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Some of the papers that can be used in your research: Please search for more references that are more relevant to your assignment topic

  • Zacharia and Maes. Trust management through reputation mechanisms. Applied Artificial Intelligence (2000)
  • P Resnick, K Kuwabara, R Zeckhauser, E Friedman. Reputation systems. Commun. ACM (2000) vol. 43 (12) pp. 45-48
  • V Shmatikov and C Talcott. Reputation-based trust management. Journal of Computer Security (2005) vol. 13 (1) pp. 167-190
  • S Fähnrich and J Nimis. How social structure improves distributed reputation systems-three hypotheses. Third Intl. Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing (AP2PC’04 (2004)
  • Boella and Remondino. Users’ Collaboration as a Driver for Reputation System Effectiveness: a Simulation Study. (2009) pp. 1-8
  • Audun Jøsang, Roslan Ismail, and Colin Boyd. A survey of trust and reputation systems for online service provision. Decision Support Systems (2007) vol. 43 (2) pp. 618-644
  • Wang and Vassileva. A Review on Trust and Reputation for Web Service Selection. (2007) pp. 1-8
  • Domenico Bianculli, Walter Binder, Luigi Drago, and Carlo Ghezzi. Transparent Reputation Management for Composite Web Services. (2008) pp. 621-628
  • Wang and Vassileva. Toward Trust and Reputation Based Web Service Selection: A Survey. Proc. International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications (ITSSA) Journal (2007) vol. 3 (2)
  • Stefan König, S Hudert, T Eymann, and M Paolucci. Towards reputation enhanced electronic negotiations for service oriented computing. Trust in Agent Societies (2008) pp. 273-291
  • Paolucci and Sabater-mir. The RepAge system–A layered network of predicates–Example Experiments Premise. Citeseer
  • L Mui, A Halberstadt, and M Mohtashemi. Evaluating reputation in multi-agents systems. Trust, reputation, and security: theories and practice (2003) pp. 183-194
  • F Garcin, B Faltings, and R Jurca. Aggregating reputation feedback. Proceedings of the International Conference on Reputation (ICORE) (2009) pp. 119–128
  • R Jurca. Truthful reputation mechanisms for online systems. PhD, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (2007)
  • J Sabater-Mir, I Pinyol, D Villatoro, and G Cuní. Towards hybrid experiments on reputation mechanisms: Bdi agents and humans in electronic institutions. Proc. of CAEPIA’07 (2007)
  • LG Nardin, AAF Brandao, JS Sichman, and L Vercouter. SOARI: A Service Oriented Architecture to Support Agent Reputation Models Interoperability. Trust in Agent Societies: 11th International Workshop, TRUST 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 12-13, 2008. Revised Selected and Invited Papers (2009) pp. 292
  • Ali Shaikh Ali, Shalil Majithia, Omer F Rana, and David W Walker. Reputation-based semantic service discovery. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper. (2006) vol. 18 (8) pp. 817-826
  • H Yamamoto, K Ishida, and T Ohta. Modeling reputation management system on online C2C market. Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory (2004) vol. 10 (2) pp. 165-178
  • Golbeck and Hendler. Inferring reputation on the semantic web. Proceedings of the 13th international World Wide Web (2004)
  • Natenapa Sriharee. Semantic web services discovery using ontology-based rating model. Web Intelligence, 2006. WI 2006. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on (2007) pp. 608-616
  • Rehab Alnemr, Christoph Meinel. From Reputation Models and Systems to Reputation Ontologies. Proc. 5th IFIP Trust Management, Springer IFIP, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2011.