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Internet Security - Beijing (WS2011/12)

Tele-Teaching Lecture for Beijing University of Technology
Winter Semester 2011/12


"Internet Security - Weaknesses and Targets" gives a detailed introduction on problems concerning Internet and Intranet security. After starting with some remarks on risk analysis and computer crimes, security weaknesses and targets are discussed in detail. Besides, more introductions are provided on: human factor and technical failures, attacks on accounts and passwords, attacks on Internet protocol, misuse of design and programming errors, weaknesses in common operating systems, targets in the WWW, and viruses. The lecture concludes with the discussion on possibilities to detect attacks and intrusions and ethical issuses are introduced as well.


Every week a 90 minutes lecture (in english) is streamed over the internet. There will be two practical hands-on exercises including reconnaisance, analysis, and practical attack of a prepared victim network. In the middle of the semester, there will be a written intermediate exam. At the end of the course there is an oral exam to evaluate each student.


Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel (HPI & BJUT-Guest Professor)


Date: Saturday, 8:30 - 12:30 (Beijing Time)


Plan (last update: 04.12.2011):

Onsite Q&A and Oral Examination

The second week in April 2012  


Online Lectures (update on every Friday)


  • WS2010/11, WS2009/10, WS2008/09, WS2007/08,
  • WS2006/07, WS2005/06, WS2004/05, WS2003/04, WS2002/03