Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

School of Design Thinking

Prof. Ulrich Weinberg and Dr. Claudia Nicolai

Prof. Ulrich Weinberg and Dr. Claudia Nicolai

Under the direction of Prof. Ulrich Weinberg and Dr. Claudia Nicolai, the HPI School of Design Thinking, founded in 2007, offers additional academic training in design thinking for students and graduates.
Modeled on the d.school at Stanford University (California), the academic programs of the HPI D-School teach students from all disciplines the ability to work in multidisciplinary teams and develop innovative and user-friendly services, business models or products for all areas of life. The teams are accompanied by experienced coaches and are in close exchange with project partners from companies, NGOs and political institutions.
As a founding member of the Global Design Thinking Alliance (GDTA), the HPI D-School promotes exchange between academic design thinking institutions in 18 countries, including Egypt, Australia, Israel, Mexico, the USA and South Africa.


Prof. Ulrich Weinberg

Director, HPI School of Design Thinking

E-Mail: Uli.Weinberg(at)hpi.de

Head Office Prof. Ulrich Weinberg

Annalena Hellmann

Room: H-3.14

E-Mail: office-d-school(at)hpi.de

Tel. +49-331-5509-123

Dr. Claudia Nicolai

Akademic Director, HPI School of Design Thinking

E-Mail: Claudia.Nicolai(at)hpi.de

Video: HPI School of Design Thinking