Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI



HPI Tracked Down 35 Million Pieces of Stolen Identity Data in 2015

In special Internet forums, security researchers at HPI have tracked down nearly 35 million pieces of stolen identity data this year. Cyber criminals had published the data in fifteen cases, thus making it available for possible further illegal activities.

HPI director Prof. Christoph Meinel stated that anyone can use the Institute’s “Identity Leak Checker” to check if his or her personal identity data has been affected. By entering an e-mail address at sec.hpi.de/ilc, it is possible to find out immediately, after a comparison has been made, whether the address has been disclosed in connection with other personal data (e.g., passwords or bank account numbers) and subject to misuse for malicious purposes. “In the meantime, we are able to perform such checks against more than 215 million pieces of data collected from so-called leaks,” said Meinel.