You will find out the answer to this question and much more in our next course on openHPI: „An Introduction to Probabilistic Machine Learning“. Prof Ralf Herbrich, Head of the Chair for Artficial Intelligence and Sustainabilty at HPI, will be giving this course based on the lectures that our students received this summer (and their feedback!)
It starts on September 20. If you are interested, register here.
This course will give you a hands-on introduction to efficient and state-of-the-art probabilistic machine learning algorithms and small exercises summarising a lot of the (applied) research Prof Herbrich has been doing over the past 15 years. You will learn about a field of machine learning, that allows you to explicitly model your domain knowledge into the algorithms, that accounts for uncertainty, is fast and can be highly scaled. This openHPI course will cover both the theoretical as well as practical and computational aspects of probabilistic machine learning. And the best: it's completely free!