Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Advisory Service for Prospective Students

What awaits me in the bachelor's degree program? How does the aptitude test work? Which master's program is right for me? If you are looking for support and answers to these questions, the advisory service for prospective students is the right place to get assistance. Information days, one-on-one consultation and HPI student mentors help students decide which bachelor's, baster's, and PhD degree programs are right for them.

Our student advisor Professor Giese answers general questions about studying at HPI and the degree programs. The study program advisors deal with subject-specific questions about the contents of the individual degree programs.

Applicants and students from abroad as well as HPI students interested in studying abroad can find important information at the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS).

Living in Potsdam

Make sure you inform yourself in good time about accommodation options in Potsdam. Below you will find - without any claim to completeness - information on accommodation providers in Potsdam and the surrounding area.


Housing possibilities run by the Studentenwerk in Potsdam und Berlin

Private student accommodation/dormitories (examples)

Shared apartment provider (examples)

Together with the University of Potsdam, HPI offers those interested in research an attractive location for their PhD. We offer two options for doctoral studies: as a scholarship holder in the HPI Research Schools or as a PhD student in one of the HPI departments. For professional counselling, please contact the head of research group of your subject area.

Advisory Service on the Academic Design Thinking Program

If you would like to find out more about the user-centered innovation method Design Thinking, have questions about the additional study program or the application procedure of the HPI School of Design Thinking, you will find many answers in the FAQ of the D School. Support is also available from program coordinator Janet Klonower.

Who can tell us more about studying at HPI than students? For this reason, Ronja Krüger and Gerome Quantmeyer from the Student Council are available to answer questions about HPI studies and campus life. E-Mail: fachschaftsrat(at)hpi.de