Einladung zum D-Flect am 19.12.2017

Wir laden herzlich ein zu unserem nächsten D-Flect am Dienstag, 19 Dezember 2017! Für das kommende D-Flect haben wir Dr. Jonathan Edelman, Visiting Professor am Hasso-Plattner-Institut eingeladen. Er spricht zu dem Thema:

Bridging the Research – Practice Gap: Towards Innovation Algorithms and Qualitative Functions in Domain Specific Design Scenarios OR "What does that d.wallet have to do with me?"

"In this talk, I will share new directions in my thinking, research, teaching and practice on how theoretical design knowledge can be applied effectively to specific design contexts. Instead of attempting to bridge a large gap between academic research and diverse professional practices, I will discuss strategies and tactics for making small, easily deployed steps which serve as prompts to navigate the Research – Practice Gap."

Dr. Jonathan Antonio Edelman ist Visiting Professor am Hasso-Plattner-Institut. Vor seiner Berufung an das HPI war er als Head of Programme for Global Innovation Design am Royal College of Art in London tätig. Davor war Jonathan Director of Interdisciplinary Design am Product Realization Lab der Stanford University und Consulting Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering und Visiting Professor in Stanford.

Er ist Visiting Professor am Dipartimento di Design der Politecnico di Milano und hat am Department of Mechanical Engineering der University of Berkeley, an der School of Industrial Engineering and Management des Grenoble Institute of Technology und am Departamento Diseño Industrial der Tecnológico de Monterrey gelehrt.

Datum: 19.12.2017
Uhrzeit: 17:30 – 19:30
Ort: Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3, Hauptgebäude (Haus H) 3. OG, D-Space

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