Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI



openHPI: Series of three online courses on cyber security starting in January

openHPI, the online learning platform of the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI), will kick off its 2021 annual program on January 13 with a series of three free online courses on cybersecurity. Participants who successfully complete an exam at the end of the series can look forward to receiving a qualified certificate from the Potsdam-based scientific institution in March. Such a certificate is usually only awarded after successful completion of a six-week online course.

The three short free courses are each two weeks long and are led by HPI Director Prof. Christoph Meinel. The topics of the English-language "Massive Open Online Courses" (MOOC) are Confidential Communication in the Internet,Digital Identities and Cyberthreats: Malware. In these courses, participants will learn what risks the Internet poses and what security precautions should be taken against them.

Three courses on security starting on January 13

Starting on January 13, the first course will begin with the topic "Confidential Communication in the Internet." "Participants will learn, for example, whether and to what extent their connection to online banking is secure and whether the content of an e-mail is trustworthy," Meinel said. To this end, he will introduce the basics of cryptography, familiarize participants with different types of encryption and highlight security objectives. Insight into various models and standards used in practice will also be provided.

The second course, starting January 27, is all about digital identities. Meinel will present what digital identities are, what types exist, and how they can be verified—but also attacked. "In this context, participants will learn, among other things, how to protect themselves against identity theft and the importance of strong passwords," the course instructor said.

Course three in the series, starting February 10, focuses on "Cyberthreats: Malware" According to computer science professor Christoph Meinel: "The Internet is increasingly becoming a place for criminal activity. We therefore show which malware and methods the perpetrators use to carry out the most frequent attacks." Of course, protective defense measures will also be covered, for example against e-mail campaigns with malicious attachments that smuggle in the dangerous Trojan malware "Emotet" when opened.

Considered one of the biggest malware threats in the world, it is currently causing huge damage to the networks of companies, institutions and private individuals.

In addition to cyber security, artificial intelligence, blockchain technology and digital health are central topics offered in the program of free openHPI online courses in 2021, open to all interested parties. The current status of the program planning can be found here: https://open.hpi.de/courses.

Background to the openHPI interactive education platform

The Hasso Plattner Institute launched its interactive Internet offerings as a pioneer among European scientific institutions on September 5, 2012 - on the platform https://open.hpi.de. Since then, it has offered free access to current university knowledge from the rapidly changing fields of information technology and innovation. So far, this has mainly been done in German, English and Chinese. In the fall of 2017, however, openHPI also offered online translation and subtitling of a course in eleven world languages for the first time. Meanwhile, more than 867,000 course enrollments have been registered on openHPI. More than 255,000 people from 180 countries belong to the platform's permanent user base. The platform continues to enjoy rapid growth. For particularly successful participants in its "Massive Open Online Courses," or MOOCs for short, the institute has issued around 95,000 certificates to date. The openHPI annual program for 2021 includes numerous offerings for IT beginners and experts. The 70 courses offered in the past can also still be used in self-study - also free of charge. Students can now also receive credit points at their university for completing openHPI courses. Those who want to watch video lessons from the courses while on the move, even if no Internet connection is guaranteed (for example, on an airplane), can also use the openHPI app for Android mobile devices, iPhones or iPads.