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Internet Security - Beijing (WS23/24)

Tele-Teaching Lecture for Beijing University of Technology (BJUT)
Winter Semester 2023/24


Internet Security - Weaknesses and Targets" gives a detailed introduction on problems, especially security issues, concerning Internet and Intranet security. The general introduction on Internet Security and some basic knowledge/technologies on Network/Internet/WWW are given at the beginning. Then there are some remarks on risk analysis, computer crimes, as well as hackers and viruses. The weaknesses and targets of Internet are discussed in detail, which covers: human factor and technical failures, attacks on accounts and passwords, attacks on Internet protocol, misuse of design and programming errors, weaknesses in common operating systems, targets in the WWW, and viruses. The course concludes with the discussion on possibilities to detect attacks and intrusions. And the ethical issues are introduced as well in the end.


Every week one lecture unit (about 90 minutes) will be streamed over the internet. There are three exercise (assignment) sheets given out during the running period of the course. Each assignment includes several questions and some practical tasks, e.g., coding tasks or hands-on experiments. Students are supposed to finish the assignments and submit the solutions (in English) before the specified deadline. At the end of the course there is an oral exam.


Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel (HPI and BJUT-Honorary Professor)


Date: Thursday, 18:00- 21:00 (Beijing Time)


  • tele-TASK.de, HPI, Potsdam, Germany
  • tele-MEDIA (only available within BJUT campus network), BJUT, Beijing, China

Plan (last update: 21.11.2023):

  • 09.11.2023
    • Internet Security: An Overview
    • First Understanding of Internet and WWW
  • 16.11.2023
    • Risk Analysis
    • Cyber Crime: Potential Attacks
    • Hackers and Viruses
    • Give-out: The first Assignment
  • 23.11.2023
    • Human Factor and Technical Failures
    • (Online) Reconnaissance
    • OS Fingerprinting
    • Attacks on Accounts and Password
  • 30.11.2023
    • Weaknesses of Internet Protocols (1/2)
    • Weaknesses of Internet Protocols (2/2)
  • 07.12.2023
    • Design and Programming Errors
    • Weaknesses in Unix/Linux
    • Weaknesses in Windows and Mac OS X
    • Give-out: the second Assignment
  • 14.12.2023
    • Weaknesses in the World Wide Web (1/2)
    • Weaknesses in the World Wide Web (2/2)
  • 21.12.2023
    • Wireless Security
    • Detection of Attacks and Intrusions
    • Legal and Ethical Issues in Internet Security
    • Give-out: the third Assignment

Onsite Q&A and Oral Examination

  • March~April 2024 (tentative) 



This is the 22nd transmission of this tele-lecture. You can find the old materials here: