Internet Security-Weaknesses & Targets
Wintersemester 2007/08
Results of the final exam (2008-02-11)
Results of the intermediate exam (2008-01-07)
Lecture - Abstract
"Internet Security II - Weaknesses and Targets" is based on "Internet Security I - Internet Technology" respectively on "Technical Basics of WWW" and gives a detailed introduction on problems concerning Internet and Intranet security. After starting with some remarks on risk analysis and computer crimes, security weaknesses and targets are discussed in detail. Beside others the following topics are discussed in detail: human factor and technical failures, attacks on accounts and passwords, attacks on Internet protocol, misuse of design and programming errors, weaknesses in common operating systems, targets in the WWW, and viruses. The lecture course concludes with a discussion about the possibilities to detect attacks and intrusions and also describes ethical issuses.
Tutor of the exercise and practical course:
Lecture dates: every Wednesday 8:30- 10:00 (first lecture on october 17th)
Further important dates
Dates for examination:
- Written intermediate exam: January 7th 2008, 13:30, Room A-1.1
- Written examination at the end of the semster: Febuary 11th 2008, 11:00, Room A-1.1
Exercise course dates: every Monday: 13:30-15:00 A-1.1 (first course on October 22nd)
Exercise sheets will be published every Monday in the exercise course and are also available afterwards in the HPI network folder of the lecture. Deadline for the submission of the solutions: Monday (one week after the publication) 12:00 o'clock (Foyer, Tray 51). 1st exercise sheet on October 29.
Organisation of the lecture course:
The lecture starts october 17th and finishs february 6th. Every week a 90 minutes lecture (in english) is streamed over the internet. Students have to solve and submit their exercises weekly. 50 % of the maximum points (in 1st and 2nd half of semester) are needed to be able to do the examination at the end of the semester. In the middle of the semester there will be a written intermediate exam which counts 1/3. At the end of the course there is a second written exam (counts 2/3). Students who want to improve their mark can also register for an oral examination.
The exercise course will address contents of the lecture as well as additional security topics. Practical exercises with security tools will be also integrated in the exercise course. Each student can choose one special topic he/she is interested in for further investigation and give a short practical demo to the other students. If there is enough time at the end of the course, a small "Capture the flag/host" hacking contest is planned.
- WWW (Christoph Meinel, Harald Sack) for repetition of the WWW basics
- IT-Crackdown (Othmar Kyas, Markus A Campo)
Tele-Task website with the recorded lectures: