Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI


A digital learning platform for artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is a key technology that plays an increasingly important role in our economy and daily lives today. But what exactly is AI and how can AI competence be strengthened in Germany? This is the question and task of the pilot project "AI Campus," which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project aims to strengthen artificial intelligence (AI) skills in Germany through digital learning opportunities at an academic level. As a platform partner of the project "AI Campus", HPI is responsible for the technical maintenance of the platform and supports the future course providers with its many years of experience in the conception, implementation, and execution of digital learning offers.

(Source: https://www.ki-campus.org/)

The three-year project is being implemented by a consortium that includes Hasso Plattner Institute as a platform partner as well as the Stifterverband (Donors' Association), the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), and the two companies NEOCOSMO and mmb Institut.

Primary goal

The main goal of the KI-Campus project is to attract a wide range of interested parties in Germany and provide them with training in the area of ​​AI. The use of the pilot online learning opportunities for AI is open to both students and lifelong learners. Therefore, as the project progresses a varied and high-quality academic portfolio will be established.

In the initial stage of the project, a digital learning platform (“KI-Campus”), specializing in the topic of AI, will be developed as a prototype. Various actors (universities, educational institutions, companies, etc.) are enabled to provide online learning opportunities on AI. While achieving the goal of strong networking, the need and acceptance of a nationwide platform will be clarified and long-term operating models developed.

The MOOC platform for the AI Campus

In the sub-project "MOOC platform for the AI ​​campus," HPI is transforming its existing and proven MOOC platform openHPI into an open source project. This includes the control and moderation of the developer community, as well as quality control of the code components contributed by the community.

In addition, the HPI MOOC platform will be further developed for specific projects with a focus on AI-driven features and then, for example, be integrated with features such as chatbots, transcription, translations, and recommendations.

More information: https://www.ki-campus.org.