Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

The research at the chair of Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel focuses on investigation of scientific principles, methodes and technologies to design and implement novel Internet technologies and innovative Internet-based IT-systems and applications [more]. Hereby we concentrate on efficient, secure, and trustworthy treatment of big data und revealing potentials of Cloud computing and In-Memory technology. Our research work is mainly focused on the following fields:

Prof. Christoph Meinel and his team is hooked on the innovative MOOCs - Massive Open Online Course. They have designed and implemented the first European MOOC plattform which is used by openHPI, openSAP and MOOC.house.

Former research interests from Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel and his team were focused on the 

  • efficient OBDD-based data structures and computational complexity.

Samples of Our Research Work

The results of the academic research of the team of Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel as well as the results of their contract research work are scientifically published, and tested for usability at hand of self designed pilot systems. Later they are delivered to public, business and society.

Here are some samples of the chair's design and implementation work:  

  • Schul-Cloud, a cloud structure project to modernize school education in Germany,
  • HPI Identity Leak Checker and the vulnerability data base HPI-VDB,
  • cloudRAID is a system that enhances the overall security of public cloud storage,
  • HPI platform openHPI for providing massive open online courses (MOOCs),
  • mobile tele-TASK system for recording and broadcasting university lectures and presentations, and the Internet portal www.tele-task.de for the (personalized) presentation of currently more than 5.000 tele-lectures, 
  • blog search engine www.blog-intelligence.de for exploring the blogosphere,
  • virtual Internet labs Tele-Lab IT-Security and SOA-Lab, or
  • Tele-Board system for supporting interactive cooperation of distributed teams of designers and developers.


Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel
Internet Technologies and Systems

Room: G1-E.08
Tel.:  +49 (0)331 5509-222
Fax: +49 (0)331 5509-325
E-Mail: meinel(at)hpi.de


Nicola Mertens
Office Management

Room: G1-E.09
E-Mail: office-meinel(at)hpi.de

Postal address: P.O. Box 90 04 60, D-14440 Potsdam


Hasso Plattner Institute
Campus III
Rudolf-Breitscheid-Straße 187
14482 Potsdam

Video: Chair "Internet Technologies and Systems"