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Lecture/course - english - Winter 2004/2005

"Internet Security I" gives a detailed introduction into Internet Technology. It explains the function mode and architecture of Internets and Intranets and discusses important Internet protocols like IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, as well as Internet addressing and DNS. Moreover, the Internet Protocol Next Generation - IPv6 - will be introduced. Furthermore important Internet services like WWW, email, ftp, telnet, rsh and more will be treated. Encryptions standards like IPSec show possibilities for information security. New techniques like LDAP and Multimedia applications will complete this lecture part about Internet Technology. It provides the basic understanding for a discussion of security weaknesses of Internet and Intranets and possible targets for attacks over the Internet which will be treated in the second lecture part "Weaknesses and Targets".

"Internet Security II - Weaknesses and Targets" is based on "Internet Security I - Internet Technology" and gives a detailed introduction into problems concerning Internet and Intranet security. After starting with some remarks on risk analysis and computer crimes, security weaknesses and targets are discussed in detail. Beside others the following topics are discussed in detail: human factor and technical failures, attacks on accounts and passwords, attacks on Internet protocol, misuse of design and programming errors, weaknesses in common operating systems, targets in the WWW, and viruses. The lecture course concludes with a discussion of possibilities to detect attacks and intrusions, and ethical issuses.


Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel


37:49 hours

I Internet Technology - 1 Introduction

1 Internet Security - An Overview

(1) Nowaday's Internet
(2) Risks for Interconnenected Information Systems
(3) Direction of Internet Security
(4) Computer Crimes and Damage
(5) Cryptography
(6) Encryption in Practise

01:32:01 hours | play >


2 First Understanding of Internet and WWW

(1) Introduction
(2) Internet and Protocols
(3) Internet Services and Applications
(4) WWW-World Wide Web
(5) WWW-Browser and WWW-Server
(6) History of Internet and WWW
(7) Who-is-Who in Internet and WWW
(8) Internet Standards

01:28:00 hours | play >


2 Internet Technology

1 Basic Concepts of Computer Networks

(1) Communication
(2) Computer Communication
(3) Computer Networks
(4) Packet Switching
(5) Communication Protocols
(6) ISO/OSI Layering Model
(7) TCP/IP Layering Model

01:22:51 hours | play >


2 LAN - Technologies

(1) Point-to-Point Connections
(2) Importance of LANs
(3) Local Addresses
(4) LAN-Topologies
(5) Ethernet-Example for Bus Topology
(6) Token-Ring - First Example for Ring Topology
(7) FDDI - Second Example for Ring Topology
(8) ATM - First Example of a Star Topology
(9) WLAN - Second Example of a Star Topology
(10) Hardware-Addressing
(11) Network Inferface Card
(12) Packet Hearder and Packet Formats
(13) LAN-Enlargement

01:23:56 hours | play >


3 WAN - Technologies

(1) Introduction
(2) Structure of a WAN
(3) Packet Switching
(4) Addressing
(5) Next-Hop-Routing
(6) Routing Tables
(7) Routing Algorithms
(8) Examples of WAN-Technologies

01:01:38 hours | play >


4 Internetworking (I)

(1) Introduction
(2) Internets-Virtual Networks
(3) Internets Protocol Suite TCP/IP
(4) IP-Addressing
(5) IP-Addressing Resolution
(6) IP-Datagrams
(7) IP-Datagram Service
(8) IP-Encapsulation and IP-Fragmentation
(9) ICMP-Protocol

01:28:23 hours | play >


4 Internetworking (II)

(1) Content-Intertnetworking 1
(2) TCP-A Reliable Transport Service
(3) TCP Retransmission
(4) TCP-Flow and Congestion Control
(5) TCP 3-Way-Handshake
(6) TCP-Ports
(7) TCP-Segments
(8) TCP Application Programming Interface
(9) UDP

00:57:24 hours | play >


5 IPv6 - Internet Protocol Next Generation

(1) Introduction
(2) Address Format
(3) Header Format
(4) Security Concept: IPSec-Standard
(5) Migration from IPv4 to IPv6

01:06:31 hours | play >


3 Internet Services

1 Basic Notions

(1) Introduction
(2) Internet Services and Applications
(3) Client/Server Interaction
(4) Ports
(5) Threads
(6) Complex Client/Server Relations
(7) Socket-API

00:45:01 hours | play >


2 Naming and Directory Service

(1) Introduction
(2) History
(3) DNS
(4) DNS-System
(5) DNS-Client/Server Interachtion
(6) Caching and Backup in DNS
(7) Idea of a Directory Service
(8) X.500
(9) X.500 Information Model
(10) X.500 Certificates and LDAP
(11) Internet-Protocol LDAP
(12) Securtiy of LDAP by SSL

01:08:21 hours | play >


3 E-Mail

(1) Introduction
(2) Message Handling System
(3) Basic Function of an E-Mail System
(4) E-Mail System
(5) E-Mail Format
(6) SMTP
(7) MIME, PEM and S/MIME
(8) PGP

00:59:17 hours | play >


4 File Transfer

(1) Introduction
(2) FTP
(3) FTP - Functional Principle
(4) Active and Passive FTP
(5) FTP Commands and Anonymous FTP
(6) TFTP

00:47:42 hours | play >


5 Remote Login

(1) Introduction
(2) Most Popular Remote Login Service
(3) Telnet
(4) Telnet-Session
(5) rlogin
(6) rsh and ssh

00:43:21 hours | play >


6 Network Management

(1) Network Management Function
(2) TCP/IP Network Management Software
(3) SNMP
(4) SNMPv3

00:29:47 hours | play >


7 Audio and Video Communication

(1) Real-Time Application in Internet
(2) Requirements of Real-Time Applications
(3) Playback Buffer
(5) Media Player
(6) SMIL
(7) Resource Reservation and Quality of Service

00:54:12 hours | play >


4 Web Technology

1 World Wide Web

(1) Introduction
(2) URI
(3) URN
(4) URL
(5) HTTP
(6) Basic Properties of HTTP
(7) HTTP Message Format
(8) Content Negotiation
(9) Authentication
(10) Persistent Connections
(11) Caching
(12) Coockies
(13) Future Developements on HTTP
(11) HTML

01:27:07 hours | play >


2 Scripts and CGI-Programming

(1) Introduction
(2) Script Languages
(3) Programming Languages Java
(4) Distributed Programming
(5) Web Server Configuration
(6) CGI - Common Gateway Interface

01:05:47 hours | play >


II Weaknesses and Targets - 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

Nowadays' Internet Risks for Interconnected Information Systems
Systematic Problems with Internet Security
The Internet is an easy Target
Changing Nature of The Threats
Who are the Intruders
Improved Opportunities for Intrusion
Direction of Internet Security
Complexity of Internet
Most Common Attacks
Futher Attacks
Computer Crimes and Damage
Main Security Necessities

01:26:42 hours | play >


2 Risk Analysis

(1) Risks for information systems
(2) New risks with internet connection
(3) Security risks in intranet's
(4) Risk analysis
(5) Phases of Risk analysis: Overview
Phase 1: Fixing of the analysis domain
Phase 2: Acquisition of the risks
Phase 3: Evaluation of Risks
(6) Basic risks by using internet

01:29:21 hours | play >


3 Computer Crime: Criminals and Motives

Potential attackers
(1) Staff of the Own Enterprise
(2) Hackers from High-Schools and Universities
(3) Hackers of the Computer-Underground
(4) Ordinary Criminals
(5) Cyber Crime: Professional Hackers

01:31:59 hours | play >


4 Hackers and Viruses

(1) The First Hackers
(2) Unterground-Mailboxes
(3) From First Virus to Worms and Trojan Horses
(4) Small Chronology of Computer-Crime
(5) Computer-Crime and the following Costs

01:01:55 hours | play >


2 Weaknesses and Targets

1 Human Factor and Technical Failures

(1) Technical Failures
(2) Defective Protocol Design
(3) Defective Software Design
(4) Lack of Knowledge and Carelessness
(5) Social Hacking
(6) Defective Organisation
(7) Unprotected Hardware
(8) Hit list of Break-in Methods

00:52:05 hours | play >


2 Spy Out Network Infrastructure

(1) Introduction
(2) Address Scanner
(3) Port Scanner
(4) Protocol-Analyzers
(5) Banners

00:37:38 hours | play >


3 Attacks on Accounts and Passwords

(1) Introduction
(2) Password Guessing
(3) Password Cracking
(4) Password Sniffing
(5) Password Monitoring
(6) Password "Fishing" with Trojan Horses
(7) Protection Against Password Theft

00:47:19 hours | play >


4 Attacking Internet Protocols (I)

(1) Introduction
(2) IP Address Spoofing
(3) ICMP-Attacks

00:38:30 hours | play >


5 Attacking Internet Protocols (II)

(4) Internet-Routing-Attacks
(5) ARP-Attacks
(6) IP-Fragmenting-Attack
(7) IP-Bombing
(8) SYN-Flooding
(9) TCP-Sequence Numbers Attacks
(10) UDP Attacks

01:18:27 hours | play >


6 Attacking Internet Protocols (III)

(11) DNS-Attacks
(12) SMTP-Attacks
(13) Telnet-Attacks
(14) FTP-Attacks
(15) NNTP-Attacks

00:34:24 hours | play >


7 Misuse of Design and Programming Errors

(1) Introduction
(2) Buffer Overflow
(3) Defective Syntax Check
(4) Race Condition

00:36:11 hours | play >


8 Weaknesses in Unix/Linux (I)

(1) Introduction
(2) Security Architecture of Unix
(3) Password Attacks in Unix
(4) Networks Attacks in Unix

01:27:27 hours | play >


9 Weaknesses in Unix/Linux (II)

(5) Attacks over Unix-Applications
(6) Strategies for Protecting Unix
(7) Information for Unix-Security
(8) Strategies for Protecting Linux
(9) Security-Software for Linux

01:10:57 hours | play >


10 Weaknesses in Windows NT/2000 (I)

(1) Introduction
(2) Security architecture of Windows NT/2000
(3) Account- and Password attacks
(4) Network attacks

01:14:20 hours | play >


11 Weaknesses in Windows NT/2000 (II)

(5) Attacks over NT-Applications
(6) NT-Denial-of-Service-Attacks
(7) Strategies for security of NT-Systems
(8) Windows 3.11 / 95/ 98-Clients
(9) Information about NT-Security
(10) Windows 2000

00:49:34 hours | play >


12 Targets in the World Wide Web (I)

(1) Introduction
(2) Target: Web-Browser
-- Spying out Personal Data
-- Java
-- JavaScript
-- ActiveX

01:07:32 hours | play >


13 Targets in the World Wide Web (II)

-- Protecting Web-Browser

(3) Attacks on Web-Servers
(4) Configure Secure Web Server
(5) Secure Web: SSL and S-HTTP
(6) Dangerous Search machines

00:58:42 hours | play >


14 Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses

(1) Introduction
(2) Distribution of Viruses
(3) Attacks on Web-Servers
(4) Virus-Factories
(5) Anti-Virus-Management
(6) Anti-Virus-Software

01:25:04 hours | play >