Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI


After your submitted documents have been examined by the Dean's Office as well as by the International  Office, you will be permitted to apply for registration as a doctoral student. In order to do so, please submit the following documents to the appropriate department at the International Relations Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt "Immatrikulierte Studierende der Universität Potsdam):

  • Request for registration(Immatrikulation)  
  • Curriculum vitae in chart-form
  • one passport-size photo
  • Written declaration from your academic supervisor including a description of the dissertation topic and research area
  • Declaration of your intent to undertake doctoral studies signed by the Dean
  • Copy of your authorization to study at university
  • Certified copy of the certificate showing a completed university degree
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Copy of your residence title (Aufenthaltsbewilligung) for the purposes of undertaking doctoral studies at the University of Potsdam and/or a copy of your residency permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis)
  • Copy of the certificate stating that you are no longer registered at the last university attended in Germany (Exmatrikulationsbescheinigung)
  • If necessary, a copy of the scholarship awarded

Please note the office hours of the staff responsible for these matters.

Don't forget to inform us of your current address in Germany. If your documents are complete, you will receive a remittance slip by mail for the payment of semester fees. You are permitted to apply for acceptance as a doctoral student at the University of Potsdam at any time, but the following factors should still be taken into consideration:

The academic year is divided into two semesters: the winter semester lasts from October 1st to March 31st and the summer semester lasts from April 1st to September 30th. Semester fees must be paid in full irrespective of the time of registration. This makes it more favourable for students to register, if possible, at the beginning of the semester. 
Registration for the summer semester is only possible until July 15th. Registration for the winter semester is only possible until January 15th.

Registration Renewal

Foreign students who wish to renew their registration, apply for a leave of absence or terminate their registration must go to the International Relations Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) at the University of Potsdam, and specifically to their Office for Registered International Students (Büro: Immatrikulierte ausländische Studierende).

Registration renewal periods: Students are required to renew their registration each semester by paying semester fees. Renewal of registration for the winter semester in the period between June 15th and July 15th. Renewal of registration for the summer semester takes place from January 15th to February 15th

At the beginning of June and/or at the beginning of January, you will receive a letter from the Student Administration Office (Studierendensekretariat) with a remittance slip (Überweisungsträger) that you will need for the payment of the semester fees. If you have not received the remittance slip by June 25th/January 25th, please contact the International Relations Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt).
Please take note of the information/instructions on the back of the remittance slip.
When renewing your registration each semester, please use the payment form sent to you. In order to ensure that your registration renewal payment is received by the International Relations Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) on time, you should make payment by July 8th  or February 8th . If you do not meet these time deadlines, you will have to pay additional charges. 

If, at the time of registration renewal, you are not able to pay the required sum, we ask that you submit a request for approval of a "delayed registration renewal" (verspätete Rückmeldung) in writing to the International Relations Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) by July 15th/ February 15th. Please inform the International Relations Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) at this time of the date upon which you will be able to make payment. 

A delayed registration renewal is possible until mid-September/mid-March. After that, the student's registration will automatically be terminated. 

You are obligated in principle to pay the entire registration renewal fee even if you don't need a Semesterticket (the ticket used for public transportation in Berlin and Brandenburg). Students will be exempt from paying the fee for the Semesterticket only if one of the following is the case:

  • You are handicapped in such a way that makes it impossible to use public transport
  • You live outside the Berlin-Brandenburg public transportation network for studying purposes
  • You have a lengthy illness that semester

A request to be exempt from paying semester fees should be directed only to the AStA der Universität Potsdam. Only students on a leave of absence can request an exemption from the Semesterticket fee – this must be done at the International Relations Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt).

If you pay the semester fees on time, and if you have no restriction notices (Sperrvermerk), you can update your chip card at one of the chip card terminals. However, payment is often not enough. Please contact the International Relations Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) to inquire as to whether you have any outstanding restriction notices stating, for example, that you have not yet handed in a copy of your health insurance, residence permit, certificate of graduation and/or if you have a delayed registration renewal, etc.

Leave of Absence

Students who need to take a leave of absence due to illness or other reasons (studies abroad, pregnancy), are required to submit a Request for a Leave of Absence (Antrag auf Beurlaubung) during the registration renewal period. This request form must be accompanied by proof (medical certificate, copy of the pregnancy passport, i.e. the "Mutterpass," etc.). We ask that you submit your request for a leave of absence before you pay the fees. 

Please note that leave of absence semesters are counted as university semesters (Hochschulsemester) but not as semesters in which you are actually studying (Fachsemester).

A student´s obligation to pay fees is not affected by a leave of absence. This rule is outlined in the payment rules determined by the student union (Studentenwerk) and the student council (Studierendenschaft). There will be no exemption from payment of the administrative fees. Exemption from payment of the Semesterticket can be applied for. A leave of absence after the semester has already begun is only possible if the student can produce a medical certificate that states that a leave of absence is advisable for the entire term.

Termination of Registration

Students who wish to leave the University of Potsdam are required to submit a written request (schriftlicher Antrag) to the International Relations Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt). Termination of registration can also take place "officially" if the student has

  • Passed the final examination or
  • Has not renewed registration on time and in the proper manner

A request for termination of registration must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Student identification (Studierendenausweis) and I.D. certificates (Studienbescheinigungen), if the termination is to take place before the end of the semester
  • In the case of a transfer from one university to the other, a copy of the admission certificate

The request should indicate the day upon which the registration termination should go into effect. A retroactive termination is not possible. If you will be finishing your studies by the end of that semester, please submit you request for registration termination and a copy of the graduation certificate to the International Relations Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt). Renewal of registration in a study program in which you have taken the final examination is not possible. A registration renewal received by mistake is not valid.