Semantic Technologies

In recent years the Semantic Web has emerged as one of the most essential achievements for the future of the World Wide Web (WWW). Semantic Web technology extends the WWW but also enables to improve applications which are related to other fields such as communication, information, knowledge, media, and interaction technologies. Semantic Web provides not just new technologies and tools but also new paradigms and ways of thinking, to make information processing more efficient and more structured.

Our research is focussed on the devolpment and improvement of 'semantically supported multimedia retrieval and search technologies'.

Table of Contents

  • Current News
  • Prior Events and Activities
  • Research Topics
  • Research Team
  • Former Team Members
  • Teaching
  • Supervised Master Theses
  • Projects and Partners
  • In the Media
  • Recent Publications

Research Topics

  • (1) Semantic Multimedia
  • (2) Linked Data Engineering and Applications
  • (3) Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval (Semantic Search)
  • (4) Knowledge Mining and Ontological Engineering
  • (5) Semantically enriched e-Learning Applications

Job Offers

Research Team

Former Team Members

  • Dr. Olaf Hartig (PostDoc)
  • Dinesh Reddy, M.Sc.
  • Tamara Bobic, M.Sc.
  • Dipl.-Inf. Katarina Birghan
  • Bernhard Quehl, M.Sc.
  • Dr. Nadine Steinmetz
  • Dr. Haojin Yang
  • Dipl.-Inf. Lina Wolf
  • Dipl.-Dokumentar Johannes Hercher
  • Joscha Jäger, M.A. (internship)
  • Johannes Osterhoff, M.A.
  • Dipl.-Inf. Zalan Kramer
Left to Right: Nadine Steinmetz, Johannes Osterhoff, Dr. Harald Sack, Jörg Waitelonis, Christian Hentschel, Bernhard Quehl

Our group


  • Massive Open Online Courses und ihre Rolle in der digitalen (Hochschul-) Lehre Ebner, Martin; Staubitz, Thomas; Koschutnig-Ebner, Markus; Serth, Sebastian in Massive Open Online Courses und ihre Rolle in der digitalen (Hochschul-)Lehre (2023). (Vol. 18) 245. Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz & Verein Forum neue Medien in der Lehre Austria, Graz, Austria.
  • A Comprehensive Review of Anomaly Detection in Web Logs. Majd, Mehryar; Najafi, Pejman; Alhosseini, Seyed Ali; Cheng, Feng; Meinel, Christoph (2022).
  • VAMO – What Story Do You Want to Tell? Cabral, Felipe; Shah, Simran; Zhou, Zhiheng; Serth, Sebastian; Krogmann, Simon; Lötzsch, Winfried (2018).
  • Guilt-by-Association: Detecting Malicious Entities via Graph Mining. Najafi, Pejman; Sapegin, Andrey; Cheng, Feng; Meinel, Christoph (2017). 88–107.
  • Serving Live Multimedia for the Linked Open Data Cloud. Serth, Sebastian; Haarmann, Stephan; Faber, Lukas in Lecture Notes in Informatics, M. Eibl, M. Gaedke (reds.) (2017). (Vol. P-275) 2487–2498.
  • Evaluating Query and Storage Strategies for RDF Archives. Fernández, Javier D.; Umbrich, Jürgen; Polleres, Axel; Knuth, Magnus (2016). 41–48.
  • Don’t compare Apples to Oranges - Extending GERBIL for a fine grained NEL evaluation. Waitelonis, Jörg; Jürges, Henrik; Sack, Harald (2016).
  • Scheduling Refresh Queries for Keeping Results from a SPARQL Endpoint Up-to-Date. Knuth, Magnus; Hartig, Olaf; Sack, Harald (2016).
  • Scheduling Refresh Queries for Keeping Results from a SPARQL Endpoint Up-to-Date (Extended Version). Knuth, Magnus; Hartig, Olaf; Sack, Harald in CoRR (2016). abs/1608.08130
  • DBpedia Links: The Hub of Links for the Web of Data. Dojchinovski, Milan; Kontokostas, Dimitris; Rößling, Robert; Knuth, Magnus; Hellmann, Sebastian (2016).
  • Fine tuning CNNS with scarce training data - Adapting imagenet to art epoch classification. Hentschel, Christian; Wiradarma, Timur Pratama; Sack, Harald (2016). 3693–3697.
  • openSAP: Evaluating xMOOC Usage and Challenges for Scalable and Open Enterprise Education. Renz, Jan; Schwerer, Florian; Meinel, Christoph (2016).
  • Data Integration for the Media Value Chain. Agt-Rickauer, Henning; Waitelonis, Jörg; Tietz, Tabea; Sack, Harald in 1690 (2016).
  • Quantitative Analysis of Art Market Using Ontologies, Named Entity Recognition and Machine Learning: A Case Study. Filipiak, Dominik; Agt-Rickauer, Henning; Hentschel, Christian; Filipowska, Agata; Sack, Harald (2016). 79–90.
  • I am a Machine, let me understand Web Media!. Knuth, Magnus; Waitelonis, Jörg; Sack, Harald in LNCS (2016). 467–475.
  • Semantic Annotation and Information Visualization for Blogposts with refer. Tietz, Tabea; Jäger, Joscha; Waitelonis, Jörg; Sack, Harald (2016). (Vol. 1704) 28–40.
  • Joint proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web (MEPDaW 2016) and the 3rd Workshop on Linked Data Quality (LDQ 2016) Debattista, Jeremy; Fernández, Javier D.; Knuth, Magnus; Kontokostas, Dimitris; Rula, Anisa; Umbrich, Jürgen; Zaveri, Amrapali in CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2016).
  • Pre-Course Key Segment Analysis of Online Lecture Videos. Che, Xiaoyin; Staubitz, Thomas; Yang, Haojin; Meinel, Christoph (2016).
  • refer: a Linked Data based Text Annotation and Recommender System for Wordpress. Tietz, Tabea; Waitelonis, Jörg; Jäger, Joscha; Sack, Harald in CEUR-WS (2016). (Vol. 1690)
  • Adaptive E-Lecture Video Outline Extraction Based on Slides Analysis. Che, Xiaoyin; Yang, Haojin; Meinel, Christoph (2015). 59–68.
  • PatchR: A Framework for Linked Data Change Requests. Knuth, Magnus; Sack, Harald in International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) (2015). 11(1) 30–45.
  • An Improved System For Real-Time Scene Text Recognition. Yang, Haojin; Wang, Cheng; Che, Xiaoyin; Luo, Sheng; Meinel, Christoph (2015). 657–660.
  • Improving text recognition by distinguishing scene and overlay text Quehl, Bernhard; Yang, Haojin; Sack, Harald (2015). (Vol. 9445) 944509. SPIE.
  • TailR: A Platform for Preserving History on the Web of Data. Meinhardt, Paul; Knuth, Magnus; Sack, Harald A. Polleres, T. Pellegrini, S. Hellmann, J. X. Parreira (reds.) (2015). 57–64.
  • The DBpedia Events Dataset. Knuth, Magnus; Lehmann, Jens; Kontokostas, Dimitris; Steiner, Thomas; Sack, Harald S. Villata, J. Z. Pan, M. Dragoni (reds.) (2015).
  • Enhance Lecture Archive Search with OCR Slide Detection and In-Memory Database Technology. Malchow, Martin; Bauer, Matthias; Meinel, Christoph (2015). 176–183.
  • Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Linked Data Quality co-located with 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2015) Rula, Anisa; Zaveri, Amrapali; Knuth, Magnus; Kontokostas, Dimitris (2015). (Vol. 1376), Portorož, Slovenia.
  • Towards Linked Data Update Notifications - Reviewing and Generalizing the sparqlPuSH approach. Knuth, Magnus; Reddy, Dinesh; Dimou, Anastasia; Vahdati, Sahar; Kastrinakis, George A. Dimou, J. van Ossenbruggen, M.-E. Vidal, M. V. Sande (reds.) (2015).
  • FRanCo - A Ground Truth Corpus for Fact Ranking Evaluation. Bobic, Tamara; Waitelonis, Joerg; Sack, Harald G. Cheng, K. Gunaratna, A. Thalhammer (reds.) (2015).
  • Optimizing the Video Experience in MOOCs. Renz, Jan; Bauer, Matthias; Malchow, Martin; Staubitz, Thomas; Meinel, Christoph (2015).
  • DBpedia Commons: Structured Multimedia Metadata from the Wikimedia Commons. Vaidya, Gaurav; Kontokostas, Dimitris; Knuth, Magnus; Lehmann, Jens; Hellmann, Sebastian in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, M. Arenas, O. Corcho, E. Simperl, M. Strohmaier, M. d’Aquin, K. Srinivas, P. T. Groth, M. Dum (reds.) (2015). (Vol. 9367) 281–289.
  • Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Linked Data Quality (LDQ) Knuth, Magnus; Kontokostas, Dimitris; Sack, Harald in CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2014)., Leipzig, Germany.
  • Data Cleansing Consolidation with PatchR. Knuth, Magnus; Sack, Harald in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Presutti, V., Blomqvist, E., Troncy, R., Sack, H., Papadakis, I., Tordai, A. (reds.) (2014). (8798th ed)
  • Joint Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Semantic Web Enterprise Adoption and Best Practice and Second International Workshop on Finance and Economics on the Semantic Web Co-located with 11th European Semantic Web Conference García-Crespo, Ángel; Berbís, Juan Miguel Gómez; Radzimski, Mateusz; Sánchez-Cervantes, José Luis; Coppens, Sam; Hammar, Karl; Knuth, Magnus; Neumann, Marco; Ritze, Dominique; Sande, Miel Vander in CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2014)., Anissaras, Crete, Greece.
  • A framework for improved video text detection and recognition. Yang, Haojin; Quehl, Bernhard; Sack, Harald in Multimedia tools and applications (2014). 69(1) 217–245.
  • WaSABi 2014: Breakout Brainstorming Session Summary. Coppens, Sam; Hammar, Karl; Knuth, Magnus; Neumann, Marco; Ritze, Dominique; Sande, Miel Vander in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Ángel García-Crespo, J. M. G. Berbís, M. Radzimski, J. L. Sánchez-Cervantes, S. Coppens, K. Hammar, M. Knuth, M. Neumann, D. Ritze, M. V. Sande (reds.) (2014).
  • Smart Media Navigator: Visualizing Recommendations based on Linked Data. Tietz, Tabea; Waitelonis, Jörg; Jäger, Joscha; Sack, Harald (2014). 48–51.
  • Linked Data Quality: Identifying and Tackling the Key Challenges. Knuth, Magnus; Kontokostas, Dimitris; Sack, Harald in CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2014).
  • Linked Data Cleansing and Change Management. Knuth, Magnus in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, P. Lambrix, E. Hyvönen, E. Blomqvist, V. Presutti, G. Qi, U. Sattler, Y. Ding, C. Ghidini (reds.) (2014). (Vol. 8982) 201–208.
  • openHPI: Evolution of a MOOC Platform from LMS to SOA. Totschnig, Michael; Willems, Christian; Meinel, Christoph (2013). 49–54.
  • Semantic Multimedia Information Retrieval Based on Contextual Descriptions. Steinmetz, Nadine; Sack, Harald (2013).
  • Lecture Video Segmentation by Automatically Analyzing the Synchronized Slides. Che, Xiaoyin; Yang, Haojin; Meinel, Christoph (2013). 345–348.
  • Tree-structure Outline Generation for Lecture Videos with Synchronized Slides. Che, Xiaoyin; Yang, Haojin; Meinel, Christoph (2013). 87–92.
  • Statistical Analyses of Named Entity Disambiguation Benchmarks. Steinmetz, Nadine; Knuth, Magnus; Sack, Harald (2013).
  • CONTENTUS - technologies for next generation multimedia libraries. Nandzik, Jan; Litz, Berenike; Flores-Herr, Nicolas; Löhden, Aenne; Konya, Iuliu; Baum, Doris; Bergholz, André; Schönfuß, Dirk; Fey, Christian; Osterhoff, Johannes; Waitelonis, Jörg; Sack, Harald; Köhler, Ralf; Ndjiki-Nya, Patrick in Multimedia Tools and Applications (2013). 63(2) 287–329.
  • openHPI - a Case-Study on the Emergence of two Learning Communities. Grünewald, Franka; Mazandarani, Elnaz; Meinel, Christoph; Teusner, Ralf; Totschnig, Michael; Willems, Christian (2013).
  • Linked Soccer Data. Bergmann, Tanja; Bunk, Stefan; Eschrig, Johannes; Hentschel, Christian; Knuth, Magnus; Sack, Harald; Schüler, Ricarda (2013).
  • Open Up Cultural Heritage in Video Archives with Mediaglobe. Hentschel, Christian; Hercher, Johannes; Knuth, Magnus; Osterhoff, Johannes; Quehl, Bernhard; Sack, Harald; Steinmetz, Nadine; Waitelonis, Jörg; Yang, Haojin in Lecture Notes in Informatics (2012).
  • A Skeleton based Binarization Approach for Video Text Recognition. Yang, Haojin; Quehl, Bernhard; Sack, Harald (2012).
  • A framework for improved video text detection and recognition. YANG, Haojin; Quehl, Bernhard; Sack, Harald in Multimedia Tools and Applications (2012). 69(1) 217–245.
  • Evaluating Entity Summarization Using a Game-Based Ground Truth. Thalhammer, Andreas; Knuth, Magnus; Sack, Harald (2012).
  • Text detection in video images using adaptive edge detection and stroke width verification. Yang, Haojin; Quehl, Bernhard; Sack, Harald (2012). 9–12.
  • Cross-Dataset Learning of Visual Concepts In: Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval: User, Context, and Feedback. Hentschel, Chirstian; Sack, Harald; Steinmetz, Nadine (2012).
  • Text Detection in Video Images Using Adaptive Edge Detection and Stroke Width Verification. Haojin Yang, Bernhard Quehl; Sack, Harald (2012).
  • An Automated Analysis and Indexing Framework for Lecture Video Portal. Yang, Haojin; Oehlke, Christoph; Meinel, Christoph in lecture notes in computer science (2012). 285–294.
  • Automated Extraction of Lecture Outlines from Lecture Videos: a Hybrid Solution for Lecture Video Indexing. Yang, Haojin; Gruenewald, Franka; Meinel, Christoph (2012).
  • Collaboratively Patching Linked Data. Knuth, Magnus; Hercher, Johannes; Sack, Harald (2012). 33–40.
  • DBpedia Ontology Enrichment for Inconsistency Detection. Töpper, Gerald; Knuth, Magnus; Sack, Harald (2012).
  • Open Up Cultural Heritage in Video Archives with Mediaglobe. Hentschel, Christian; Hercher, Johannes; Knuth, Magnus; Osterhoff, Johannes; Quehl, Bernhard; Sack, Harald; Steinmetz, Nadine; Waitelonis, Jörg; Yang, Haojin in Lecture Notes in Informatics (2012).
  • Towards exploratory video search using linked data. Waitelonis, Jörg; Sack, Harald in Multimedia Tools and Applications (2012). 59(2) 645–672.
  • The Generation of User Interest Profiles from Semantic Quiz Games. Knuth, Magnus; Ludwig, Nadine; Wolf, Lina; Sack, Harald (2011).
  • Lecture video indexing and analysis using video ocr technology. Yang, Haojin; Siebert, Maria; Luhne, Patrick; Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph (2011). 54–61.
  • Automatic Lecture Video Indexing Using Video OCR Technology. Yang, Haojin; Siebert, Maria; Lühne, Patrick; Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph (2011).
  • Whoknows? - Evaluating Linked Data Heuristics with a Quiz that cleans up DBpedia. Waitelonis, Jörg; Ludwig, Nadine; Knuth, Magnus; Sack, Harald in International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE) (2011). 8(4) 236–248.
  • RISQ! Renowned Individuals Semantic Quiz – A Jeopardy like Quiz Game for Ranking Facts. Wolf, Lina; Knuth, Magnus; Osterhoff, Johannes; Sack, und Harald in ICPS (2011).
  • Improving Search in Tele-Lecturing: Using Folksonomies as Trigger to Query Semantic Datasets to Extract Additional Metadata. Franka Moritz, Maria Siebert; Meinel, Christoph (2011).
  • Sneak Preview? Instantly Know What To Expect In Faceted Browsing. Osterhoff, Johannes; Waitelonis, Jörg; Jäger, Joscha; Sack, Harald (2011).
  • Towards exploratory video search using linked data. Waitelonis, Jörg; Sack, Harald (2011). (Vol. 53) 1–28.
  • Lecture Video Indexing and Analysis Using Video OCR Technology. Yang, Haojin; Siebert, Maria; Lühne, Patrick; Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph (2011).
  • Community Tagging in Tele-Teaching Environments. Grünewald, Franka; Siebert, Maria; Meinel, Christoph (2011).
  • WhoKnows? - Evaluating Linked Data Heuristics with a Quiz that Cleans Up DBpedia. Waitelonis, Jörg; Ludwig, Nadine; Knuth, Magnus; Sack, Harald (2011). (Vol. 8) 236–248.
  • Lecture Video Indexing and Analysis Using Video OCR Technology. Yang, Haojin; Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph in International Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies (JMPT) (2011). 2(4) 176–196.
  • A Solution for German Speech Recognition for Analysis and Processing of Lecture Videos. Yang, Haojin; Oehlke, Christoph; Meinel, Christoph (2011).
  • Named Entity Recognition for User-Generated Tags. Ludwig, Nadine; Sack, Harald in CS (2011).
  • More than the Sum of its Parts: CONTENTUS -- A Semantic Multimodal Search User Interface. Waitelonis, Jörg; Osterhoff, Johannes P.; Sack, Harald in CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2011). (Vol. 694)
  • WhoKnows? - Evaluating Linked Data Heuristics with a Quiz that Cleans Up DBpedia. Ludwig, Nadine; Waitelonis, Jörg; Knuth, Magnus; Sack, Harald in LNCS (2011).
  • Indexing German Audiovisual Heritage - SKOSification Made Easy. Hercher, Johannes; Sack, Harald (2010).
  • The Path is the Destination -- Enabling a New Search Paradigm with Linked Data. Waitelonis, Jörg; Knuth, Magnus; Wolf, Lina; Hercher, Johannes; Sack, Harald in CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2010). (Vol. 700)
  • Semantische Suche - Theorie und Praxis am Beispiel der Videosuchmaschine Sack, Harald in Web 3.0 & Semantic Web, HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, (U. Hentgartner; A. Meier, reds.) (2010). 271
  • Unsupervised Matching of Object Models and Ontologies. Quasthoff, Matthias; Völkel, Max; Meinel, Christoph (2010). 7.
  • Tracing the Provenance of Object-Oriented Computations on RDF Data. Quasthoff, Matthias; Meinel, Christoph in 576 (2010). paper 4.
  • A Linked Data Web Programm Framework. Quasthoff, Matthias; Meinel, Christoph in LNCS (2010).
  • Semantically Enabled Exploratory Video Search. Waitelonis, Jörg; Sack, Harald; Kramer, Zalan; Hercher, Johannes (2010). 8:1–8:8.
  • Exploratory Semantic Video Search with yovisto. Waitelonis, Jörg; Sack, Harald (2010). 446–447.
  • Distributed Recognition of Content Similarity in a Tele-Teaching Portal. Siebert, Maria; Moritz, Franka; Meinel, Christoph (2010).
  • Enabling Reputation Interoperability through Semantic Technologies. Alnemr, Rehab; Paschke, Adrian; Meinel, Christoph (2010). No.13.
  • SEMANTISCHE SUCHE-Theorie und Praxis am Beispiel der Videosuchmaschine Sack; Harald (2010). 13–25.
  • Use What You Have -- Yovisto Video Search Engine Takes a Semantic Turn. Waitelonis, Jörg; Ludwig, Nadine; Sack, Harald (2010).
  • Realization of an Expandable Search Function for an E-Learning Web Portal. Siebert, Maria; Meinel, Christoph in ACIS (2010). 361–366.
  • Establishing an Expandable Architecture for a tele-Teaching Platform. Siebert, Maria; Moritz, Franka; Meinel, Christoph in ACIS (2010). 323–328.
  • Community Rating in the Tele-Lecturing Context. Moritz, Franka; Siebert, Maria; Meinel, Christoph (2010).
  • Augmenting Video Search with Linked Open Data. Waitelonis, Jörg; Sack, Harald in J.UCS Conference Proceedings Series (2009). 550–558.
  • Towards Exploratory Video Search Using Linked Data. Waitelonis, Jörg; Sack, Harald (2009). 540–545.
  • Can Software Developers Use Linked Data Vocabulary?. Quasthoff, Matthias; Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph in J.UCS Conference Proceedings Series (2009). 542–549.
  • Linking the tele-TASK Video Portal to the Semantic Web. Baumann, Bert; Sack, Harald; Groß, Andreas; Meinel, Christoph (2009). (Vol. 148) 205–216.
  • How to Simplify Building Semantic Web Applications. Quasthoff, Matthias; Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph in CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2009). (Vol. 524)
  • Automatische Erzeugung Semantischer Annotationen für Vorlesungsvideos. Repp, Stephan; Linckels, Serge; Meinel, Christoph (2008). (Vol. 132GI) 149–160.
  • Semantic Web Admission Free – Obtaining RDF and OWL Data from Application Source Code. Quasthoff, Matthias; Meinel, Christoph (2008).
  • Who Reads and Writes the Social Web? A Security Architecture for Web 2.0 Applications. Quasthoff, Matthias; Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph (2008). 576–582.
  • Optimizing the Retrieval of Pertinent Answers for NL Questions with the E-Librarian Service. Linckels, Serge; Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph in LNCS (2007).
  • Encouraging Participation in Virtual Communities - The IT-Summit Blog Case. Bross, Justus; Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph in Int. Journal on WWW/Internet (2007). 5(2) 113–129.
  • Retrieval Optimization of Pertinent Answers for NL Questions with the E-Librarian Service. Linckels, Serge; Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph (2007).
  • Why HTTPS Is Not Enough - A Signature-Based Architecture for Trusted Content on the Social Web. Quasthoff, Matthias; Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph (2007). 820–824.
  • Segmentation and Annotation of Audiovisual Recordings based on Automated Speech Recognition. Repp, Stephan; Waitelonis, Jörg; Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph in LNCS (2007). (Vol. 4881) 620–629.
  • Encouraging Participation in Virtual Communities: The "IT-summit-blog" Case. Bross, Justus; Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph (2007). 245–254.
  • Probabilistic Equivalence Checking of Multiple-Valued Functions. Dubrova, Elena; Sack, Harald in Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing (2004). 10(4) 395–414.
  • Adapted Variable Reordering for XOR-OBDDs. Meinel, Christoph; Sack, H. (2003). 135–144.
  • Course Management in the Twinkle of an Eye. Meinel, Christoph; Sack, Harald; Schillings, Volker (2002). 281–283.
  • VisBDD - A Webbased Visualization Framework for OBDD Algorithms. Meinel, Christoph; Sack, Harald; Schillings, Volker (2002). 385–390.
  • A Simple Heuristic for Mod2-OBDD Minimization. Meinel, Christoph; Sack, Harald (2001). 304–309.
  • Improving XOR-node Placement for Mod2-OBDD Minimzation. Meinel, Christoph; Sack, Harald (2001). 51–56.
  • IDDS: An Interactive Decentralized Documentation System. Meinel, Christoph; Sack, Harald; Schillings, Volker (2001).
  • Representation of Multiple-Valued Functions with Mod-p Decision Diagrams. Sack, Harald; Dubrova, Elena; Meinel, Christoph (2000). 341–348.
  • Mod-p-DDs: A Data-Structure for Multiple-Valued Functions. Sack, Harald; Dubrova, Elena; Meinel, Christoph (2000). 233–238.
  • Functional Extension of Decision Diagrams in Practice. Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph (2000). 195–196.
  • A Search-Engine-Topology to Improve Document Retrieval on the Web. Roth, Uwe; Heuer, Andreas; Haffner, Ernst-Georg; Meinel, Christoph (2000). 470–475.
  • Integration der Schleusentechnologie "Lock-Keeper" in moderne Sicherheitsarchitekturen. Haffner, Ernst-Georg; Engel, Thomas; Meinel, Christoph (2000).
  • Probabilistic Symbolic Simulation and Verification with Mod2-OBDDs. Sack, Harald; Meinel, Christoph in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (1999). 22 156–170.

Projects and Partners


  • AV-Portal Gottfried-Leibnitz-Universität Hannover, project with Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover (TIB)
  • Semantic Media Explorer (SEMEX)
    The Semantic Media Explorer is a demonstrator that combines the latest media analysis processes to provides optimal access to video content.
  • MEDIAGLOBE Project
    The aim of MEDIAGLOBE is to open and interlink heterogenouse and currently isolated information sources in media archives and broadcasting corporation. Project partners: DEFA-spektrum, Medienbildungsgesellschaft Babelsberg mbH, Blue Order GmbH
    The purpose of CONTENTUS is to develop basic technologies with which to access, archive and search for multi-media cultural assets and works of art.
    Yovisto is a video search engine specialized in academic content. Yovisto's search index is based on the combination of automated content based video analysis with user generated collaborative annotation (collaborative tagging, discussions, and comments). In difference to traditional video search engines, Yovisto enables pinpoint access within video data by providing fine-granular, time-dependent metadata.
  • Semantic Games
    Games with a purpose that are dedicated to create and curate semantic content.

Current News

Prior Events and Activities









2014 (SS)

2013/14 (WS)

2013 (SS)

  • Seminar (Master): Semantic Multimedia (Blog)
  • Seminar (Bachelor): Multimedia Analyse Technologien (Blog)
  • Schülerkolleg (für Schüler der 8. bis 10. Klasse): Internetsuche und Google PageRank - Wie wird was durch wen gefunden?
    • Woche 1 - 09.04.2013: Die Geschichte der Web-Suchmaschinen (pdf)
    • Woche 2 - 23.04.2013: Term- und Dokumentenranking (pdf)
    • Woche 3 - 07.05.2013: Google Page Rank (pdf)
    • Woche 4 - 21.05.2013: Personalisierung und Web Crawling (pdf)
    • Woche 5 - 04.06.2013: Semantische Suche



2012/13 (WS)

2012 (SS)

2011/12 (WS)

2011 (SS)

2010/11 (WS)

2010 (SS)

2009/10 (WS)




Supervised Master Theses

  • Gerald Töpper: Erweiterung der DBpedia Ontologie und des Extraction Frameworks zur Sicherung der Datenqualität. (finished April 2012)
  • Peter Retzlaff: Visualisierung von Bag-of-Visual-Words-Vektoren für die Visual Concept Detection (finished March 2014)
  • Sebastian Stange: Evaluierung einer semantischen Videosuche und Ermittlung geeigneter Videoanalysetechniken (finished March 2014)
  • Michael Wolowyk: Semantic Recommender Systems (preliminary title) (in progress)

Open Master Theses

Please find a list of possible topics for Master Theses. Contact us, if you are interested in one of these topics or have own suggestions.

  • Video Analysis:
    • OCR Spellcorrection
    • Tag Relevance Estimation in Photo Communities
    • Learning Local Image Descriptors
  • Linked Data and Semantic Web:
    • Named Entity Evolution
    • Authority File Mapping
    • A Mereology for Media Fragments





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