Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI



The Federal Cabinet at HPI

Plenty of selfies, a cycling Finance Minister, and a digital lesson on the foundation of democracy. The world at Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) was turned upside down on November 14 and 15. The reason behind it was the digital retreat by the Federal Government at HPI, with its focus on digitization and artificial intelligence.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz visiting HPI at the Federal Government's visit at HPI. (Photo: HPI / K.Herschelmann)

Actually everything started off like on television: dark limousines pulling up, a lot of hand-shaking going on, and a storm of camera flashes going off.

Then came the surprise. Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz didn’t arrive in a car as expected, but rode up to HPI on a bike, accompanied by security personnel.  During their tour of the foyer, the ministers in high spirits took selfies of each other and learned more about HPI and its research projects. Afterwards, they were transported back to their schooldays. Besides being introduced to the largest classroom in Germany — the online learning platform openHPI — the guests were also presented the School Cloud (Schulcloud), a research project sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research.

Equipped with tablets, Chancellor Merkel and Defense Minister von der Leyen tried out the School Cloud with an exercise in politics. Group work was explicitly encouraged.

The ministers had the opportunity to interactively test cooperative work in the School Cloud, discover more about lifelong learning and—with the support of HPI professors—explore the subject of digitization and the importance of artificial intelligence in medicine.

The Federal Cabinet inspired by the atmosphere of the HPI D-School

After the obligatory “family photo” was taken in front of the main building, the digital cabinet spent its time on the premises of the HPI School of Design Thinking. There, in a private setting, the ministers dealt with the big questions: How does Germany advance in the field of digitization? How do our artificial intelligence strategies have to look to stay competitive? Where do we draw the line between what is possible and what is ethically acceptable?

The results of the closed-door meeting and information about the “Digital Strategy of the German Government” and “Artificial Intelligence Strategy” adopted can be found on the Federal Government’s website.

Merkel und Meinel_Das Kabinett zu Besuch am HPI_Digitalklausur
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am HPI_Digitalklausur_Seibert und Heil
Chef des Bundeskanzleramts Braun auf der Digitalklausur
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am  HPI_Digitalklausur_Bär und Klöckner
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am HPI_Digitalklausur_Empfang vorm Hauptgebäude
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am HPI_Digitalklausur mit Heiko Maas
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am HPI_Digitalklausur_Journalisten
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am  HPI_Digitalklausur_Versammlung im Hauptgebäude
Das HPI stellt sich den Ministerinnen und Ministern vor
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am HPI_Digitalklausur_Bär und Grütters
Das Kabinett zu Besuch im Foyer des HPI_Digitalklausur
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am HPI_Digitalklausur_Merkel, Bär und Grütters
Die Digitalklausur am HPI mit dem Merkel-Kabinett
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am HPI_Gruppenfoto vor der Digitalklausur
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am HPI_Digitalklausur_Karliczek
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am HPI_Digitalklausur_Schulze, von der Leyen und Grütters
Die HPI Schuld Cloud trifft aufs Kabinett bei der Digitalklausur am HPI
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am HPI_Digitalklausur auf dem HPI Campus
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am HPI_Digitalklausur mit Karliczek, Altmaier und Heil
Das Kabinett zu Besuch am HPI_Digitalklausur_Pressekonferenz mit Merkel und Scholz