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Lecture Browser

One ot the components of tele-TASK is the tele-TASK lecture browser. It was designed and implemented by the team of Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel to support learners in any thinkable way when watching lecture videos recorded with the tele-TASK system. The tele-TASK lecture browser provides various functionalities that implement recent results of our research work in the fields of web university, semantic web, and social media.

The tele-TASK lecture browser allows learners to:

  • create time triggered online annotations of tele-TASK lectures, either parallel to a live streamed lecture or synchronous to an on demand available recording in the portal,
  • share these annotations with others in a pre-defined learning group in order to enable and enhance collaboration and team learning,
  • use markers as time stamp for important moments in the lecture video for easier recapitulation and recovery of previously learned knowledge,
  • quickly navigate through all the slides shown by the lecturer in a timeline bar to get an overview of the lecture,
  • directly jump into the video at a point in time where the automatically created index of the content shows something interesting for you,
  • search the tele-TASK archive which has been indexed by means of techniques like speech recognition (ACR) and OCR, and to
  • search for specific keywords within the video and find where it is used most or browse on a timeline basis through keywords generated from the speech of the lecturer and a transcript of the slides.

You can test the tele-TASK lecture browser if you visit the tele-TASK portal.

Timeline-based overview of frequently used keywords. In this Screenshot the term "HPI"
was searched and its occurences are shown.


 View of the Annotation functionalities available for logged in users. Those include time markers and textual annotations.

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