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Bachelor course (Winter Semester 05/06)

Exercise information and news


  • Sheet 8 was the last exercise for this semester

Obtaining exercise sheets:

  • Local students can get the exercise sheets from the internal lecture folder
  • External (ULI) students get the sheets via email (one-time registration: mail to cordel(at)hpi.uni-potsdam.de)

Dates for practical course

Fr, 2005-11-04: Discussion of the general plan for practical course + Discussion (in detail) about the structure of the first part

We, 2005-11-23: Submission date for the first part of the work

Fr,  2005-11-25: Review of the first part of the work (Discussion in a meeting) + Discussion of the plan for the 2nd part (in room B-1.3)

Fr,  2005-12-16: Submission of the 2nd part of the practical course

Mo, 2005-12-19: 13:30-15:00 + Tu, 2005-12-20: 10:00-12:00 + Wed, 2005-12-21

Fr,  2006-01-13 (13:30): Talk about Tele-Lab structure (websites) + virtual machines

Fr,  2006-02-10: Submission of the last part (exercises) of the practical course and end presentation

Timetable (2006-02-10):

 12:30 Public Key Encryption
 12:55  Authentication
 13:20 Beastware
 13:45 Portscanning
 14:10 Packet Sniffing
 14:50 Man in the middle
 15:15 Intrusion Detection
 15:40 Firewalls
 16:05 Access Control
 16:30 Wireless Security

Literature for practical course

Tony Howlett: Open Source Security Tools: A Practical Guide to Security Applications (Prentice Hall, 2004)

Topics and groups of practical course

 GroupTopicPerson1  Person2 Person3
 1 Public Key Encryption Pham Tabbert 
 2 Packet Sniffing Klimke Kowark Engel
 3 Beastware Osburg Bergmann 
 4 Intrusion Detection Tibbe Krischok 
 5 Portscanning Naumann Rieck Kühn
 6 Man in the middle Sobania Zoschke Roschke
 7 Wireless Security Schneider Richter 
 8 Firewalls Fischer Schlegel Zahn
 9 Authentication Pawlak  
 10 Access Control Saar Rinser