Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

clean-IT Conference

March 30, 2022

The clean-IT Conference is an international platform for the exchange of ideas to make the digital world more sustainable. High-ranking policy and industry leaders engaged in a dialogue with academia and civil society to address the pressing issue of how digital technologies can support the fight against climate change and what needs to be done to reduce the carbon footprint of digitalization.

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At a Glance

clean-IT Conference 2022

Goals of the clean-IT Conference 2022

It is clear that digital technologies are indispensable for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reducing carbon emissions in many sectors. Digital technologies are the key to reduce poverty, malnutrition or hunger, conflict and inequality. Nevertheless, efforts must be made to greatly improve the energy-efficiency of IT systems. This includes measures to develop methods to make IT systems more energy-efficient. To achieve this goal stakeholders of all sectors need to work together to make "sustainability by design" in computing the leading paradigm of digital engineering.

    Image Gallery: Clean-IT Conference 2022

    Short CVs of the Speakers of the clean-IT Conference

    Prof. Dr. Uwe Aßmann

    Dr. André Bauer

    Dr. Franziska Brantner

    Björn Brundert

    Mei Lin Fung

    Tobias Gerbothe

    Dr. Philipp Herzig

    Dr. Konstantinos Karachalios

    Robin Lamberti

    Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel

    Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner

    Ferdinand Mütsch

    Mathias Renner

    Dr. Bernhard Rohleder

    Johannes Rudolph

    Jan Peter Schemmel

    Stefan Schnorr

    Oliver Süme

    Prof. Dr. Maik Thomas

    Ingobert Veith

    Jurg van Vliet

    clean-IT Conference Partners

    During the conference our premium partner SAP SE, as well as other partners and exhibitors like VMware, Huawei Technologies, Otto-Group Solution Provider and Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation presented the latest technological developments in sustainable digitalization with practical examples.

    openHPI-MOOC: Sustainable Software Engineering

    Would you like to further your education in the field of clean-IT? Then check out the Sustainable Software Engineering and our free mooc platform openHPI.