Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

openHPI: Open Online courses

Keeping in Step with the Digital Transformation – with MOOCs from openHPI

In the digitally evolving IT world, Hasso Plattner Institute (http://hpi.de) helps people not only to keep pace, but also to lead the march. The CeBIT exhibitor and e-learning specialist (Hall 9, Stand D44) strives to achieve the goal of making students, and people of ages, fit for the challenges of  the rapidly changing information technology field - and to do it  free of charge. This is achieved through the interactive educational platform https://open.hpi.de. The platform is unique worldwide because it concentrates exclusively on information technology and offers its courses in German, English and Chinese.

HPI offers its platform to other educational providers as well, and in the future will also be offering a “MOOC House.” Here, the capacity for Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is available to all based on need. At openHPI nearly 150,000 enrollments from around 76,000 users who hail from roughly 150 countries were recorded up to the end of 2014.  All of the 14 online courses that have been offered since September 2012 can still be accessed for self-study. At CeBIT, Hasso Plattner Institute will present its complete annual program for openhpi, while giving visitors an opportunity to test the courses. The lecture portal www.tele-task.de, which is in a sense the “backbone“ for the online course openHPI, will also be presented.