Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI



PhD Promotion in April 2023

Dr. Vanja Doskoč successfully defended his dissertation on "Mapping Restrictions in Behaviourally Correct Learning" on April 21, 2023. He was supervised by Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich, head of the research group "Algorithm Engineering". In the interview he gives insights into his research.

We congratulate him and wish him all the best for the future!

Dr. Vanja Doskoč
Dr. Vanja Doskoč and Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich (Photo: Sebastian Rost)

5 Questions for Dr. Vanja Doskoč

How would you describe your PhD phase in 3 words?

A long and fun experience.

How would you explain to a child what you did your doctorate on?

When a human or machine learns certain formal languages, that is, subsets of the natural numbers, they can follow certain strategies. For example, they want to be consistent with the information about the language they have seen. I, in particular, studied the interaction between such restrictions and their mathematical properties.

What was the most exciting thing for you, working on your dissertation?

The feeling you have when you find the missing piece in a difficult proof.

What does your next career move look like?

I will start working in the industry, as software developer and machine learning engineer.

What does it take to get a PhD?

Persistance, a strong will but also enough distractions.