Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Digital educational platforms

With its digital education platforms, Hasso Plattner Institut (HPI) supports lifelong learning and develops visions for the digitization of education in Germany. In addition, HPI makes its platform technology available to partners such as WHO and SAP.

HPI Platforms


As a pioneer among European scientific institutions, HPI launched its interactive educational platform openHPI in 2012, which provides free access to current university knowledge in the fields of information technology and innovation.



As a vision of a common knowledge repository, the education cloud is intended to make web-based teaching and learning content for school, vocational, basic and advanced training in Germany accessible to a wide range of users.

HPI School Cloud

With the HPI School Cloud, HPI has developed a secure and privacy-compliant IT infrastructure for schools from 2017 to 2021 that enables teachers and students to access digital teaching and learning content and to work together collaboratively.



Lernen.cloud is an innovative learning platform for teachers that provides high-quality training content from all federal states and supports teachers on their way to using digital opportunities in the classroom.


On the video portal tele-TASK (tele-Teaching Anywhere Solution Kit), students, employees and interested parties can find recordings of lectures, online courses and events of the Hasso Plattner Institute.

Partner platforms

AI Campus

The AI Campus is a pilot project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and was released as a beta version in 2020. The focus is on the prototypical development of a digital learning platform on the topic of artificial intelligence.


Since 2013, the openSAP digital learning platform is offering free online courses for anyone interested in educating themselves on SAP's latest innovations and learning how to thrive in the digital age.

eGov Campus

eGOV Campus

The eGov Campus is a learning platform funded by the IT Planning Council that offers cross-university online modules on the topics of eGovernment and administrative informatics for education and training in the public sector.

  • Mehr infos about the eGov Campus

OpenWHO is the World Health Organization's interactive web-based platform that provides first responders and emergency workers with life-saving knowledge they need to respond to public health emergencies and disease outbreaks.