HPI @ iTunesU - with more than 5.000 podcasts about HPI and our chair
Internet Bridge Germany-China - a remarkable 10 years lasting teleteaching project with Technical University of Beijing
Our Blogs
HPI-Digitalblog - a bloggers communication platform to discuss strengths and weaknesses of the IT-nation Germany
Our Virtual Labs
Virtual Labs powered by the chair of Prof. Dr. Christoph MeineTele-Lab IT-Security - a virtual lab to get hands-on experinces in IT-security issues that is accessible via Internet
Tele-Board - a portal to facilitate remote Design Thinking seesions for distributed teams
SOA-Lab - Learn to creating a secure Web Service-based composed applications what is challanging due to the complexity of the WS-* specifications and the multitude of security specifications
Our Electronic Colloquia
ECCC - a highly ranked, more than 15 years old Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity - and
ECDTR - an upcoming Electronic Colloquium on Design Thinking Research
More Web Portals powered by the Chair of Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel
Web Portals & Blogs of the chair of Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel
In the context of its research and project activities the chair of Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel hosts and powers a number of lecture portals, Internet servies and blogs for the public and scientific communities: