The Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology promotes and supports 14 national research and development projects on the topic of “Trusted Cloud”. 50 million € are being made available in the funding period of three and a half years. The Hasso Plattner Institute has been responsible for the scientific supervision and the academic coordination of this enterprise during the period of September 1st, 2011 to Dezember 31st, 2012.
In the framework of this accompanying scientific evaluation, the 14 Trusted Cloud projects that have been selected are being analyzed, evaluated as well as coordinated with regard to their content. The set-up of a communication and cooperation network has to be actively promoted. This network aims at linking the individual projects and is supposed to support an active technology transfer directed at the interested German Economy.A further focus is the development and implementation of a sustainability concept that is seeking to secure the long-lasting effects of this funding measure for the benefit of economy and society.