Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Press Information

All CeBIT press information of the Hasso Plattner Institute at a glance.


Stand Design

Sketches and pictures of the HPI Pavilion and the Open Space (Hall 9, D44). Source: HPI/K. Herschelmann

Digital Artist

HPI researcher Sebastian Pasewaldt (blue sweater) transforms pictures and videos into comics. Source: HPI/K. Herschelmann

Interactive Tactic Board

HPI researcher Keven Richly (l.) helps sports teams to identify  tactical patterns. Source: HPI/K. Herschelmann

Smart Maps

HPI researcher Benjamin Hagedorn helps to design intelligent 3-D maps of the cities of tomorrow. Source: HPI/K. Herschelmann

Load Simulator

The research group of Dr. Matthias Uflacker (r.) examines in-memory databases with the help of high-performance computers. Source: HPI/K. Herschelmann

Containing Epidemics with Big Data Analysis

The Hasso Plattner Institute helps to contain epidemics with the real-time analysis of big data. Source: HPI/K. Herschelmann