Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI


The HPI Research Schools for "Service-Oriented Systems Engineering" and "Data Science and Engineering" annually grants new full scholarships to talented young researchers:

  • Ph.D. scholarships
  • and Postdoc scholarships

The scholarships are not subject to income tax.

Support is available for research work of Ph.D. candidates, as well as post-docs.

Scholarship holders enjoy a great research environment, close mentorship by professors and postdocs of the research school, interaction with many peers, enormous computing power with HPI’s data lab, and significant travel funding.


If you have prior experience or interest in either "Service-Oriented Systems Engineering" or "Data Science and Engineering", you are invited to apply with the following documents:

  1. Curriculum vitae and copies of certificates/transcripts
  2. Brief research proposal, ideally mentioning the suitable HPI research group(s) you would like to work with.
  3. Work samples/copies of relevant scientific work (e.g., master's thesis)
  4. Letter of recommendation


Applications have to be submitted by February 1 and August 15 of the respective year. Starting times are usually at the beginning of April and October, respectively.



Please check the open positions page of the HPI website for additional information.