Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI



Consul General David Gill Visits HPI New York

On July 25, 2018, David Gill, the Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in New York and Vice Consul for Cultural Affairs and Science, Anna Garrido visited HPI’s New York City headquarters at 10 Hudson Yards where they met with Dr. Joann Halpern, Director of HPI New York. During the visit, they discussed the collaboration in academia and industry between the United States and Germany, HPI’s research groups as well as Design Thinking, MOOCs, Schul-Cloud, and GesundheitsCloud.

Gerneralkonsul Gill at HPI NYC
Gerneralkonsul Gill at HPI NYC. (Picture: HPI/Joann Halpern)

Dr. Halpern also spoke about some of the cutting-edge innovations that have been developed at HPI as well as three upcoming events HPI is planning in NYC. From August 9-14 there will be a three-part conference, “Designing Digital Transformation,” with HPI’s D-School and the Global Design Thinking Association. The complete program can be found below.

On September 25th and 26th, HPI is organizing a conference in NYC in collaboration with SAP: “Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Driving the Future of Cyber Security.” Professors from US universities, such as CornellTech and NYU and representatives from SAP, IBM, Siemens, and Cisco will be speaking at the conference. HPI’s cyber security team will also be presenting.

On October 4th, in collaboration with Artory LLC and NYU, a panel discussion at Sotheby’s on blockchain and art is being organized by HPI New York and its partners.

After their discussion with HPI New York, Dr. Halpern gave the Consul General and Vice Consul a tour of the 48th floor where they were introduced to Pepper the Robot, who made quite an impression on them. They also had the opportunity to learn about SAP i.O. and its accelerator program, which includes ten startups that were founded by women. The companies, which HPI NY interacts with on a daily basis, are located right in front of HPI’s NYC office. The Consul General then met the SAP Leonardo team who provided a brief explanation of some of the demos on display.

Consul General Gill and Vice Consul Garrido thoroughly enjoyed their visit to HPI’s NYC office, and were particularly impressed with the research and activities that are being conducted at HPI’s headquarters in Potsdam. Before they left, they expressed interest in having researchers from HPI speak at the German Consulate in the near future.