algorithms Track)
  • Approximating the Volume ... - Download
    Bringmann, Karl; Friedrich, Tobias Approximating the Volume of Unions and Intersections of High-Dimensional Geometric ObjectsInternational Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2008: 436–447
  • Average Update Times for ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Hebbinghaus, Nils Average Update Times for Fully-Dynamic All-Pairs Shortest PathsInternational Symposium of Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2008: 692–703
  • The Impact of Global Stru... - Download
    Lunacek, Monte; Whitley, Darrell; Sutton, Andrew M. The Impact of Global Structure on SearchParallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2008: 498–507
  • Analyzing Hypervolume Ind... - Download
    Brockhoff, Dimo; Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank Analyzing Hypervolume Indicator Based AlgorithmsParallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2008: 651–660
  • Runtime Analyses for Usin... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Horoba, Christian; Neumann, Frank Runtime Analyses for Using Fairness in Evolutionary Multi-Objective OptimizationParallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2008: 671–680
  • Deterministic random walk... - Download
    Cooper, Joshua N.; Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias; Spencer, Joel Deterministic random walks on regular treesSymposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2008: 766–772
  • Quasirandom rumor spreadi... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias; Sauerwald, Thomas Quasirandom rumor spreadingSymposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2008: 773–781


  • Unbiased Matrix Rounding - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Doerr, Benjamin; Klein, Christian; Osbild, Ralf Unbiased Matrix RoundingElectronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 2007: 41–46
  • Deterministic Random Walk... - Download
    Cooper, Joshua N.; Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias; Spencer, Joel Deterministic Random Walks on Regular TreesElectronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 2007: 509–513
  • Feasible Iteration of Fea... - Download
    Case, John; Kötzing, Timo; Paddock, Todd Feasible Iteration of Feasible Learning FunctionalsAlgorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2007: 34–48
  • On improving approximate ... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; He, Jun; Hebbinghaus, Nils; Neumann, Frank; Witt, Carsten On improving approximate solutions by evolutionary algorithmsCongress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2007: 2614–2621
  • Plateaus can be harder in... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Hebbinghaus, Nils; Neumann, Frank Plateaus can be harder in multi-objective optimizationCongress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2007: 2622–2629
  • Do additional objectives ... - Download
    Brockhoff, Dimo; Friedrich, Tobias; Hebbinghaus, Nils; Klein, Christian; Neumann, Frank; Zitzler, Eckart Do additional objectives make a problem harder?Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2007: 765–772
  • Approximating covering pr... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Hebbinghaus, Nils; Neumann, Frank; He, Jun; Witt, Carsten Approximating covering problems by randomized search heuristics using multi-objective modelsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2007: 797–804
  • Rigorous analyses of simp... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Hebbinghaus, Nils; Neumann, Frank Rigorous analyses of simple diversity mechanismsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2007: 1219–1225
  • Differential evolution an... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Lunacek, Monte; Whitley, L. Darrell Differential evolution and non-separability: using selective pressure to focus searchGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2007: 1428–1435
  • Using Adaptive Priority W... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Howe, Adele E.; Whitley, L. Darrell Using Adaptive Priority Weighting to Direct Search in Probabilistic SchedulingInternational Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) 2007: 320–327
  • Measuring the Robustness ... - Download
    Smith, Jay; Briceno, Luis Diego; Maciejewski, Anthony A.; Siegel, Howard Jay; Renner, Timothy; Shestak, Vladimir; Ladd, Joshua; Sutton, Andrew M.; Janovy, David L.; Govindasamy, Sudha; Alqudah, Amin; Dewri, Rinku; Prakash, Puneet Measuring the Robustness of Resource Allocations in a Stochastic Dynamic EnvironmentInternational Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) 2007: 1–10
  • Average-Case Analysis of ... - Download
    Ajwani, Deepak; Friedrich, Tobias Average-Case Analysis of Online Topological OrderingInternational Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2007: 464–475


  • An \(O(n^{2.75})\) algori... - Download
    Ajwani, Deepak; Friedrich, Tobias; Meyer, Ulrich An \(O(n^{2.75})\) algorithm for online topological orderingElectronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 2006: 7–12
  • Quasirandomness in Graphs - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias Quasirandomness in GraphsElectronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 2006: 61–64
  • PSO and multi-funnel land... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Whitley, Darrell; Lunacek, Monte; Howe, Adele E. PSO and multi-funnel landscapes: how cooperation might limit explorationGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2006: 75–82
  • Spacetrack: Trading off Q... - Download
    Sutton, Andrew M.; Howe, Adele E.; Whitley, L. Darrell Spacetrack: Trading off Quality and Utilization in Oversubscribed SchedulesInternational Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) 2006: 430–433
  • Deterministic Random Walk... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias Deterministic Random Walks on the Two-Dimensional GridInternational Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2006: 474–483
  • An \(O(n^{2.75})\) Algori... - Download
    Ajwani, Deepak; Friedrich, Tobias; Meyer, Ulrich An \(O(n^{2.75})\) Algorithm for Online Topological OrderingScandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT) 2006: 53–64
  • Unbiased Matrix Rounding - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias; Klein, Christian; Osbild, Ralf Unbiased Matrix RoundingScandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT) 2006: 102–112


  • Rounding of Sequences and... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Friedrich, Tobias; Klein, Christian; Osbild, Ralf Rounding of Sequences and Matrices, with ApplicationsWorkshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA) 2005: 96–109