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Internet Bridge: Germany - China


This project is within a collaborative program between the "Hasso-Plattner-Institut for Digital Engineering gGmbH" (HPI) of University of Potsdam and Faculty of IT at the Beijing University of Technology. The teaching cooperation between Potsdam and Beijing was initialized by Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel and formally launched on 26th September 2005 (previously in 2002-2005 at University of Trier).The tele-lecture of this project is about "Internet Security: Weakeness and Targets" given by Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel. This lecture has been proved to be a great success of the program. Supported by the innovative Tele-teaching/e-learning technique self-developed by Prof Meinel's Team at HPI, hundreds of Chinese IT students in Beijing have followed the lecture with German students over the Internet.  



  • August 2024: Prof. Meinel, Dr. Feng Cheng, Dr.-Ing. Pejman Najafi have been invited to give two courses (each with 16 teaching hours for thereotical lectures and practical exercises), "Internet and WWW" and "Cybersecurity: Basics" in the 2024 BUAA Summer School from August 14- September 2, 2024.A total of 46 undergraduate students from various disciplines attended the courses and collected credit points for their bachelor studies at BUAA. The courses were supported by Dipl.-Inf. Song Ji (HPI) and Prof. Hailong Yang (BUAA) (see more photos).
  • May 2024: The oral exam of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2023/24 has been successfully carried out on 07.05.2024 at Beijing University of Technology (BJUT) with 15 master students. While the stay in Beijing, Prof. Meinel and Dr. Cheng have also given talks and tutorials to the local students, researchers and professors and visited some well-known research labs in Beijing (see more photos).
  • November 2023: The 22nd time of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2023/24 will be kicked off this week on 09.11.2023. 15 students from various master programs in the Faculty of IT at Beijing University of Technology (BJUT) will be following this lecture online in this semester. 
  • June 2023: Prof. Meinel, Dr. Feng Cheng and the Sec-Eng team were invited to provide the lecture series on Cybersecurity to the NJU summer school on June 28-30, 2023. More than 100 undergraduate students from Nanjing University (NJU) have followed the three days' online lectures on "Cybersecurity: Basics", "Network, Systems & Application Security", and "Cybersecurity in Practice" (see the News from NJU).
  • March 2023: The oral exam of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2022/23 has been successfully carried out on 23.03.2023 at Beijing University of Technology (BJUT). During the trip, Prof. Meinel has also had the meetings with Prof. QIAO, Junfei (Vice President BJUT) and many other partners in Beijing, Shanghai, and Nanjing. Prof. Meinel has given scientific talk on "Digital Technologies for Sustainable Development" at Nanjing University (NJU) and BJUT (see the News at BJUT and NJU, and more photos). The next iteration of this tele-lecture has been scheduled to start in October 2023.
  • November 2022: The 21st time of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2022/23 to the master students from Faculty of IT at Beijing University of Technology (BJUT) has started on 26.10.2022.
  • July 2022: The oral exam of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2021/22 has been successfully carried out on 15.07.2022. Due to Covid-19, we had to do the oral exam for the third time in a row in the virtual format. 20 master students have participated at the session over Zoom. The next iteration of this tele-lecture has been scheduled to start in October 2022.
  • July 2022: As a part of a two-week interdisciplinary summer school at Nanjing University (NJU), Prof. Meinel, Dr. Feng Cheng and the team were invited to give the lecture series on "Cybersecurity: Basics and Practices". The summer school is funded by NJU's Global Engagement for Strategic Partnership Program and the Sino-German Cross-Cultural International Scientific Research and Training Program on Theory & Application of Social Computing (see News from NJU and HPI)
  • November 2021: The 20th time of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2021/22 has started on 04.11.2021 with 20 master students from Faculty of IT at Beijing University of Technology (BJUT). 
  • June 2021: The oral exam of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2020/21 has been successfully carried out on 25.06.2021. Due to Covid-19, we had to do the oral exam again in the virtual format. 15 master students have participated at the session over Zoom. The next iteration of this tele-lecture has been scheduled to start in November 2021.
  • October 2020: Prof. Meinel, Dr. Feng Cheng, and the Sec-Eng team have been invited to give a three days' lecture series on Cybersecurity on the NJU summer school on "2020 NJU Undergraduate International Scientific Training Program" (See the News from NJU)
  • September 2020: The 19th time of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2020/21 has started on 18.09.2020 with 15 master students from Faculty of IT at Beijing University of Technology (BJUT). 
  • July 2020: The oral exam of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2019/20 has been successfully carried out on 20.07.2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the oral exam session has been postponed several times and finally held online for the first time in the past 18 years! Thanks to all who made it possible, especially to the 16 BJUT students who have participated the course and exam! The next iteration of this tele-lecture has been scheduled to start in September 2020.
  • October 2019: The tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2019/20 will start on 04.11.2019. It would be the 18th time of this tele-lecture.
  • April 2019: The oral exam of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: weakness and Targets" for WS2018/19 has been organized at Beijing University of Technology (BJUT). During the trip, Prof. Meinel has also had the meetings with Prof. WU, Bin (Vice President BJUT), Prof. PU, Lijie (Associate Vice President NJU), and many other partners in Beijing, Shanghai, and Nanjing. Prof. Meinel has given a scientific talk on "The Reality Behind Artificial Intelligence" to the students at CS department of Nanjing University (NJU). See the News at BJUT and NJU.
  • 05.11.2018: The tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2018/19 will start on 05.11.2018. It would be the 17th time of this tele-lecture.
  • 11.09.2018: Prof. Chritoph Meinel (CEO and Director, HPI) and Prof. LIU, Gonghui (President, BJUT) have signed today the MoU for the new period (2018-2024) of our joint project "Internet Bridge" and a grand signing ceremony was held with the presense of Brandenburg Minister President Dr. Woidke and his delegation visiting China as well as the new German Ambassador in China, Dr. Goetze. see the BJUT News, HPI News, and more photos.
  • 22.03.2018: Prof. Meinel visited at Dalian University of Technology (DUT) and met with DUT President, Prof. GUO, Dongming. He was also awarded as a Honorary Prefossor at DUT. See the DUT News and HPI News.
  • 21.03.2018: The oral exam of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: weakness and Targets" for WS2017/18 has been successfully carried out in the College of Computer Science at BJUT. During the visit at BJUT, Prof. Meinel also had a meeting with BJUT President Prof. LIU, Gonghui and Vice President Prof. Wu, Bin, see the BJUT News.
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Our Team

About the Lecture

"Internet Security - Weaknesses and Targets" is based on "Internet- & WWW-Technologies" and gives a detailed introduction on problems concerning Internet and Intranet security. After starting with some remarks on risk analysis and computer crimes, security weaknesses and targets are discussed in detail. Beside others the following topics are discussed in detail: human factor and technical failures, attacks on accounts and passwords, attacks on Internet protocol, misuse of design and programming errors, weaknesses in common operating systems, targets in the WWW, and viruses. The lecture course concludes with a discussion about the possibilities to detect attacks and intrusions and also describes ethical issuses.


Winter Semester 2023/24Detailed View
Internet Security: Weaknesses and Targets
(Course for Beijing University of Technology)




Internet-Bridge Potsdam-Beijing is the extension of the former cooperation project, Internet Bridge Trier-Beijing, between University of Trier and Beijing University of Technology from October 2002. The Internet-Bridge Potsdam-Beijing will be a regular and long term collaborative activity in the computer science education fields  between Germany and China. Also, in the framework of the Internet-Bridge Potsdam-Beijing, two groups of Chinese students have been studied at HPI for a doctoral degree since October 2001.

On 11.09.2018, we celebrated at BJUT the 16th anniversary of our project: More Information

On 25.10.2012, we celebrated at HPI the ten years' anniversary of our project: More Information

On 19.09.2007, we celebrated at HPI the five years' anniversary of our project: More information

The technique used for recording the lectures and transmitting them over the Internet is the tele-TASK technology  which was developed at HPI. The lecture courses will end with an oral examination at HPI for German students at HPI and for Chinese students in Beijing. 


  • Hasso Plattner Institute: Foreign Minister Westerwelle Patron of Internet Bridge Germany - China
    (EN) Kooperation Internetional, idw-online, deutschland.de, ...
    (DE) pnn, Tagesspiegel, Pressportal A, Pressportal B, idw-online, Potsdam TV, ...
  • JUNGE.Karriere: Teleteaching aus Potsdam Lernen für Olympia 01.11.2007
    (...)Warum sich die Zahl seiner Studenten in China mit einem Schlag auf 100 verdreifachte, erfuhr Christoph Meinel erst nach un nach:"Wer in Peking meine Vorlesung hört, hofft darauf, beim olympischen Vorbereitungskomitee für IT-Sicherheit mitzuarbeiten", (...)
    (...)Vor fünf Jahren ging die Internet-Brücke an den start.(...)
  • WELT ONLINE: IT und Wirtschaft Hand in Hand 30.09.2007
    (...)Für das Jahr 2007 kündigt HPI-Direktor Christoph Meinel eine stärkere Zusammenarbeit mit China an (...)
    (...)Vor fünf Jahren nahmen Informatikstudenten in China erstmals an english gehaltenen Internet-Vorlesungen aus Deutschland teil(...)
  • Auswärtiges Amt - China: Partner für eine vorausschauende Außenpolitik 19.09.2007
    (...)Ein weiteres Jubiäum: Vor genau fünf Jahren nahmen erstmals chinesische Informatikstudenten an Online-Vorlesungen teil, die im Rahmen der "Internet Brücke" von Deutschland aus gesendet werden.(...)
    (...)Das Projekt "Internet-Brücke" (internet bridge) ist ein kooperatives E-learning/Tele-teaching Projekt zwischen dem HPI der Universität Potsdam und dem College of Computer Science and Technology der Beijing University of Technology.(...)
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